So we see from this weeks parsha, Shlach Lecha, that it is better to live with idolaters in Eretz Yisrael than to live in the desert with the Shekhina Herself where the Shekhina feeds us with Mon and washes our clothes. How many will inculcate that message? So it is a Kal veChomer: How much more so is it better to live in Eretz Yisrael with the bitter fruits of the Hands Of G-d than the sweet fruits of the hands of Man outside of the Land. In the end those of us here in EY will thrive when Edom collapses. The financial collapse will propel life here in Eretz Yisrael onwards and upwards both in ruchniyut and in gashmiyut. Please come now, not with your pajamas in a plastic bag.
Dov Bar Leib, How do you know Edom will collapse and how do you know that EY will not be effected? Not to mention that this could be a decade or more to happen.
The year is the 2nd half of 5772 when the Final Redemption must commence according to the Zohar VaYeira 119a and the Vilna Gaon. According to the Klausenberger Rebbe when the population of Eretz Yisrael reaches 6 million, the spiritual parts of the final redemption must begin. That will occur this summer as the population this summer will surpass 6 million Jews. Also there is a promise that in the 5th year of the Sabbatical Cycle of b'itah 5773, there will be a great Renaissance both in Ruchniyut and in Gashmiyut in Eretz Yisrael. This is a positive promise or prophesy in the Talmud and therefore will happen and will not be annulled. So when the world system collapses financially this summer, at the most Jews in Eretz Yisrael will suffer with the rest of the world until Hoshana Rabba 5773. That is less than four months away. So we will store up to four months of non-perishable food here too. The situation outside of Land of Israel will be more devastating and will depend upon the level of judgement that G-d brings upon certain countries in he world. Also when missiles start to fly against the Coast of Israel during Gog UMagog Stage one this summer the Divine Providence will be precise because it is that way in Eretz Yisrael. Read the Sefer Tuv HaAretz to understand how Providence is different here than it is in the rest of the world. Now we know that ben David when he comes will ingather the remnant that remains in galut after the final stage of Gog Umagog which might be in 5773 or it might be in the Sabbatical year 5775. In that case ben David will not arrive until 5776, and Mashiach ben Ephraim will reign in EY for more than three years from the end of 5772 through 5775. And if the latter is the case, the world will be in chaos for three years at least, and Obama will become the 11th horn and will rule for 3 1/2 years as the revealed tyrant that he really is. So where do you want to be when this all comes down? According to the Talmud 5771, the 3rd year of the Sabbatical cycle could have been a world wide economic Depression which would have been devastating for the entire world and in Eretz Yisrael too. This was a very negative prophesy which was annulled as the general economic collapse that started with the Financial Crisis of the Fall of 2008 (5769, the first year of the Sabbatical Cycle) simply plateaued in the state of mini-Depression that the world has been in since that date. Baruch HaShem for that. G-d is looking out for Eretz Yisrael throughout this entire process. But now to make way for Mashiach ben Ephraim, be ready for radical change any day now. Mashiach Ben Ephraim will subdue Edom and will mepharnes the entire world whether they hate him or not from Eretz Yisrael. When Yehonatan comes to Tzion watch for all Heaven to break loose.
You say things with such certainty but the reality is we really do not know Hakadosh Baruch Hu's plan. I have been on these blogs for a long time I cannot tell you how many predictions and times were given those predictions came....and passed. I am sure you have also seen many predictions, rRabbonim say "oh this will happen, and this and this....and nothing has happened. We simply do not know what will be. Halvai Moshiach comes I pray for him. I wait for him. We are wounded, hurt, broken from this Galus of over 2000 years. We need a salvation. We only hope but so far we have not seen His face. Please understand and forgive my skepticism. I was under the impression that war with Iran would have commenced a while ago, or that the Dollar was going to collapse already. Or that .....
I believe we are on the way, no question. but it still could be another 10 years to finally complete. I believe Obama is evil. He will be re-elected Hashem Yerachaim. The pressure he will put on EY scares me. He is a &^%$#. I am no fool I see right through his facade but alas Hashem has a plan. Thank you Dov. I enjoy "talking" with you.
