Rabbi Kessin is amazing. It is clear that him and rabbi palvanov hold very different beliefs and that rabbi palvanov’s prediction about the comet ending with Moshiach coming within 70 days from Sep 25th/25th of Elul was wrong. There is no comet growing in the sky that anyone is talking about, and Trump will still not be president on the 70th day from Friday, the 25th of Sep/Elul.
From what I remember the Palvanov Comet/Zohar prophecy had nothing to do with Trump but with the death of a leader in Beirut and the end of the 70 days was in Chanukah - please correct me if I am mistaken , Rivkah
Yes the 25 Elul saw the death of Nasrallah. I do remember him speaking about Chanukah, but the 70 days ends around December 6, and Chanukah this year is xmas day. 25 Kislev this year is 25 December.
"that anyone is talking about" - when you say "anyone" do you mean the ultra-busy frum people surrounding you, who don't have a minute to breathe, let alone check the sky at a certain hour? Because that has been my experience with my acquaintances. When I'd ask them, they'd tell me they forgot to check. It's way down on their list of priorities, especially as they really don't have much curiosity about such esoteric phenomena.
Pogrom in Amsterdam against thousands of Jews. Israelis still missing, Hashem Yishmor. Authorities, what authorities. Nearly all suspects have been released. The exile is over, everywhere. Goyish leaders will not save you. Hashem doesn't want our predictions, He wants our tfilot and our aliya.
R.Kessin frequently refers to the "Satanic Interpretation" of human history i.e. that Satan and his demands before Hashem's Court for strict justice against an unworthy humanity and an undeserving Israel being the main determinant of all personal. national and international events!
How about this for a Satanic scenario: Biden resigns, becomes ill or dies within the next 2 months. VP Harris legally becomes President Harris......(and even appoints Hillary as her VP!).
A natural disaster/war/False Flag attack/national calamity/social unrest/an economic, food, power or banking collapse etc., results in a State of Emergency/Martial Law/Curfew being declared. Trump's January 20 inauguration is delayed or cancelled, and the Messianic Age held back, maybe for 10, 20, 50, even 100 years: is this a realistic possibility?!
As Rabbi PInchas Winston wrote: "According to the Zohar, the entire period of time allotted for Techiyas HaMeisim is between 210-214 years in advance of 6000. These are not the opinions of obscure rabbis, but of Rebi Yehudah HaNasi, the author of the Mishnah, and Rebi Yitzchak, a central figure of the same time period. They are, therefore, mainstream opinions, with which no one argues, at least not in the Zohar."
In reply to Anon above comment. It wouldn't matter even if she (KH) had to take over for a couple of months or 1-1/2 months because the next president has already been elected. It wouldn't matter an iota, she would be a lame-duck pres.
Every calculation for nearly 2000 years..... except they didn't have all the other signs that our generation has. We have ALL the signs written to occur before Moshiach.
Devorah is 100% correct on everything written on this page, including quoting the holy Zohar (the authority on Kabbalah and is never wrong) that techiyas hameisim must begin no later than the end of 5789. It is very possible for Moshiach to arrive this year. Very possible.
Thank you Yisrael. I'm beside myself with everything Rabbi Kessin said in that video, I'm so happy to hear these things, I told you we turned a corner when Trump won the election.... and as Rabbi Kessin says "this is a fulfilment of the Messianic process".
I'm not saying Moshiach isn't coming. The opposite. But the last few years, decade maybe have been replete with very particular calculations and predictions that didn't come to pass. In the meantime, Hashem is sending us very clear messages, three attacks on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, and this is what we should be responding to. All the calculations are a distraction from two things: 1. What can I do right now to hasten the redemption and respond to the current reality. Answer, everything in my power to make aliya, with my family, friends, community. Cant? Tefilla. If you don't believe that Hashem is hakol yachol, or in the power of your tefillot, I don't know what to say. 2. Asking for the geula now. And Trump is not our friend. He may have gone to the Rebbe's kever, but will he abide by the Rebbe's ruling of not giving up one inch of EY to goyim. If Trump were our friend he would support the transfer of all Arabs from EY to their existing 22 countries, the return of all missionaries to their countries, and the destruction of all places of idol worship in EY. That is a friend of the Jews. Pushing for an Arab state in EY is an enemy.
