Friday, June 13, 2014

Breaking News: Red Heiffer Born

 Learn more about the Red Heiffer at Temple Institute


  1. I just read several days ago at very end of Rosh HaShana 30a, The rule is necessary in case the Temple will be built on the fifteenth of Nissan shortly before sunset, or also in case it will be built by night. [The law that the building of the Temple] does not override the Sabbath (v. Sheb. 15b) does not apply to the future. Temple which will be wrought by the hands of Heaven (Rashi). We contend with the possibility that the Beis Hamikdash might be built on Shabbos, or at night-time, despite the fact that we are not permitted to build it on Shabbos or at night-time - because that is confined to the previous Batei-Mikdash that were built by man, whereas the third Beis Hamikdash will come down already built (out of fire - as we say in 'Nachem' on Tish'ah b'Av) by Hash-m. That can take place even on Shabbos, and even at night-time.

  2. lovely thank sharing the good news of suitable Red Heifer, keep us updated

  3. Now all we need is Moshiach, Thank you Hashem!

  4. is this the tenth kosher red heiffer of history?

    1. Yes, if it stays red and doesn't develop any white or black hair, that is the hope.

  5. Are you writing daily on your blog now?

    If this red heifer remains fully red, then the Dakota Sioux will soon find their white buffalo to get their stolen hunting grounds back. Measure for measure, the Ba'al Kerry tries to divide Eretz Yisrael. So HaShem will return half of the United States to its truly native inhabitants to demonstrate who is the one who actually lives on stolen land.

    1. Not writing daily, but hopefully several times a week, if I can.


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