Thursday, June 22, 2023

Masters of the Game

People ask "why are they hiding it" ?  Who are "they"?

You need only look at your Mastercard for the answer.

The main share-holders of Mastercard are the Vanguard Group, Inc. BlackRock, Inc. State Street Global Advisors, Inc.  The three largest shareholders of Pfizer, J&J and Merck are Vanguard, SSGA and BlackRock. Pfizer of course brought us the Covid vaccine.  These people control the world.

Blackrock has a half-a-trillion-dollar deal to rebuild Ukraine.

They know about Nibiru, the Mastercard logo even shows us the two suns - one yellow and one red! Of course they say it represents something else, but it's right in front of our eyes...  conspiracy theory or not, join the dots and understand. 

“The smaller investors are owned by larger investors. Those are owned by even bigger investors. The visible top of this pyramid shows only two companies whose names we have often seen…They are Vanguard and BlackRock. The power of these two companies is beyond your imagination. Not only do they own a large part of the stocks of nearly all big companies but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. This gives them a complete monopoly. A Bloomberg report states that both these companies in the year 2028, together will have investments in the amount of 20 trillion dollars. That means that they will own almost everything. 


I realize this blog post has entered the realm of conspiracy theories, but I just wanted to investigate and show you what I found.  Someone else brought the Mastercard logo to my attention and I went from there.  Blackrock and Vanguard are two words I've heard many times, so I'm not surprised at all.


  1. If we can find out who is on the board of those companies and the primary shareholders...then we can know who are the people who think they are the masters of this world. It's a prison planet people just don't realize feudalism never died and they are owned...only by accepting the yoke of heaven are we truly free

  2. They think they can outsmart G-d. Just wait for the showdown.

  3. When the showdown? Ron

  4. That's the million dollar question Ron. When Moshiach comes. Or maybe earlier. Who knows.

    1. We do know that Moshiach is very close. It has to be for so many reasons.

  5. Thank you Devorah for your honesty and truth telling. It's no 'conspiracy theory'; it is a conspiracy!
    The love of money and wealth has so distorted mankind (the root of all evil) and when there is a dumbdowned world population, the ones who have that wealth think they are gods and want to make the rest of humanity their slaves and depopulate.
    They have taken over the control - almost. But, just as you say above in your comments, 'just wait until the great showddown m'Shamayim'! H' is running this
    whole show to give time for humanity to wake up and do teshuvah. The first time in dor haflagah, HE also allowed man to go as far as they did and then in a
    flash, HE brought them down. Moshiach is close at hand and in a blink of an eye,
    H' will show His Mighty Hand!

  6. Thank you for opening the eyes of many, and showing us the evil that exists.

    Yes, Gd is watching, and laughing.

    Gd owns the world, period. Master, King over all and everything. Amen.

    Mashiach will come, hopefully very soon.

    We just need to look to HaSHEM. Hold on to H-m alone..

    Thanks again for opening our eyes, Devorah, you are chosen for such a time as this.

  7. This is what Donald Trump means when he says he wants to "drain the swamp".
    This is why they want him in jail.

    It's exactly as Rabbi Kessin says, Trump is the good part of Eisav. Even if you hate him, even if he's done things you don't necessarily approve of, he's still fighting to stop the evil. That's why the gematria of his name is the same as Moshiach ben David....424... he's a messianic figure [NOT Moshiach, just on the same side].

    Everything falls into place when you join the dots.

    1. Do you mean to say that we have to wait for him to become president again for Moshiach to arrive? :(

  8. I don't think so, we'll just have to wait and see what happens next.

    But what a scam.... the US sends trillions of dollars to Ukraine to fight Russia, to keep the war going, so Blackrock can be paid more trillions to re-build the country that the US helped to destroy. Trump has always said he would have stopped Russia long ago, he would have brought peace, and that is why they want him jailed. He's messing up their plan. Once you see it, it's so obvious.

  9. I don’t think Klal Yisrael and the world can wait until the Biden presidency is over for Moshiach to come. Trump can’t put an end to world immorality and suffering. It’s too dark and painful to wait much longer. Moshiach is the one that ushers in the Geulah which brings the end to all suffering and corruption. All types of Jews and even many non-Jews have been telling me that they feel that the “Messiah” is extremely close. The immorality has never been worse since the times of the Mabul and only Moshiach and Hashem is going to destroy it all, together with all illness and suffering, very soon.