There are many readers new to this blog. In the summer of 2016 Rabbi Kessin predicted that Donald Trump would be the new USA President even before he won the Republican Nomination based on Rabbi Kessin's understanding of The RamChal and Rabbi Kessin has never wavered from his understanding. Rabbi Kessin bases his understanding of what is happening in the world based on the RamChal, especially the complicated relationship between Yaacov and Eisav in the Torah and that at the "End of Days" Eisav "serves" Yaacov and "Helps" Yaacov.
Mr Trump needed 270 electoral college votes to win and will finish with 312 after he took Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Nevada and Arizona in a clean sweep of all seven swing states. Source: News.com
312 is the gematria of הֶֽהָשֵׁ֤ב which means "to take back" or "return"
Many of Rabbi Kessin's Shiurim are at https://torahanytime.com/speakers/331. A very important Shiur in understanding the Guela Process is on Page 14 - from 1/1/1990 Lashon Harah - Part 5. There are 17 Shiurim on Yaakov & Eisav [about 25 hours]. The Shiurim from 2016 appear to be all there and are on Page 10 when Rabbi Kessin 1st started to speak about Donald Trump. When Rabbi Kessin speaks now - he is referencing all these hours of talks. I was 1st introduced to Rabbi Kessin in about 1989.
btw, a well known Hebrew speaking very much geula rabbis rabbi Yinon Kalazan and rabbi Yosef Biton regarding kochav yaakov said that we are not there, there should be a war between edom and paras and then it comes https://www.youtube.com/@Yinonkalazan and https://www.youtube.com/@%D7%94%D7%9E%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%91%D7%9C%D7%94%D7%A8%D7%91%D7%99%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%A3%D7%91%D7%99%D7%98%D7%95%D7%9F%D7%A9%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%98%D7%90%D7%94%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%9E%D7%93%D7%94%D7%A0
Did they say anything about 25 Elul ? Please don't say we have to wait for the next Elul to come around, but that will not be on the day of the week mentioned in the Zohar.
R' Yosef Biton says that ''trump wants to finish all the wars, but trump doesn't know himself that he is starting the wars...'' He is very much like R' Kessin. You can't find these type of lectures in english or any other language... The world war and gog u magog is ahead of us, we are not there yet....Do not be afraid of gog u magog, it's very good for jews and bad for goim....
the rabbi said that when you see that one country falls after another, the kochav yaakov itgale, but before this even there will be geula for our bodies and separation from tuma, Look, this mekubal is not a simple rabbi...R' Yinon Kalazan is pretty much the same.... There will be birur gadol outside israel and inside israel, and only clean soul will stay...Most outside israel are sleeping, return to eretz israel is a must
Jews are being attacked in the US, seemingly on a daily basis, murdered, attempted child snatching, etc, etc. But they've rationalised it. Anything rather than making a change. Three significant attacks on the Kristallnacht anniversary, that in itself is a chazaka. More important than any calculation or prediction is the question what can I do right now in my life to respond to these very clear messages that Hashem is sending. What can I do to hasten the geula. The answer to both questions is one and the same. I fear that Jews are more than asleep, more akin to comatosed. Talk of the return home is met with actual hostility.
According to the natural order a Trump win seems better, but it would not have been beyond Hashem's capabilities to make Kamala help the Jews and Israel, and Hasheme can make Trump be an enemy to the Jews (for example Biden said don't go in to Rafa and we ignored him, what will we say to Trump if he tells us to leave Gaza, Lebanon etc). Obviously we hope things will turn out for the good but as the mishna in Sotah that predicts the pre-messianic error ends. "We have no one else other than our father in heaven who we can rely on"
Gershon I have no idea why you could imagine that Kamala and her master Obama would have their hearts changed to help the Jews. They are both evil. Why would Hashem want them anywhere? And if Trump hypothetically did tell Israel something we don't approve of.... then wouldn't that be Hashem's WIll as well? Or do you think Trump will rebel against G-d - and is that even possible when Hashem controls the mind of the leaders...
