I was amazed when the Rabbi said that Netanyahu was culpable for all the lives lost from the Hamas rocket attacks over the years. And that when a government does not protect its people from attacks it loses it mandate to govern. He also said the PM is a murderer for not taking action against Hamas and getting rid of them.
Netanyahu is on his way out; Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit is breathing down his back. Who will step in to the PM’s position when Bibi is out?
Dramatizing the whole “soap opera” as the Satan’s downfall was brilliant.
What, chalila, is it going to take for Jews to wake up? You can't just carry on business as usual,claiming unity, my mission etc, etc. Everyone, regardless of their circumstances has to start planning their aliya and that of their community, (which is true unity of the Jewish people, and not as from the megila Am echad mefuzar umefurad, true unity is Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael keeping Torat Yisrael.) If Am Yisrael had returned home when they had the chance before the Purim story they wouldn't have been mefuzar umefurad which is what allowed Haman harasha to rise up against us).
Again. Step one, START, step two, PLAN. Unless you are in a coma, you can take these two steps. Pick up a pen and paper and start making your plan of everything that needs to happen. Start packing and or getting rid of your stuff. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.
Get a job teaching English online to Chinese children, it's all the rage,
Talk to Hashem, beg for help in overcoming whatever your challenges are. Some are real and some are blocks we create for ourselves. (My American doctor in Israel told me of her friend who refuses to make aliya because of the treatment her child is receiving in the US. Sounds reasonable, until you hear that my doctor told her that the treatment in Israel for the child's condition is both better and free, but her friend refuses to believe her.)
The situation is dire, listen to Rav Richter on Poway. And make your new mantra, not "it can happen here", but "it is happening here".
Everyone loves Rav Anava, you should listen to what he has to say about the situation, he says that there are no guarantees that the Shoah, chalila, can't happen again. He talks about his grandmother, about how they were warned and how people didn't take it seriously. She left literally on the day before Kristallnacht. His message is that Jews should make aliya post haste.
"Not a doomsday rabbi but a wakeup rabbi" he says of himself.
Read Em Habamim Smeicha.
I was at the kotel on rosh chodesh iyar and davened for MM and for klal yisrael to make aliya, Be"D. The worse your situation is, the more you need to daven for yeshuot Be"D. You can't, but Hashem can.
Everyone is dreaming. You can attack me, but I am just a messenger repeating the message of rabbis you respect. (Also Rav Mizrahi, and Rav Brody said the same thing, repeated from Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz zatzal) And why do I bother? "I'm alright Jack". Because I care about Am Yisrael, and have a sickening feeling when I think about Jews in exile, in America in particular.
Re: Netanyahu - Many have said and I think the Rebbe of Lubavitch, that h the PM will be the last prime minister because Moshiach will take over. Don't know whether that means MBY or the eternal Moshiach MBD! According to this, Bibi will hand over the mantle to Moshiach.
Anonymous above, some of us are "woke" already and davening as hard as we can, but some of the obstacles that Hashem puts in our path are not removeable except by HIM. And our job as maaminim is to trust that Ein Od Milevado and He can get those of us who want to serve Him out of harm's way when He so chooses and if He doesn't, it is because our souls need the tikkun of passing from this world. What about all the very frum communities in Monsey and Lakewood and New Square and elsewhere in galus who don't even go online, don't even have smart phones, do everything to serve Hashem and never heard of Rav Anava or Rav Mizrachi? Is Hashem going to destroy them just because their Rav hasn't issued a decree that they should all make aliya? I find your comment to be aliya bullying. Things are dire, and we are about to be redeemed. But your saying that that sky is falling is only upsetting to those trying to maintain our emunah and it doesn't help anyone and it doesn't even wake up those who are sleeping in gashmius.