In the United Stated right now we have 6 million + Jews, may be Moshiah will reveal himself here then will lead us to Eretz Israel, I personally prefer that.
I just finished listening to this gem of a shiur and I walked away with a strengthening resolve to be more conscious during my choices. Many times we sleep walk through the day and we don't realize the excess that we choose unconsciously when we eat talk and shop. I think if we do try to be more moderate and more aware that we purchase things we want and dont need and that we dont need to keep up with the jones because the jones are trying to catch up with the fishers we will have a better relationship with god and with those that are unfortunate. All the excess just pulls us away from our spiritual side and desensitizes us to those that are in need. He spoke quite dynamically. Well done.....
I agree with anonymous. Hashem has a plan and there is a lot of speculation. Everybody was sure it would be last year now they say it's this year. For many who are sincerely yearning and in pain it ends up causing despair.
No, no one was saying that Mashiach ben anyone was coming in 5771. 5771 was supposed to be a year of a massive economic depression, a decree which G-d canceled because it was a negative prophesy in the 3rd year of the Sabbatical Cycle. Negative prophesies don't have to occur. They can be annulled. And that one, thank G-d, was annulled. Yes, the process of Mashiach's coming was sped up in Tamuz/Av of 5771 with Mincha Gedolah of the 6ht Millennium, but nowhere in Tehillim 102 which speaks of this does it say that Mashiach ben Anyone has to show up at that precise moment called Mincha Gedolah. As a matter of fact, the Psalm 102 speaks of one last blast of suffering before the Geulah would begin. "My days are like a lengthened shadow (Mincha Gedolah), and I wither away like grass (the last blast of suffering)." So the B'itah process was set in motion around Rosh Chodesh Av of 5771, but nowhere will you find that Mashiach ben Anyone would show up at that precise moment.
Secondly, the 6 million Jews figure in the United States is a bold faced falsehood. Rav Ephraim Buchwald way back in the early nineties (1990s) was closely following statistics about the number of American Jews in the early 90s. He said because of massive assimilation since the 1960s the number of American Jews had fallen to under 5 million. And that for 2 million of that total if you approached them in a survey asking them if they were Jews, 2 million American Jews would deny that they were Jews!! OK and that was almost 20 years ago. I am sure that the situation of low birth rates and intermarriage has further eroded the numbers of Jews in the USA. At the rate of decline since the 1960s, there might be 4.5 million Jews in America with a similar 2 million of that total denying that they are even Jews.
Finally please consider that being afraid of living in Eretz Yisrael because our enemies (like Obama) are like Giants while we are like grasshoppers may be a similar mistake that your neshamah made 3323 years ago in a big desert cryfest spoken about in this week's parsha, Shlach Lecha. I know that there are really reasonable extenuating circumstances for not making Aliyah, but that ain't one of them.
In short there were 6 million Jews in America in 1960, but that is simply not the Truth anymore. There has been a spiritual Holocaust of Jews simply leaving the Jewish people since 1960 in America. Now we can quibble that perhaps of that figure half of the Jews intermarrying are women. And whether those women like it or not, their children are Jewish. And then again in the next generation half of them are women, and their children are also Jewish. Well this can continue for several generations until you get.... Elvis Presley who knew that his mother's maternal grandmother was a Jew ( So that means Elvis's mother's mother's mother Nancy Burdine had two Jewish parents who did not really care if their daughter married a non-Jew. Or at least the daughter could care less. Well Elvis's roadie (forget his name) upon hearing this from Elvis informed Elvis, who was a G-d fearing Xtian, that "Elvis you are a Jew according to Jewish Law." Well Elvis upon hearing this news was shocked but apparently pleased. So much so that he started wearing a ruby, emerald studded Chai underneath his famous performing shirt and jacket for the rest of his life. Now you can check out that Chai on the Graceland tour in the last room called the Trophy Room at Graceland in Memphis, Tenn. Yet, sadly as is the usual case in circumstances such as these in Americana, Priscilla Presley his wife was not Jewish so that none of Elvis's offspring were Jewish. I believe that he had one daughter. So all the fanfare about the fact that yes Elvis was Jewish was completely wiped out in the next generation. While he left a wonderful legacy of music, he left no Jewish legacy except that beautiful Chai that he wore around his neck hanging in the Trophy Room. And that is the pity, a microcosm of the Churban in the United States.
there are many jews in the US that they don't know that they are jews, but they still jews, in my opinion is more logic if Moshiah first appear in the US.