  10. I agree with Chaim too.

    Only one thing, the real Moshiach will come, and the eyes of others awaiting their 'messiah', will be stunned.

    Truth will come .. with the awaited one and Only Jewish Mashiach, Amen v'Amen..


  11. The only condition for Moshiach:

    כי הוא אלהינו ואנחנו עם מרעיתו וצאן ידו היום אם־בקלו תשמעו
    from TEHILLIM.

    TODAY if you will listen.
    מתי יבוא המשיח? שאלה זו עניינה גם את רבי יהושע בן לוי כשפגש את אליהו הנביא בפתח מערתו של רשב"י. לאחר שריב"ל נפגש עם המשיח בפתחה של רומא ושאל אותו את השאלה, קיבל תשובה מפתיעה - "היום". אבל המשיח לא הגיע באותו היום

    The RAMBAM says that we have to anticipate the arrival of the Moshiach EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. In the most literal sense. It is one of the questions we are asked in Beit Din shel ma'ala.

    The greatest sign of Moshiach's imminent arrival is EY giving generously of its fruit. RASHI. That box has been ticked.

    Our preparation, for Jews everywhere, is of course Torah, mitzvot, tshuva, tsedaka, kiruv levavot, zikui harabim.

    Jews outside of Israel should be planning their aliya, and that of their communities, REGARDLESS OF CIRCUMSTANCES. Unless someone doesn't have da'at (coma, mentally ill etc), they can PLAN and daven. Hashem leads us according to our will. Ratzon in Hebrew is from the root, ratz, running. The ratzon is the start of all movement. People don't want to hear this, but I have heard at least once, that Jews outside EY are delaying the geula. The Yanuka shlita said it.

    We are not dependent on basar vedam, only Hashem. Every Jew who has geula consciousness should be focusing on Moshiach coming TODAY, and stop dampening their own ratzon and that of others. Sometimes this consciousness can express itself in the smallest of actions, giving up your seat on a bus when you are exhausted, refraining from responding when insulted. The Rambam says that every person should see themselves as holding the world in a balance, of fifty fifty, merits and demerits, and one's next action will tip the scales in either direction.

    Od maaseh katan umashiach kaan. One small action and Moshiah is here.


    1. It is true that all the signs of Moshisch’s imminent arrival are here! But hasn’t EY been producing generously of its fruit for the last several decades? There was tons of fruit and produce available in eretz yisrael 10 and 20 years ago and probably much more. That’s not imminent to me from that long ago.

  12. LL whilst I fully believe what you write, I have not heard the Yanuka say that because I don't speak Hebrew well enough to understand. A lot of Jews, both in Israel and outside of it, don't even acknowledge their Jewish-ness. I would think that Jews living IN Israel who don't keep the mitzvot are actually delaying the Geula just as much. Isn't it a bigger sin to live in Israel and not keep the mitzvot?

    Many of us cannot make Aliyah due to monetary issues. We have no way of supporting ourselves there, we do not qualifying for "American pensions" etc. Some of us are too sick to even consider moving across the globe. A lot of us yearn to be there anyway, and all frum Jews await Moshiach just as much in the diaspora as in Israel. People don't want to uproot themselves and leave their families behind. It's a huge decision to make and people have all kinds of health issues as well as parnassa issues.

    I would like some more clarification on this, even though I'm sure the Yanuka has very good reason for saying it, I don't find it very helpful to hear it.
    It seems divisive and surely we are to be united rather than pointing the finger. Yes I'm a bit sensitive about that comment, because I for one would give anything to be in Israel with my entire family, but that just seems like a dream at the moment.

    1. I completely agree. Not everyone is able to make Aliyah and the Torah clearly says every Jew will be gathered home to Eretz Yisrael when Moshiach arrives.

  13. It was in one of the videos that you posted. An elderly man was beseeching the Yanuka, when is Moshiach coming already? And that was the Yanuka's response.

