Thursday, November 28, 2024

The Elections in the USA: Preparation for the King Moshiach

Rabbi Aryeh Weingarten

It's Hebrew with English subtitles [click on the CC for the subtitles and then the cog for auto-translate and choose your language].  

He's very excited and by the tone of his voice alone, I think he could bring Moshiach.  

 "All the nations will be left without a head, all Monarchy will be abolished from them... first of all the evil Eisav [democrats]  in the United States has fallen and b'ezrat Hashem it is not enough that only Trump has risen, or the Republicans, we are waiting for Melech haMoshiach to reign in Israel and for the whole world......this is a preparation for Redemption,,,,"


  1. I used subtitles translate.

    He says that Kamala Harris was Amalek.
    He hints that Trump is the head of Esau which does teshuva.
    He says that Operation Break of Dawn (Mivtzah Alot Ha Shahar) on
    Tisha B'Av 2022 saw miracles in Israel.

  2. This is what Rabbi Kessin has been saying for many years.
    Trump is the tov sh'b'Eisav. The good part of Eisav.

  3. In the book of Jubilees doesn’t it say Esau already did Tshuvah ? and his head is buried inside the cave ?

    It’s his sons and grandkids especially Amalek who will need to be Destroyed and yes you will habw righteous gentiles from all walks of life
    And nationalities that will be saved . But Edom the Roman Empire will need to no longer exist as it can’t exist alongside the Kingdom Of Isrsel.

    Esau /Edom ransacked the second Temple has been an antagonistic to Jews every since
    And America is mainly responsible for the mess we are in today .

    Prophets call for the downfall of Edom /Esau the Roman Empire and In order for Yaakov to rise Esau:Edom has to fall and it will because HaShem has promised this through the prophet.

    America And Erez Israel are an Oxymoron it can’t mix .


  4. Here is Rabbi Glatstein, 45 second short video
    "The Fate of Yishmael: Teshuva at the End of Days"


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