May I suggest to all those who want to go to Israel, but circumstance, or worries like- would there be a job in Israel, etc; , go to INR, that stands for Israel National Radio, and hear Josh Hasten's program broadcast on 6/14/2012, entitled: Female Zionists making an Impact", for this young lady, has promised to help all who come/go to Israel, geta job. Now if I were a Jew, I would run. May Hashem bless you all.
Sweet Devorah, you are right by saying 'ridculous question'. But then again, others may presume otherwise, and I do not blame them because I have not said much here on this site. Here goes- I was born a Roman Catholic. Never liked going to church. Was always drawn to stories of Jews, especially when in school we were taken to see 'Diary of Anne Frank'. Grew up got married, (in the church). Just went along not really believing but questions going on in my mind, all unanswered. Tagging along talking to G-d, calling him Jc sometimes, Geez, confession here, even wrote poems re: him, because I was truly searching for Gd. Reading about the Holocaust. Even had a friend in school who was a Jew. One day she never turned up. I remember her name was Kay Issacson. Well came to Canada, (Thank G-d) got a computer from my sons, found INR and got totally hooked to that great Radio. Followed the going ons of Gush Katif, wept with them for them, prayed, wrote a letter to G-d, Devorah, if you would like to read'or hear it, let me know via my email. Got to many more Jewishj sites. Decided I want to be a Jew, and contacted a Rabbi, who made me contact someone else, who said I had to live where Jews were, impossible for me, because at age 71, just not possibleNot rich, yet rich in so many other ways, Baruch Hashem! So then I was told, I could not become a Jew, in some such words. Got sad, upset, kept hearing lectures, got angry, upset and the rounds, spoke to G-d, He is leading me. So now I just call myself Noahide, but inside me I feel I am a Jew. Does not matter what anyone says. Thats between Hashem and me. Love all peoples that Hashem has created, but a special love for His Chosen. Will Stand and proclaim it loud and clear too , if any one challenges me ever. :)
So annonymous, there you have it. Hashem bless you all.
Stella... Your story probably is a duplicate of many of us out here, searching for the True Truth. My story is so similar. When I was a young girl, I loved HaShem so much, that I would tell Him "jokes" ... just so the two of us could laugh together. Would talk to Him all the time, about everything.... until the church let me know that should not be done. So good He is aware of people being ignorant, but not even knowing it... and loving us still. Your story is so much like our story. All we know, is that we want to follow HaShem, no matter what. Baruch HaShem for all He does and allows.
thank you Stella, I asked that question because once I think you wrote that you are a convert, then later you wrote that you are goya, I thought something fishy is over here and it seemed to me that you are the one of those missionaries who believed that when all Jews will be in EY then Yoshka comes.
"Today, in our bitter exile, there are people who receive ruach hakodesh more easily than in the time of the prophets." [Noam ...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
So we see from this weeks parsha, Shlach Lecha, that it is better to live with idolaters in Eretz Yisrael than to live in the desert with the Shekhina Herself where the Shekhina feeds us with Mon and washes our clothes. How many will inculcate that message? So it is a Kal veChomer: How much more so is it better to live in Eretz Yisrael with the bitter fruits of the Hands Of G-d than the sweet fruits of the hands of Man outside of the Land. In the end those of us here in EY will thrive when Edom collapses. The financial collapse will propel life here in Eretz Yisrael onwards and upwards both in ruchniyut and in gashmiyut. Please come now, not with your pajamas in a plastic bag.
ReplyDeleteDov Bar Leib,
DeleteHow do you know Edom will collapse and how do you know that EY will not be effected? Not to mention that this could be a decade or more to happen.
