Thursday, October 29, 2015

Rabbi Kessin on Current Events [New]

''We have now entered the Countdown''


Devorah said...

It's the middle of the night here in Sydney Australia, as I am listening to this shiur. The full moon is incredibly bright and shining right into my room, which is probably why I'm awake at this hour. Lately the full moons have been amazing, check it out tonight your time.

Devorah said...

Also see this: Rabbi Mizrachi - new video on Current Events
Thank you Devash for the link.

Devorah said...

If you watch until the end, you will hear members of the audience informing Rabbi Kessin of the 15 year old boy's NDE and subsequent revelations about Gog and Magog. of which Rabbi Kessin had not previously been aware of. Rabbi Kessin is then further informed by his audience that Obama is Gog

Tomer Devorah said...

My pleasure. :-)

Dov Bar-Leib said...

It is "in the year that Mashiach comes", in the Yalkut Shimoni about the meeting between Edom and Arabia because Persia is "provoking" Arabia, not "the shavua" that Mashiach comes. We should look inside in the Yalkhut Shimoni, but every version of the medrash that I have seen says, "in the year that Mashiach comes". Now, Obama and King Salman did consult with each other with regards to the Persian backed Houthis in Teiman on the 7th Day of Pesach 5775. So count one year from then, it would seem from the medrash.