Friday, November 29, 2024

Understanding Edom #2 - Trump and Herod

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

What might we expect from Donald Trump in his second presidency and does he have anything to do with Esau and Edom in Biblical prophecies? How did Edom become associated with the Roman Empire to begin with? What does King Herod have to do with it, and why is he reviled by Jews and Christians alike? And why does Isaiah call King Cyrus of Persia “the messiah”? 

Also: Understanding antisemitic conspiracy theories, and is the Rothschild family related to Edom? Plus, who is the mysterious Biblical figure Obed-Edom the Gittite? And what is the secret of the Western Wall?

Part 1 can be found here


  1. Motzei Shabbos news shows Syria undergoing challenge - R'Alon Anava's book says Damascus and Mikdash share Hebrew letters changed around. Damascus must fall so the Beis HaMikdash can be built. Is this what will happen Dec 6th in the Zohar prophecy talking about an 'earthquake around Jerusalem'? And that Assad (niron mizrachi gematria) must fall....the book Otzar Midrashim by R'Shimon bar Yochai Page 556/ in a detailed description of the redemption Rashbi says this will be to you for a sign when you see that the leader of Damascus, named Niron Mizrachi, falls down, when the kingdom of the nation that is sitting in the east of Israel is going to fall, then the salvation and the redemption of the nation of Israel will start and Moshiach ben David will come and all Jews will go up to Yerushalayim. The midrash says all wars before Mashiach will be in Syria. We see many countries fighting there. The gematria of Niron Mizrachi and Ba'ashar Assad are both 571. The midrash says "Vayitsmach kochav...shevet" "a star will rise in the east and he will be the head of all the tribes" "And he is then the son of David that is going to rise. This will be for you the sign, when the Niron Mizrachi and the kingdom to the east of Israel falls down, then will be the salvation for the people of Israel" This prophecy was given over 2500 years ago and it brings the star in as well. Very exciting!

    1. QUOTING 1:18pm:
      ....all wars before Mashiach will be in Syria.

      Such as Ukraine & Russia? (Sorry but I say it like I see it

  2. Star of Jacob and Parshat Vayeitze.... the parsha of Jacob.


  4. Sky News host James Macpherson claims actor George Clooney is reportedly “furious” Barack Obama used him to force President Joe Biden out of the US election race.

    “Clooney’s newspaper article, calling for Biden to stand aside for Kamala Harris, was widely credited for changing the course of the election,” he said.

    “Clooney is now complaining that Obama who sort of manipulated him into doing the dirty work on his behalf has left him to take most of the blame for the election loss.”

    George Clooney is married to Amal Clooney, one of the legal experts who recommended war crimes charges against Israel.

    1. The word "amal" transliterated into Hebrew can be translated as "empty toil."

      C S

    2. Below is summarized forensic proof of past election fraud.
      Scroll down to Item #3 - Mike Lindell:

      And here's the non-summarized film:

      P.S. Also if the below is true, it should raise eyebrows:
      According to Tom Renz (via Alex Jones) - Trump's pick for Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles has ties to Big Pharma, U.N. & more.

  5. QUOTING 1:18pm:
    ....all wars before Mashiach will be in Syria.

    Such as Ukraine & Russia? (Sorry but I say it like I see it......Russia is in Syria and quite involved and it could be that they are all connected in what they are planning - maybe it means all wars that are important to Israel are there

  6. Can anyone elaborate on the prophecy in Ke;i;at Yofi page 307 where Vilna Gaon, Holy Jew from Peshischa and the Ruzhiner Rebbe all mention Turkey and Russia? It is mentioning Russia crossing the Bosporus to enter Turkey but has anything developed lately in say the 2 joining together or something like that? Sorry I don't follow much news but I see Turkey has just called for the fall of the west:

  7. Here is the post where the Vilna Gaon speaks about the Dardanelles which is another significant waterway in Turkey, and click the link there to Daf Dittie Shabbes 18

    1. Thank you Devorah!!! for all you do

  8. they say earthquakes travel in waves around the world (Dutchsinse) and now we have a big earthquake 7.0 in California - please Hashem everyone should be well


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