Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Damascus Will Fall 5772 - Torah Codes

End of Days - Assad - Syria - Damascus - 5772 - [times of] Moshiach - The End of the Beginning, before the Beginning of the End.


  1. Wow. Very intriguing. I, however do not totally understand what the End of the Beginning before the beginning of the end means. I sort of do- only by logical technical thought, yet spiritually what does Rabbi Glazerson mean?

    1. I guess it means the end of the beginning of Geula, and the beginning of the end of the world of sheker. From his mouth to G-d's ears !

  2. So , we are entering the beginning of the end. Very inspiring. Very, really.

  3. you forgot devorah he said month av

  4. I'm wondering how we will all feel and think if this year goes by, and the next, and the next after that and G-d forbid moshiach is not here...

    Truly...making predictions like this is just so dangerous in my opinion.

    1. He didn't make a prediction. He showed us a Torah code with Damascus falling in Av 5772. He showed ''the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end'' which could mean any amount of time.

  5. Interesting how we went from finding past and current events in the TORAH codes, to finding future events.
    Meaning, we are in Tamuz and we are able to see the events in Av. this is fantastic.

  6. See: http://palmtreeofdeborah.blogspot.com.au/2012/07/plight-of-damascus.html


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