This. Precisely for this reason, I personally would have preferred Kamala, that and to make Jews wake up, instead of thinking they can hunker down in their galut for at least another four years. Trump is on Trump's side. He wants to go down in history, and hte Israeli Arab conflict is the holy grail of international politics. Trump wants an Arab state in EY. He is not our friend.
Sorry, guilty as charged. I love Rav Kessin but I am limited with the amount of spare time I have to listen. My point was just that Lev Malachim Byad Hashem. Like Rav Fingerer said in the other video even King Cyrus could be used by Hashem to bring the building of the Beis HaMikdash.
Near the end of the lecture, Rabbi Kessin makes it clear that Kamala had to go, and Gog/Obama with her.... you can wait for the transcript and read it.
Anon @ 2.30 - you are just another fear monger. doesn't sit well on this blog. you'd be happy to see a witch in the white house just so american jews can panic and prove yourself right. go away and leave us alone.
Thank you Devorah for posting all things on this blog. You work hard and devote a lot of time here and I thank you. I love Rabbi Kessins shiurs and I believe if we focus inward, guard our tongues against loshon hora, I believe this will pave the way for Moshiach to come soon. President elect Trump will clean up gulus, he will end the wars quickly and Moshiach will come peacefully. 🙏
15-year old Natan's near death experience: A bit after 30:30 on slider, he replies "Gog is Obama" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCu8EDCb9Ws
Rabbi Kessin: "Trump may be reincarnation of Antoninus" Rabbi Fingerer: "Trump may be reincarnation of Koresh" (Cyrus) Rabbi Hajioff: "Trump may be reincarnation of Koresh" Rabbi Isser Zalman Weissberg: "Trump may be reincarnation of Koresh" Any others?
I've posted before that I think that Trump is a gilgul of Chever HaKeini, the husband of Yael, the woman who killed Sisera. When Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism, she took the name Yael. And Trump has publicly stated that he would have dated her if she were not his daughter. So Ivanka was Trump's wife in the past life and that is why he lusts after her in this life. "Chever" means friend, and Trump is a friend of the Jewish people. In Balaam's last nevuah, he speaks of "HaKeini" going into exile only to return--like Trump returns to the presidency.
I don't think it's dreadful at all. On the contrary, those statements (which are well known here in America), combined with the fact that Ivanka took the name "Yael" upon converting, seem to be compelling evidence that Trump and his daughter are gilgulim of famous Goyim who were married in a prior life. If Trump (as Chever) was married to Ivanka (as Yael), he can't help feeling that way about her in this life. So I don't think that he has to do teshuva for saying those things. And that's apart from the facts that (1) Lo Sachmod does not apply to a Goy, and (2) father-daughter marriage is permitted to Goyim under the laws of Ben Noach (provided that she isn't married to someone else).
If anything, those comments are additional proof that Trump is connected to Mashiach; as seen in this week's parasha with Lot and his daughters, Mashiach comes from father/daughter intimacy.
Think you have been listening to much to the media. Looks to me like he was joking and he truly admires his daughter/ children, he’s a good dad. Hope he will be a good president to the people his country and Klal Yisroel and our Holyland.
Saying that he 'lusts after his daughter" is dreadful. He admires her, he boasted about her, but lusting after her is a stretch. Apart from that, Trump has done "teshuva" and people shouldn't talk about things he did in the past. That's the past, that was the young Trump, this guy is older and wiser.
Some people are more sensitive spiritually, but it doesn't mean that what they see, dream etc at a particular point will come to pass. Jews change reality with tefilla, mitzvot, words
Moshiach is here and we are being tested. Trump can go either way. It depends on us, whether we trust in Hashem alone, cursed is the man who trusts in man, from Tehillim Putting your faith in the US is what is delaying the geula Trusting in anyone other than Hashem is what removes hashgacha pratit from you
First of all, I don't go to psychics, and I did say that the only reason I watched that video was out of curiosity. Yes Jews can change their mazal, however Trump is not a Jew and that is who the "psychic" is talking about.
And Secondly, I am not "putting my faith" in Trump. Hashem has given Trump an open miracle with his massive sweep of victory. I really wish people would stop thinking that just because we support Trump we are relying on him for everything. Do you really think that Rabbi Kessin has "put his faith in Trump"? Of course we know Hashem is behind it all.