I am genuinely asking.
Thank you
The year is the 2nd half of 5772 when the Final Redemption must commence according to the Zohar VaYeira 119a and the Vilna Gaon. According to the Klausenberger Rebbe when the population of Eretz Yisrael reaches 6 million, the spiritual parts of the final redemption must begin. That will occur this summer as the population this summer will surpass 6 million Jews. Also there is a promise that in the 5th year of the Sabbatical Cycle of b'itah 5773, there will be a great Renaissance both in Ruchniyut and in Gashmiyut in Eretz Yisrael. This is a positive promise or prophesy in the Talmud and therefore will happen and will not be annulled. So when the world system collapses financially this summer, at the most Jews in Eretz Yisrael will suffer with the rest of the world until Hoshana Rabba 5773. That is less than four months away. So we will store up to four months of non-perishable food here too. The situation outside of Land of Israel will be more devastating and will depend upon the level of judgement that G-d brings upon certain countries in he world. Also when missiles start to fly against the Coast of Israel during Gog UMagog Stage one this summer the Divine Providence will be precise because it is that way in Eretz Yisrael. Read the Sefer Tuv HaAretz to understand how Providence is different here than it is in the rest of the world. Now we know that ben David when he comes will ingather the remnant that remains in galut after the final stage of Gog Umagog which might be in 5773 or it might be in the Sabbatical year 5775. In that case ben David will not arrive until 5776, and Mashiach ben Ephraim will reign in EY for more than three years from the end of 5772 through 5775. And if the latter is the case, the world will be in chaos for three years at least, and Obama will become the 11th horn and will rule for 3 1/2 years as the revealed tyrant that he really is. So where do you want to be when this all comes down? According to the Talmud 5771, the 3rd year of the Sabbatical cycle could have been a world wide economic Depression which would have been devastating for the entire world and in Eretz Yisrael too. This was a very negative prophesy which was annulled as the general economic collapse that started with the Financial Crisis of the Fall of 2008 (5769, the first year of the Sabbatical Cycle) simply plateaued in the state of mini-Depression that the world has been in since that date. Baruch HaShem for that. G-d is looking out for Eretz Yisrael throughout this entire process. But now to make way for Mashiach ben Ephraim, be ready for radical change any day now. Mashiach Ben Ephraim will subdue Edom and will mepharnes the entire world whether they hate him or not from Eretz Yisrael. When Yehonatan comes to Tzion watch for all Heaven to break loose.
DeleteYou say things with such certainty but the reality is we really do not know Hakadosh Baruch Hu's plan. I have been on these blogs for a long time I cannot tell you how many predictions and times were given those predictions came....and passed. I am sure you have also seen many predictions, rRabbonim say "oh this will happen, and this and this....and nothing has happened.
DeleteWe simply do not know what will be. Halvai Moshiach comes I pray for him. I wait for him. We are wounded, hurt, broken from this Galus of over 2000 years. We need a salvation. We only hope but so far we have not seen His face. Please understand and forgive my skepticism. I was under the impression that war with Iran would have commenced a while ago, or that the Dollar was going to collapse already. Or that .....
I believe we are on the way, no question. but it still could be another 10 years to finally complete.
I believe Obama is evil. He will be re-elected Hashem Yerachaim. The pressure he will put on EY scares me. He is a &^%$#. I am no fool I see right through his facade but alas Hashem has a plan.
Thank you Dov. I enjoy "talking" with you.
My father doesn't use the internet so he doesn't read any blogs, but he is saying the same as Dov bar Leib.
DeleteAs for me, I just hope they're both right.
In the United Stated right now we have 6 million + Jews, may be Moshiah will reveal himself here then will lead us to Eretz Israel, I personally prefer that.