Rachel, I've been yelling that until blue in the face. Then I realized there's no use. At first this bullying got me to really question everything i've known and all the facts I've been brought up with. Practically ALL of the frum communities, which are completely saturated with very very real G-D fearing Rabbanim, have not said those warnings, for decades now. And we certainly always knew to look forward to the coming of Moshiach with lots of happiness and good feelings. It's not to say that the 'online' Rabbis are all wrong, but when I gave it enough thought, I came to your conclusion above: "Most truly frum people do not go online much.... and Hashem for sure likes that. And there's no reason for them to die a more horrific death just because they were Ășnaware' of Hashem's plans due to their refraining from internet usage!
They will surely be saved! I don't doubt it for a second!
It's a sad fact that those of us outside of Israel feel intimidated by these kind of comments on various blogs. I'm fed up with all the nonsense about another holocaust etc.... the lubavitcher Rebbe and many more have told us there will not be another holocaust G-d forbid, and we know anti semitism will again rear it's ugly head before Moshiach..... I'm happy to see people standing up for their rights to live outside of Israel, for many and varied reasons we cannot make ALiyah and don't believe there is a need to. I'm not giving advice here, just defending our rights to live our lives and not be attacked because we can't jump on the next plane to Yerushalayim. Well done to everyone who has made Aliyah, you are very fortunate to be living in Israel, but spare a thought for those who have tried and failed and had to return home to the diaspora just to survive, and for those who can't even consider it for so many reasons.
To the person whose comment I did not publish -and you know who you are / please do not come to my blog or leave any more comments on it they will not ever be published.
oiy yoy... what complicated words are going back and forth here. i am humbly wishing to share my feelings.
making aliya is a mitvah. loving our fellow jew is a bigger mitzvah the punnishment for hurting or fighting with or embarasing or causeing machlokes or causeing others to sin, or such type of things are so devastating...(why we are here in galus in the first place!)
we all daven to be brought Home to Eretz Yisrael Hakedosha, if those words have not yet entered our hearts to make us yearn to be returned Home , then we have work to do. only Hashem is truly capable to bring anyone to His Holy Land.we need to be zoche, and our yearning and davening go a very long way to prepare us to be brought home, beH
Hashem has given us the mitzvah, unequivocally to LOVE OUR FELLOW JEW. and that indisputable absolute KLAL of the Torah cannot be pushed aside for any other important mitzva, even living in Eretz Yisrael HaKedosha.
tying someone up and putting tefillin on him would not be the right way to go about helping another jew do the precious mitzvah of wearing tefilln...
please please please dear sisters and brothers do not tear apart Am Yisrael, in the guise of any mitvah. please Hashem, may we all be zoche to reeal Your light and Your ratzon in the world, and to unite together and bring nachas to You, and be zoche to return Home, the Yerushalayim haBenuya, with the geulah shelema b'meheira b'yamenu b'rachamim rabim.
Whenever I read ''it is a mitzvah to live in Israel'' I think that this is quite misleading. Yes it is a mitzvah to live in Israel but that statement needs to be qualifed. There are actually 613 mitzvot, and NO ONE can do all of them in one lifetime. Different people have different mitzvot that they are supposed to do, for those who cannot move to Israel then don't waste your life worrying about it. Get on with the mitzvot that you CAN do and ignore the nonsense spewed out by other Israelis desperate to prove their points by misleading without giving full information. AK
people need to be very careful not to judge. i feel very lucky to live in israel...pieces fell in place for me, that made it easy for me to make aliyah. there are many that would love to live in israel...but don't. it is not up for anyone, who is lucky enough to live in israel, to judge those that are not. judgement is for God only.
as someone that lives in israel, it bothered me what the Rav said about not wiping out hamas. there are a lot of us that breathed sighs of relief wben netenyahu did not escalate his response, after the rockets, into a war. our children would have been sent to fight...already we have neighbors, friends, and families who have lost sons in the past 5 years. the rockets were islamic jihad, not hamas. hamas does need to be wiped out...but, we're glad our sons/daughters are safe at this hour.
Rabbi Efraim Palvanov Biblical texts speak of a new star appearing in the night sky to herald the coming of the Messiah. Scientists predict...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Where can I see these shiurim in their original form, not on youtube?