As for the psychic, it was just a comment, didn't mean to mis-lead anyone, and I did say that it's all speculation.
About the Polish guy. My husband is Polish so I gave it to him to watch. This guy has some paranormal capabilities. He has worked with the police to help them find people. He says he has been wrong about 80% of the time, so...but he has garnered pretty good credentials from law enforcement. His so-called vision about Trump shows the president in an ornate building with a very elegant stairway, maybe marble. And Trump faints. He doesn't say that he dies, but faints and it causes quite a panic.
My friend Rivky said to me yesterday that this is the plague of darkness, we cannot see what is going on. To confuse the issue even more, ...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Amen v'Amen.
R. Yitzchak, Blessing is found only in something that is hidden from the eye."
ReplyDeleteRabbi Kessin is amazing. It is clear that him and rabbi palvanov hold very different beliefs and that rabbi palvanov’s prediction about the comet ending with Moshiach coming within 70 days from Sep 25th/25th of Elul was wrong. There is no comet growing in the sky that anyone is talking about, and Trump will still not be president on the 70th day from Friday, the 25th of Sep/Elul.
From what I remember the Palvanov Comet/Zohar prophecy had nothing to do with Trump but with the death of a leader in Beirut and the end of the 70 days was in Chanukah - please correct me if I am mistaken , Rivkah
DeleteYes the 25 Elul saw the death of Nasrallah. I do remember him speaking about Chanukah, but the 70 days ends around December 6, and Chanukah this year is xmas day. 25 Kislev this year is 25 December.
DeleteRegarding the comet: I just saw a photo from yesterday, it's still there, and they say it's going to become much brighter.
Delete"that anyone is talking about" - when you say "anyone" do you mean the ultra-busy frum people surrounding you, who don't have a minute to breathe, let alone check the sky at a certain hour? Because that has been my experience with my acquaintances. When I'd ask them, they'd tell me they forgot to check. It's way down on their list of priorities, especially as they really don't have much curiosity about such esoteric phenomena.
Delete2 min short video: Rabbi Palvanov on the Star
Pogrom in Amsterdam against thousands of Jews. Israelis still missing, Hashem Yishmor.
ReplyDeleteAuthorities, what authorities. Nearly all suspects have been released.
The exile is over, everywhere. Goyish leaders will not save you.
Hashem doesn't want our predictions, He wants our tfilot and our aliya.
Because this video was only uploaded to You Tube an hour before Shabbas began here, I'm just listening to it now.
ReplyDeleteHere are some links to what he is saying at the beginning if you want to look it up:
Obama's remarks about Trump at the Correspondents Dinner 2011
Obama is Gog
which Joel Gallis a"h told us in 2011
R.Kessin frequently refers to the "Satanic Interpretation" of human history i.e. that Satan and his demands before Hashem's Court for strict justice against an unworthy humanity and an undeserving Israel being the main determinant of all personal. national and international events!
ReplyDeleteHow about this for a Satanic scenario: Biden resigns, becomes ill or dies within the next 2 months. VP Harris legally becomes President Harris......(and even appoints Hillary as her VP!).
A natural disaster/war/False Flag attack/national calamity/social unrest/an economic, food, power or banking collapse etc., results in a State of Emergency/Martial Law/Curfew being declared. Trump's January 20 inauguration is delayed or cancelled, and the Messianic Age held back, maybe for 10, 20, 50, even 100 years: is this a realistic possibility?!
As Rabbi PInchas Winston wrote:
Delete"According to the Zohar, the entire period of time allotted for Techiyas HaMeisim is between 210-214 years in advance of 6000. These are not the opinions of obscure rabbis, but of Rebi Yehudah HaNasi, the author of the Mishnah, and Rebi Yitzchak, a central figure of the same time period. They are, therefore, mainstream opinions, with which no one argues, at least not in the Zohar."
In reply to Anon above comment. It wouldn't matter even if she (KH) had to take over for a couple of months or 1-1/2 months because the next president has already been elected. It wouldn't matter an iota, she would be a lame-duck pres.