DeleteI just finished listening to this gem of a shiur and I walked away with a strengthening resolve to be more conscious during my choices. Many times we sleep walk through the day and we don't realize the excess that we choose unconsciously when we eat talk and shop. I think if we do try to be more moderate and more aware that we purchase things we want and dont need and that we dont need to keep up with the jones because the jones are trying to catch up with the fishers we will have a better relationship with god and with those that are unfortunate. All the excess just pulls us away from our spiritual side and desensitizes us to those that are in need. He spoke quite dynamically. Well done.....
ReplyDeleteGevaldig shiur! Gratitude- thanking Hashem when things are good. Beautiful.
ReplyDeletelook what rav fish said
ReplyDeleteI agree with anonymous. Hashem has a plan and there is a lot of speculation. Everybody was sure it would be last year now they say it's this year. For many who are sincerely yearning and in pain it ends up causing despair.
ReplyDeleteNo, no one was saying that Mashiach ben anyone was coming in 5771. 5771 was supposed to be a year of a massive economic depression, a decree which G-d canceled because it was a negative prophesy in the 3rd year of the Sabbatical Cycle. Negative prophesies don't have to occur. They can be annulled. And that one, thank G-d, was annulled. Yes, the process of Mashiach's coming was sped up in Tamuz/Av of 5771 with Mincha Gedolah of the 6ht Millennium, but nowhere in Tehillim 102 which speaks of this does it say that Mashiach ben Anyone has to show up at that precise moment called Mincha Gedolah. As a matter of fact, the Psalm 102 speaks of one last blast of suffering before the Geulah would begin. "My days are like a lengthened shadow (Mincha Gedolah), and I wither away like grass (the last blast of suffering)." So the B'itah process was set in motion around Rosh Chodesh Av of 5771, but nowhere will you find that Mashiach ben Anyone would show up at that precise moment.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, the 6 million Jews figure in the United States is a bold faced falsehood. Rav Ephraim Buchwald way back in the early nineties (1990s) was closely following statistics about the number of American Jews in the early 90s. He said because of massive assimilation since the 1960s the number of American Jews had fallen to under 5 million. And that for 2 million of that total if you approached them in a survey asking them if they were Jews, 2 million American Jews would deny that they were Jews!! OK and that was almost 20 years ago. I am sure that the situation of low birth rates and intermarriage has further eroded the numbers of Jews in the USA. At the rate of decline since the 1960s, there might be 4.5 million Jews in America with a similar 2 million of that total denying that they are even Jews.
Finally please consider that being afraid of living in Eretz Yisrael because our enemies (like Obama) are like Giants while we are like grasshoppers may be a similar mistake that your neshamah made 3323 years ago in a big desert cryfest spoken about in this week's parsha, Shlach Lecha. I know that there are really reasonable extenuating circumstances for not making Aliyah, but that ain't one of them.
In short there were 6 million Jews in America in 1960, but that is simply not the Truth anymore. There has been a spiritual Holocaust of Jews simply leaving the Jewish people since 1960 in America. Now we can quibble that perhaps of that figure half of the Jews intermarrying are women. And whether those women like it or not, their children are Jewish. And then again in the next generation half of them are women, and their children are also Jewish. Well this can continue for several generations until you get.... Elvis Presley who knew that his mother's maternal grandmother was a Jew ( So that means Elvis's mother's mother's mother Nancy Burdine had two Jewish parents who did not really care if their daughter married a non-Jew. Or at least the daughter could care less. Well Elvis's roadie (forget his name) upon hearing this from Elvis informed Elvis, who was a G-d fearing Xtian, that "Elvis you are a Jew according to Jewish Law." Well Elvis upon hearing this news was shocked but apparently pleased. So much so that he started wearing a ruby, emerald studded Chai underneath his famous performing shirt and jacket for the rest of his life. Now you can check out that Chai on the Graceland tour in the last room called the Trophy Room at Graceland in Memphis, Tenn. Yet, sadly as is the usual case in circumstances such as these in Americana, Priscilla Presley his wife was not Jewish so that none of Elvis's offspring were Jewish. I believe that he had one daughter. So all the fanfare about the fact that yes Elvis was Jewish was completely wiped out in the next generation. While he left a wonderful legacy of music, he left no Jewish legacy except that beautiful Chai that he wore around his neck hanging in the Trophy Room. And that is the pity, a microcosm of the Churban in the United States.
