Friday, November 29, 2024

The Messianic Approach to Learning Torah

Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Excerpt: Really what it is, which is shocking, is the method of RaMCHaL, the derech ha’Mashiach—the path of the Messiah. That's what the Mashiach will do. He doesn't introduce a new Torah. What he's going to do is organize the Torah in a way we have never seen before when, suddenly, everything becomes connected, everything, not only the physical universe, the spiritual universe too. 

Why there is such thing as gravity or electricity? Why do we put on tefillin? How does it connect to olamos—worlds? Everything will be unified as one system. That's the nun sha’arei bina--50th Gate of Understanding. That’s the derech—path of the RaMCHaL. it's called “to unify.” It’s the original tablets.

It's hard to understand that, what Torah used to be. It used to be a unification. I call it “contextual learning.” You want to learn? Do not learn fragments. Look at the entire picture first.

Video and full transcript here


  1. I wrote this with the Rabbi's blog post please share with him


    2. Rabbi, What is the prayer for establishing eruvin?

  2. Ron, Rabbi Kessin does not use the internet.


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