Showing posts with label Yanuka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yanuka. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Prayer from the Yanuka for Peace of Mind


This is a prayer given by the Yanuka to someone who was suicidal, with instructions to read on a daily basis, as well as to sniff besamim [fragrant spices].  It was sent to me by someone who wishes to remain anonymous.   I don't have an English version, sorry.  If anyone does, please leave a comment.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

"Amen Yehai Sh'mai Raba" - Yanuka - with transcription

 Transcription of first half

With regards to the answering of  "Amen, may His great name be blessed" - אמן יהא שמיה רבה

I have spoken about this - אמן יהא שמיה רבה -  it is an individual redemption and a general redemption.

This is saying that if a person wishes to act before Hashem any sort of salvation, for what he needs from HaKodesh Baruch Hu, then he performs a salvation before HaKodesh Baruch Hu - individual and general.  

This is written in Zohar Noach 62b, in the Zohar Terumah 120b. In the Beit Yosef 56 he cites this. We mentioned yesterday Shabbat 119 in the name of  Tosafot that this helps for the salvation of the Jewish nation. In Massechet Sotah 49a and in Massechet Brachot 39a according to Tosafot we see that there is significance that a person says "Amen may His great Name be blessed", that his decree is torn up.

The Sefer Chareidim mentions that there is atonement... there are a few types of atonement for a person. One of the atonements that he mentions first is to say "Amen may his great Name be blessed". This is among the atonement that can atone for a person's soul.

When a person says אמן יהא שמיה רבה with kavana [concentration and meaning] this is atonement for him. When a person has atonement, HaKodesh Baruch Hu acts towards him with all good, from all good, in whatever he desires.

[He then goes on to explain what "kavanah" means.]

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Yanuka: Every Pain in the World

Every pain in the entire world is the pain of the Divine

Transcription below [he speaks like a poet!]

All of the troubles that we hear and all the pain that we see 
Is the pain of the Divine Presence 
Every person who has pain in his house 
Every pain in the entire world, is the pain of the Divine Presence 

There was the great R' Meir from Afta
At the end of his book Ohr Lashamayim 
He asks a question and he responds to the question 
He asks, what type of righteous person will be on a higher level 
Is it the righteous person who wants suffering
And will accept suffering upon himself to suffer for the sake of the Jewish nation ?
Or a righteous person who does not desire suffering? 

And there he concludes that the righteous person who does not want suffering is on a higher level
than the one who desires suffering.

There he explains the reason for this. 
He says that we know that every pain and affliction that any Jew has -
Regarding this it says: "in all their troubles He was troubled" 
Hakadosh Baruch Hu feels the pain of this affliction just as the Jew feels pain 
The pain of the family and the pain of the person 
This is pain that is drawn above 
And some of the pain of the Divine Presence descends down to us. 

The pain that we feel here is infinitely small to the extent that we cannot imagine compared to the pain of the Divine Presence 
The Divine Presence is crying 
And when a person leaves the world there is the sound of a cry that is heard from one end of the world until the other
We see that Hakadosh Baruch Hu, He is in pain and He is pained by the situation that we the Jewish people find ourselves in  

Hashem informs us of this pain so that we must understand that we cannot continue in this exile 
But today the exile has reached the situation that the majority of the world thinks that it is possible to remain and function like this.

The exile is comfortable.

If there is an illness then people go to the doctor 
If there is [difficulty] earning a living, they go to the parents 
Eyes are not turned towards Heaven 
The eyes are a great distance away 

And then they see the great destruction that exists in the world 
They see the pain and the suffering that our nation is experiencing
We all, all of us, each of us experiences what he experiences whether specifically or generally  Everyone has something to contend with.

And this pain, this trouble, experienced by every man, by every woman this is literally the pain of the Divine Presence 
And a person who feels this pain must understand that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is hinting to him 
Pray for the Divine Presence 

Rabenu Yosef Chaim wrote a responsa called Rav Pe'alim 
In chapter 1,  He writes at the beginning 
Whoever wishes to delve into this – this is fascinating 
In order to understand what is the Divine Presence, in order to understand what is Tikkun Chatzot 
What is it that we say: "For the sake of the unification of the Holy One, Blessed is He, and His Divine Presence" 

To understand these concepts well, it is worthwhile to study them 
In order to understand the depths of these things 
But what we must ask from Hashem
Every time, every day – is to pray for the Divine Presence 
To understand the pain that it has 
It does not come from wherever it is in the world
It is from the Divine Presence 
The Divine Presence informs us of this pain 
And asks of us – a request of mercy 
Ask for mercy for Me 
Ask that I  will not have this trouble 
Ask that there be a unification of the Holy One, Blessed is He, and His Divine Presence
Because I always recommend that everyone say A blessing before 

Before every thing to say: "for the sake of the unification of the Holy One, Blessed is He and His Divine Presence"

Monday, June 26, 2023

Yanuka: The Greatness of the Souls of Israel

Hebrew - English subtitles

This one is for the people who are suffering.  We are all suffering but some have great suffering in their lives.  This is for you.

I know there are many non-Jews reading my blog.... if you are one of them and have connected to the Jewish people and the Torah, you have a special soul and you should not feel excluded. Righteous Gentiles have a place in Olam HaBo - the World to Come.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Yanuka: Care and Caution

Hebrew with English subtitles

 "A person can be punished and live 70, 80 years for a claim that someone has against him... we must be careful not to harm any person..."

Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Yanuka: Letting Go of Your Stubbornness

Hebrew with English subtitles 2 mins

[How to rectify the sin of the Golden Calf and of Adam]

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Yanuka: Safeguarding the Eyes

"The eye is the way to come closer to Hashem..... all of the functioning of the body is through the eyes..

based on what is seen, all of the body organs, sinews.... all follow what a person sees."

Hashem wants us to see the beauty of His creation and lift our eyes to Heaven.

Regarding this Yeshayahu said "Raise your eyes on high and see who created these things".

Video: Hebrew with English subtitles.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

"Where is the Messiah?"


The tzaddik Rabbi Zafarani in an exciting meeting with the Yanuka - Where is the Messiah?

English subtitles

Monday, April 24, 2023

The Yanuka: Suffering for the Beit HaMikdash

"The body must be crushed.... therefore there is so much suffering today"

The Yanuka, Hebrew with English sub-titles.  Video only 2.35 mins.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Yanuka: "For My Sake The World Was Created"

5 minutes, Hebrew with English subtitles.

If the English subtitles do not appear, run your mouse over and click on the Cog in the bottom right hand corner of the video, click on Subtitles and the click on English.

Monday, October 24, 2022

The Yanuka


"A soul like his does not descend in every generation, it descends once in many generations" 

Rav Shlomo Yehudah Be'eri, known as "The Yanuka", born in 1988 - knows the entire Torah, Talmud, Zohar by heart.   You can read a lot more about him here.