ReplyDeletethere are many jews in the US that they don't know that they are jews, but they still jews, in my opinion is more logic if Moshiah first appear in the US.
DeleteHello All :)
ReplyDeleteMay I suggest to all those who want to go to Israel, but circumstance, or worries like- would there be a job in Israel, etc; , go to INR, that stands for Israel National Radio, and hear Josh Hasten's program broadcast on 6/14/2012, entitled: Female Zionists making an Impact", for this young lady, has promised to help all who come/go to Israel, geta job.
Now if I were a Jew, I would run.
May Hashem bless you all.
Stella c.
Stella to you believe in Jesus?
DeleteRidiculous question but I'll let Stella answer you anyway - if she's reading this.
DeleteIn judaism we don't have ridiculous questions, all questions are good questions and if we not going to ask we will never understand the Truth.
ReplyDeleteSweet Devorah, you are right by saying 'ridculous question'.
ReplyDeleteBut then again, others may presume otherwise, and I do not blame them because I have not said much here on this site.
Here goes- I was born a Roman Catholic. Never liked going to church. Was always drawn to stories of Jews, especially when in school we were taken to see 'Diary of Anne Frank'. Grew up got married, (in the church). Just went along not really believing but questions going on in my mind, all unanswered. Tagging along talking to G-d, calling him Jc sometimes, Geez, confession here, even wrote poems re: him, because I was truly searching for Gd. Reading about the Holocaust. Even had a friend in school who was a Jew. One day she never turned up. I remember her name was Kay Issacson.
Well came to Canada, (Thank G-d) got a computer from my sons, found INR and got totally hooked to that great Radio. Followed the going ons of Gush Katif, wept with them for them, prayed, wrote a letter to G-d, Devorah, if you would like to read'or hear it, let me know via my email. Got to many more Jewishj sites. Decided I want to be a Jew, and contacted a Rabbi, who made me contact someone else, who said I had to live where Jews were, impossible for me, because at age 71, just not possibleNot rich, yet rich in so many other ways, Baruch Hashem!
So then I was told, I could not become a Jew, in some such words. Got sad, upset, kept hearing lectures, got angry, upset and the rounds, spoke to G-d, He is leading me. So now I just call myself Noahide, but inside me I feel I am a Jew. Does not matter what anyone says. Thats between Hashem and me.
Love all peoples that Hashem has created, but a special love for His Chosen. Will Stand and proclaim it loud and clear too , if any one challenges me ever. :)
So annonymous, there you have it. Hashem bless you all.
Stella c.
Stella... Your story probably is a duplicate of many of us out here, searching for the True Truth. My story is so similar. When I was a young girl, I loved HaShem so much, that I would tell Him "jokes" ... just so the two of us could laugh together. Would talk to Him all the time, about everything.... until the church let me know that should not be done. So good He is aware of people being ignorant, but not even knowing it... and loving us still. Your story is so much like our story. All we know, is that we want to follow HaShem, no matter what. Baruch HaShem for all He does and allows.
Deletethank you Stella, I asked that question because once I think you wrote that you are a convert, then later you wrote that you are goya, I thought something fishy is over here and it seemed to me that you are the one of those missionaries who believed that when all Jews will be in EY then Yoshka comes.
ReplyDeleteThank you ladies for your true stories, we need that, especially in our times when a lot of lies in this world.
ReplyDeleteHi Annonymous, I do not think I ever wrote- I am a convert, but thats O.K if you thought I was being untruthful or deceitful.
ReplyDeleteBut there you are, and here I am, still on a journey, and Hashem leads us all.
Shabbat Shalom to all of you
Annonymous, How sweet that you shared jokes with Hashem as a child. How much He must have smiled down at you. He perhaps, enjoyed your jokes too.
ReplyDeleteAs a child, I had this image of the Creator, a big old man with curly long white hair and beard, sitting on a cloud and looking down angrily.
That picture was in the first page of my 'catechism' book.
G-d bless you.
stella c