DeleteEvery calculation for nearly 2000 years..... except they didn't have all the other signs that our generation has. We have ALL the signs written to occur before Moshiach.
ReplyDeleteDevorah is 100% correct on everything written on this page, including quoting the holy Zohar (the authority on Kabbalah and is never wrong) that techiyas hameisim must begin no later than the end of 5789. It is very possible for Moshiach to arrive this year. Very possible.
Thank you Yisrael. I'm beside myself with everything Rabbi Kessin said in that video, I'm so happy to hear these things, I told you we turned a corner when Trump won the election.... and as Rabbi Kessin says "this is a fulfilment of the Messianic process".
DeleteI'm not saying Moshiach isn't coming. The opposite. But the last few years, decade maybe have been replete with very particular calculations and predictions that didn't come to pass. In the meantime, Hashem is sending us very clear messages, three attacks on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, and this is what we should be responding to.
DeleteAll the calculations are a distraction from two things:
1. What can I do right now to hasten the redemption and respond to the current reality. Answer, everything in my power to make aliya, with my family, friends, community. Cant? Tefilla. If you don't believe that Hashem is hakol yachol, or in the power of your tefillot, I don't know what to say.
2. Asking for the geula now.
And Trump is not our friend. He may have gone to the Rebbe's kever, but will he abide by the Rebbe's ruling of not giving up one inch of EY to goyim. If Trump were our friend he would support the transfer of all Arabs from EY to their existing 22 countries, the return of all missionaries to their countries, and the destruction of all places of idol worship in EY. That is a friend of the Jews. Pushing for an Arab state in EY is an enemy.
Transcription of this lecture will be available ina few days at
ReplyDeleteTorah Thinking
There are many readers new to this blog. In the summer of 2016 Rabbi Kessin predicted that Donald Trump would be the new USA President even before he won the Republican Nomination based on Rabbi Kessin's understanding of The RamChal and Rabbi Kessin has never wavered from his understanding. Rabbi Kessin bases his understanding of what is happening in the world based on the RamChal, especially the complicated relationship between Yaacov and Eisav in the Torah and that at the "End of Days" Eisav "serves" Yaacov and "Helps" Yaacov.
ReplyDeleteMr Trump needed 270 electoral college votes to win and will finish with 312 after he took Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Nevada and Arizona in a clean sweep of all seven swing states.
Source: News.com
312 is the gematria of הֶֽהָשֵׁ֤ב
which means "to take back" or "return"
So there you go.
Many of Rabbi Kessin's Shiurim are at https://torahanytime.com/speakers/331. A very important Shiur in understanding the Guela Process is on Page 14 - from 1/1/1990 Lashon Harah - Part 5. There are 17 Shiurim on Yaakov & Eisav [about 25 hours]. The Shiurim from 2016 appear to be all there and are on Page 10 when Rabbi Kessin 1st started to speak about Donald Trump. When Rabbi Kessin speaks now - he is referencing all these hours of talks. I was 1st introduced to Rabbi Kessin in about 1989.
ReplyDeleteIncorrect...it's torahthinking.org
Deletebtw, a well known Hebrew speaking very much geula rabbis rabbi Yinon Kalazan and rabbi Yosef Biton regarding kochav yaakov said that we are not there, there should be a war between edom and paras and then it comes https://www.youtube.com/@Yinonkalazan and https://www.youtube.com/@%D7%94%D7%9E%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%91%D7%9C%D7%94%D7%A8%D7%91%D7%99%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%A3%D7%91%D7%99%D7%98%D7%95%D7%9F%D7%A9%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%98%D7%90%D7%94%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%9E%D7%93%D7%94%D7%A0
ReplyDeleteDid they say anything about 25 Elul ? Please don't say we have to wait for the next Elul to come around, but that will not be on the day of the week mentioned in the Zohar.
DeleteR' Yosef Biton says that ''trump wants to finish all the wars, but trump doesn't know himself that he is starting the wars...'' He is very much like R' Kessin. You can't find these type of lectures in english or any other language... The world war and gog u magog is ahead of us, we are not there yet....Do not be afraid of gog u magog, it's very good for jews and bad for goim....