    I am aware of the complexities of life, but regardless of your circumstances, you can plan, ask Hashem for a miracle for what it is you really want. Hashem can heal you and give you parnasa and any other yeshua you need, and you yourself can take a step, 'sa' (the message given to Moshe Rabbeinu when we were at Yam Suf, move forward even though it is impossible). Have an aliya journal, start making lists, getting paperwork in order, decluttering, pack up some part of your possessions. You can also encourage your families and communities. Most Jews in galut live in the US, and according to Pew, 80% of them are happy with their life according to all different parameters. It is not unusual to read comments from US Jews saying that their lives are too good for them to make aliya. Israeli speakers visiting the US, rabbonim and others, are told under no circumstances should they talk about aliya.

    For anything in life , we have to have the ratzon, daven and take the action we can, big or small. I would strongly recommend listening to Rav Brody, lazerbeams or emunabeams, about emuna in general and with respect to making aliya. Hashem doesn't expect us to overcome our challenges by ourselves, but He does expect us to believe that He can do anything, and to ask for His help.

    A lot of Jews, both in Israel and outside of it, don't even acknowledge their Jewish-ness. We have to daven for them, but I am obviously talking about the frum Jews who stay in galut out of choice.

    I would think that Jews living IN Israel who don't keep the mitzvot are actually delaying the Geula just as much.
    Obviously, I'm not qualified to weigh in on that, but I haven't heard that. But let's remember that the so-called secular are now the minority of Israeli Jews and even they are are still keeping many more mitzvot than their counterparts outside of Israel, and they have the mitzva of yishuv ha'aaretz which is shkula keneged col hamitzvot.

    Isn't it a bigger sin to live in Israel and not keep the mitzvot?
    Again, I'm not qualified to answer that, and for me this isn't the issue. The issue is that Jews who do keep the mitzvot outside of Israel are giving their zechuyot to the sar of that nation, whilst if they were in Israel they would be strengthening the Jewish hold on the Land. Rav Anava said that. And hastening the geula.

    I would like some more clarification on this, even though I'm sure the Yanuka has very good reason for saying it, I don't find it very helpful to hear it.It seems divisive and surely we are to be united rather than pointing the finger.
    There is a difference between someone who would move to Israel in a heartbeat, even in modest circumstances, if they weren't sick etc., and people who refuse to leave their comfort zone. We are supposed to be united, but in the truth. Eighty percent of the Jews died in Mitzrayim.

    Yes I'm a bit sensitive about that comment, because I for one would give anything to be in Israel with my entire family, but that just seems like a dream at the moment.
    I believe you, and I think that you should start taking practical steps.
    A small anecdote: once I was in the centre of town, and had to get the last bus home. Missing it would have meant walking home for over an hour after midnight. I was walking up a particularly steep hill and heard the bus behind me. I started running even though it was absolutely impossible for me to get to the stop before the bus. The driver saw me running and stopped the bus to let me get on where I was. If I had just given up, I would have been just another person walking in the street and the bus would have passed me by.

    Be"D when you take some action, Hashem will meet you where you are.


  14. For anon 4.25, they are Rashi's words on a pasuk from Yechezkiel:
    אז יקרב הקץ ואין לך קץ מגולה יותר
    the end is approaching/near, and there is no end more revealed. Maybe imminent was a bad transaltion. Maybe a few decades is a blink of an eye for Hashem. Anyway, my point was why go off on a detour when we have the words of David Hamelech, Rashi and the Rambam?

    Israeli rabbis are begging Jews to make aliya.
    מסר מדניאל: 🔺 דָּרַךְ כּוֹכָב מִיַּעֲקֹב! 🔻


  15. I'm sorry, but you didn't understand what I wrote. Just for example, some advice from Rav Brody was to open a bank account that is your aliya account. Every week you deposit one dollar. The idea is that you take some small action. Give Hashem an opening for the bracha. That is not jumping off a building and saying Hashem will save me, but creating a kli for the bracha, to move your aliya forward. Sometimes we do have to be simple in our emuna in Hashem. Why can't someone who wants to make aliya, take a notebook, label it the aliya journal and start planning the steps? Surely that is easy to do.

    Maybe we shouldn't rely on a miracle, but neither should we slam the door closed and bolted to the possibility of Hashem giving us a nes.

    As for lost Jews, obviously someone doing outreach and kiruv is a completely different category, but most Jews are not doing that.

    You really should contact Rav Brody, tell him your circumstances and ask for advice.

    I hope you let go of your resentment and hakpada towards me, after all I was trying to encourage you. I'm going to take a break.


