This audio is from 2021 - Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Transcription can be found here
Two soldiers, a Muslim and a Jew, praying side by side.
Photo: סטטוסים מצייצים [not a page I look at, but this photo was shared by a friend, H/T Judy]
H/T Sherry
Does Yishmael do teshuva at the End of Days?
Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
What will happen when Eisav and Yishmael join forces? Who is Yishmael? Rabbi Daniel Glatstein elaborates on events that will take place at the End of Days in another sensational lecture based on the Parsha.
Rabbi Alon Anava
How to have bitachon, complete faith in G-d, and no fear.
Art: Dena Ackerman |