Deletethe rabbi said that when you see that one country falls after another, the kochav yaakov itgale, but before this even there will be geula for our bodies and separation from tuma, Look, this mekubal is not a simple rabbi...R' Yinon Kalazan is pretty much the same....
DeleteThere will be birur gadol outside israel and inside israel, and only clean soul will stay...Most outside israel are sleeping, return to eretz israel is a must
For Lamed Lamed
DeleteJews are being attacked in the US, seemingly on a daily basis, murdered, attempted child snatching, etc, etc. But they've rationalised it. Anything rather than making a change. Three significant attacks on the Kristallnacht anniversary, that in itself is a chazaka. More important than any calculation or prediction is the question what can I do right now in my life to respond to these very clear messages that Hashem is sending. What can I do to hasten the geula. The answer to both questions is one and the same.
I fear that Jews are more than asleep, more akin to comatosed. Talk of the return home is met with actual hostility.
I Was Asleep
According to the natural order a Trump win seems better, but it would not have been beyond Hashem's capabilities to make Kamala help the Jews and Israel, and Hasheme can make Trump be an enemy to the Jews (for example Biden said don't go in to Rafa and we ignored him, what will we say to Trump if he tells us to leave Gaza, Lebanon etc). Obviously we hope things will turn out for the good but as the mishna in Sotah that predicts the pre-messianic error ends. "We have no one else other than our father in heaven who we can rely on"
Gershon I have no idea why you could imagine that Kamala and her master Obama would have their hearts changed to help the Jews.
DeleteThey are both evil. Why would Hashem want them anywhere?
And if Trump hypothetically did tell Israel something we don't approve of.... then wouldn't that be Hashem's WIll as well? Or do you think Trump will rebel against G-d - and is that even possible when Hashem controls the mind of the leaders...
Gershon I don't think you listened to Rabbi Kessin.
This. Precisely for this reason, I personally would have preferred Kamala, that and to make Jews wake up, instead of thinking they can hunker down in their galut for at least another four years. Trump is on Trump's side. He wants to go down in history, and hte Israeli Arab conflict is the holy grail of international politics. Trump wants an Arab state in EY. He is not our friend.
DeletePersonally don’t think we should trust him 100 percent either.
DeleteSorry, guilty as charged. I love Rav Kessin but I am limited with the amount of spare time I have to listen. My point was just that Lev Malachim Byad Hashem. Like Rav Fingerer said in the other video even King Cyrus could be used by Hashem to bring the building of the Beis HaMikdash.
ReplyDeleteNear the end of the lecture, Rabbi Kessin makes it clear that Kamala had to go, and Gog/Obama with her.... you can wait for the transcript and read it.
DeleteGog haS to be selected by HaShem and Mashiach we have no clue who Gog is or Mashiach we can just speculate .
DeleteRead the story with Sanhareb and King Hezekia it will be the same . HaShem wanted to make Sanhareb Gog and Hezekia Mashiach
Anon @ 2.30 - you are just another fear monger. doesn't sit well on this blog. you'd be happy to see a witch in the white house just so american jews can panic and prove yourself right. go away and leave us alone.
ReplyDelete312 is Yosef x 2. His own brothers didn't recognize him because they thought he was a goy.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of doubling a word in gematria. What has Yosef got to do with Trump?
DeleteSorry, I forgot to add my initials to my Yosef comment.
ReplyDelete~ RBN
Thank you Devorah for posting all things on this blog. You work hard and devote a lot of time here and I thank you. I love Rabbi Kessins shiurs and I believe if we focus inward, guard our tongues against loshon hora, I believe this will pave the way for Moshiach to come soon. President elect Trump will clean up gulus, he will end the wars quickly and Moshiach will come peacefully. 🙏
ReplyDelete👆🏼from Leah R in New York
ReplyDelete15-year old Natan's near death experience:
ReplyDeleteA bit after 30:30 on slider, he replies "Gog is Obama"
Rabbi Kessin: "Trump may be reincarnation of Antoninus"
Rabbi Fingerer: "Trump may be reincarnation of Koresh" (Cyrus)
Rabbi Hajioff: "Trump may be reincarnation of Koresh"
Rabbi Isser Zalman Weissberg: "Trump may be reincarnation of Koresh"
Any others?
