Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Sun

Today is Gimel Tamuz, the day that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still in Gibeon [Joshua 10:13], and also the 29th Yarzheit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.  So here I give you some recent photos of our sun, where you can clearly see it is not normal.  There is a giant planet behind the sun, causing it to appear as if there is a giant red halo around it.  

I tried to get the videos at the end of the post, but they ended up in the centre.  Can't see to move them, so they are stuck there.

See here, another planet or moon on top of the sun, as well as the giant red halo.

This is the sun, with an asteroid passing in front of it, and there have been thousands of photos of the sun looking incredibly weird.  This has nothing to do with wildfires.

This is the sun being cut off by a planet over it.

Here you can see a giant sun or planet on top of our sun.

Wisconsin: you can clearly see the red around it.

Planet above the sun.


  1. Can you please give me a little bit of an opinion as to why 'they' would be hiding this.... I mean all of the governments....


  2. I don't really know the definitive answer to that. I always assumed it's because they think people would panic, or perhaps "they" are the ones who are panicking. I just don't understand why someone like me with just an Iphone in my hand can take a photo of an asteroid moving in the sky at night, and there's nothing in the news about it, never mind all these photos and videos appearing daily in various places. Why are they frantically blocking the sun with chemtrails? They say it's to reduce the heating up of the earth. Such nonsense, but that's what they tell the pilots of these planes, who think they are doing us a favour. Especially in Germany, where the sky is criss-crossed until you ca hardly see the sky. They definitely don't want people seeing a second sun.

    Also, the weather seems to have been getting colder, rather than hotter. We are at the start of winter and it's totally freezing here. It snowed in Oregon, or somewhere like that, just yesterday, and it's summer there.
    The planets are causing the weather changes, not our sun.

    Bur we are being lied to about it all.
    Why wouldn't NASA show us these incredible events happening? I have no idea why, but it's kinda creepy that they are trying to keep it a secret.
    Meanwhile "they" have their bunkers to retreat to, if they think we're going to be wiped out by Nibiru, which I don't believe is going to happen anyway.
    It really is a world of lies that we live in.

  3. King David declares in his beloved Book of Tehillim - Psalms, 119:89 that G-d's world, our univers will FOREVER endure. Please see the Alter Rebbe's Sefer-Book of Tanya, where he explains it,, more in- depth.Susan... PS: Devorah, can you ask someone to shed more light on this? Pun intended!

  4. Thanks for the above 'explanation'

    I really enjoy your blog:)



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