  16. It's not resentment towards you LL, it's just a general feeling that those Jews in Israel feel superior to those of us who aren't. I have felt this often in many comments that used to appear here, or on other blogs. And I can understand it, in a way, because if I lived in Israel I would probably feel the same way.

    I think your idea of planning Aliyah in a journal is a good one, to make a practical effort instead of just dreaming about it. It's like saying a prayer to Hashem instead of just thinking it. As the Lubavitcher Rebbe always said "action is the main thing". So yes, I agree with you, that even if we can't do it, we can pretend to be doing it in a very small way.

    Rabbi Brody is quite old now, he would not have the ability to travel to the diaspora and talk to Jews there, which is a shame because his presence and knowledge would spur people on. Most Rabbis in the diaspora never talk about Aliya or even Moshiach !! And that is exactly why I get my Torah from the internet.

    1. Rabbi Lazer Brody is not that quite old. I think he just traveled recently to the states to give lectures. He’s full of energy and works out on a daily basis. He even has workout tips on one of his YouTube channels.

  17. Remember the Messiah is for the whole world. Adam is an acronym for Adam David Messiah. He is the perfect Adam or in gematria 45. Donald Trump has triumphed over his Yetzer Hara and is the perfect candidate for Messiah. I am just looking for Elijah to confirm it.

    1. Not true. Mashiah is from King David dynasty.


  18. Unfortunately, Trump is not a Jew, he cannot be Moshiach. Who are you Anonymous 3:29?
    45 is also the gematria of Geula - גאולה

  19. There is a very auspicious calculation about the time between adam and Dovid HaMelech’s malchus that comes out to 5783.

  20. Yose: I had to look up "crypto Jew". Interesting... it did occur to me that maybe he has a Jewish soul and was born into Xtianity. Just a thought running through my head, and probably not true, but he certainly fits the bill in some many ways, including the jail part. I'm just thinking aloud, of course it could be ridiculous as well.

    Erev Rav no doubt

  22. SKBZK: Because I didn't really do any research, his name and identity just came up on something I was reading. Surreal is right.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Hi Devorah - below comment is one xtians use to convert Jews - that Yosef was Yoshke and Jews won't recognize the Messiah as he will be in an Xtian 'costume'
    Luiz Eduardo said...
    Devorah said (...) "Interesting... it did occur to me that maybe he has a Jewish soul and was born into Xtianity."

    It sounds like the story of Yoseph in Mitzrain.

    Yoseph was hidden behind a egyptian figure so his brothers couldn't recognize him.

    Anyway Yoseph conquered the whole world, i.e., almost everyone has a Bible (or at least free and easy access to it) with the Tanach in there.

    Many people will find out about their own lifes with the help of Mashiach hidden behind a Xtian costume.

    You may want to remove this

  25. Thank you Rivkah, I didn't have time to investigate who this commenter was talking about... so I just had to go over the comments again, and I can see he's saying that Trump could be a Jewish soul born in Xtianity. If that was in any way true, I'm sure Rabbi Kessin would have told us by now. Anyway I've deleted the comment. I don't feel Trump to be Jewish in any way at all. He is the epitome of Edom. Thanks Rivkah, I deleted that comment.

  26. Shalom, Devorah!

    I wasn't talking about Trump. I agree with you, he is not to be trusted by Israel (even though Medina Israel even called him "prince of Peace"!!!).

    I was talking about the real Mashiach and I can back what I said using the Zohar and the Tanach.

    Please read this:

    I will post the Zohar text here if you aprove this comment otherwise I will rest my case.

  27. Moshiach must come from the lineage of King David. If Moshiach was born a nonJew then his father must be able to trace his lineage back to David haMelech, and his father would have married a nonJew.

    If he was a Jewish soul born into a nonJewish body, he would have converted to Judaism because his soul would have pulled him there. So he would be a convert.
    I don't think Moshiach is a convert, but we don't know, so that's where we are... we don't know who Moshiach ben David is, but he must be able to trace his lineage back to King David.
    No rabbi or tzadik has ever put this idea forward [that Moshiach wold was a nonJew], so I'm very doubtful.

    But if anyone is keeping up with the comments at
    the latest post
    on Years of Awe, we do know who the current MBY is.


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