I've posted before that I think that Trump is a gilgul of Chever HaKeini, the husband of Yael, the woman who killed Sisera. When Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism, she took the name Yael. And Trump has publicly stated that he would have dated her if she were not his daughter. So Ivanka was Trump's wife in the past life and that is why he lusts after her in this life. "Chever" means friend, and Trump is a friend of the Jewish people. In Balaam's last nevuah, he speaks of "HaKeini" going into exile only to return--like Trump returns to the presidency.
DeleteI don't think it's dreadful at all. On the contrary, those statements (which are well known here in America), combined with the fact that Ivanka took the name "Yael" upon converting, seem to be compelling evidence that Trump and his daughter are gilgulim of famous Goyim who were married in a prior life. If Trump (as Chever) was married to Ivanka (as Yael), he can't help feeling that way about her in this life. So I don't think that he has to do teshuva for saying those things. And that's apart from the facts that (1) Lo Sachmod does not apply to a Goy, and (2) father-daughter marriage is permitted to Goyim under the laws of Ben Noach (provided that she isn't married to someone else).
If anything, those comments are additional proof that Trump is connected to Mashiach; as seen in this week's parasha with Lot and his daughters, Mashiach comes from father/daughter intimacy.
It’s very plausible that he is Eisev coming back to do Teshuva, help his brother.
DeleteThink you have been listening to much to the media. Looks to me like he was joking and he truly admires his daughter/ children, he’s a good dad. Hope he will be a good president to the people his country and Klal Yisroel and our Holyland.
DeleteSaying that he 'lusts after his daughter" is dreadful. He admires her, he boasted about her, but lusting after her is a stretch. Apart from that, Trump has done "teshuva" and people shouldn't talk about things he did in the past. That's the past, that was the young Trump, this guy is older and wiser.
ReplyDeleteThere is also a certain amount of irony in me focusing on Chever HaKeini and Yael on a blog named "Shirat Devorah."
ReplyDeleteNew Kessin.
That's what I was thinking, yes.
ReplyDeleteCan you hyperlink the video address? When I typed it in, it says the video is not available. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteShort Presidency
It’s in polish, anybody have any ideas what the speaker is saying.
DeleteIt works. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteIt's all speculation, although I do believe in clairvoyance and psychics.
ReplyDeleteSomething to do with a large curving staircase and some kind of danger or medical incident for Trump. Basically, the Presidency will be cut short.
Nothing factual, just whatever he "saw".
Some people are more sensitive spiritually, but it doesn't mean that what they see, dream etc at a particular point will come to pass.
DeleteJews change reality with tefilla, mitzvot, words
Oh he is a psychic, we as Jews do not believe in them. We are able to change our Mazal, with Torah and Mitzvos.
ReplyDeleteMoshiach is here and we are being tested.
Trump can go either way. It depends on us, whether we trust in Hashem alone, cursed is the man who trusts in man, from Tehillim
Putting your faith in the US is what is delaying the geula
Trusting in anyone other than Hashem is what removes hashgacha pratit from you
First of all, I don't go to psychics, and I did say that the only reason I watched that video was out of curiosity.
ReplyDeleteYes Jews can change their mazal, however Trump is not a Jew and that is who the "psychic" is talking about.
And Secondly, I am not "putting my faith" in Trump. Hashem has given Trump an open miracle with his massive sweep of victory. I really wish people would stop thinking that just because we support Trump we are relying on him for everything. Do you really think that Rabbi Kessin has "put his faith in Trump"? Of course we know Hashem is behind it all.
As for the psychic, it was just a comment, didn't mean to mis-lead anyone, and I did say that it's all speculation.
About the Polish guy. My husband is Polish so I gave it to him to watch. This guy has some paranormal capabilities. He has worked with the police to help them find people. He says he has been wrong about 80% of the time, so...but he has garnered pretty good credentials from law enforcement. His so-called vision about Trump shows the president in an ornate building with a very elegant stairway, maybe marble. And Trump faints. He doesn't say that he dies, but faints and it causes quite a panic.