This is the original form. Also available at TorahThinking.com
ReplyDeleteI was amazed when the Rabbi said that Netanyahu was culpable for all the lives lost from the Hamas rocket attacks over the years. And that when a government does not protect its people from attacks it loses it mandate to govern. He also said the PM is a murderer for not taking action against Hamas and getting rid of them.
ReplyDeleteNetanyahu is on his way out; Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit is breathing down his back. Who will step in to the PM’s position when Bibi is out?
Dramatizing the whole “soap opera” as the Satan’s downfall was brilliant.
What, chalila, is it going to take for Jews to wake up? You can't just carry on business as usual,claiming unity, my mission etc, etc. Everyone, regardless of their circumstances has to start planning their aliya and that of their community, (which is true unity of the Jewish people, and not as from the megila Am echad mefuzar umefurad, true unity is Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael keeping Torat Yisrael.) If Am Yisrael had returned home when they had the chance before the Purim story they wouldn't have been mefuzar umefurad which is what allowed Haman harasha to rise up against us).
ReplyDeleteAgain. Step one, START, step two, PLAN. Unless you are in a coma, you can take these two steps. Pick up a pen and paper and start making your plan of everything that needs to happen. Start packing and or getting rid of your stuff. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.
Get a job teaching English online to Chinese children, it's all the rage,
Portable parnasa in your pyjamas.
Talk to Hashem, beg for help in overcoming whatever your challenges are. Some are real and some are blocks we create for ourselves. (My American doctor in Israel told me of her friend who refuses to make aliya because of the treatment her child is receiving in the US. Sounds reasonable, until you hear that my doctor told her that the treatment in Israel for the child's condition is both better and free, but her friend refuses to believe her.)
The situation is dire, listen to Rav Richter on Poway. And make your new mantra, not "it can happen here", but "it is happening here".
Everyone loves Rav Anava, you should listen to what he has to say about the situation, he says that there are no guarantees that the Shoah, chalila, can't happen again. He talks about his grandmother, about how they were warned and how people didn't take it seriously. She left literally on the day before Kristallnacht. His message is that Jews should make aliya post haste.
"Not a doomsday rabbi but a wakeup rabbi" he says of himself.
Read Em Habamim Smeicha.
I was at the kotel on rosh chodesh iyar and davened for MM and for klal yisrael to make aliya, Be"D. The worse your situation is, the more you need to daven for yeshuot Be"D. You can't, but Hashem can.
Everyone is dreaming. You can attack me, but I am just a messenger repeating the message of rabbis you respect. (Also Rav Mizrahi, and Rav Brody said the same thing, repeated from Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz zatzal) And why do I bother? "I'm alright Jack". Because I care about Am Yisrael, and have a sickening feeling when I think about Jews in exile, in America in particular.
Re: Netanyahu - Many have said and I think the Rebbe of Lubavitch, that h the PM will be the last prime minister because Moshiach will take over. Don't know whether that means MBY or the eternal Moshiach MBD! According to this, Bibi will hand over the mantle to Moshiach.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous above, some of us are "woke" already and davening as hard as we can, but some of the obstacles that Hashem puts in our path are not removeable except by HIM. And our job as maaminim is to trust that Ein Od Milevado and He can get those of us who want to serve Him out of harm's way when He so chooses and if He doesn't, it is because our souls need the tikkun of passing from this world. What about all the very frum communities in Monsey and Lakewood and New Square and elsewhere in galus who don't even go online, don't even have smart phones, do everything to serve Hashem and never heard of Rav Anava or Rav Mizrachi? Is Hashem going to destroy them just because their Rav hasn't issued a decree that they should all make aliya? I find your comment to be aliya bullying. Things are dire, and we are about to be redeemed. But your saying that that sky is falling is only upsetting to those trying to maintain our emunah and it doesn't help anyone and it doesn't even wake up those who are sleeping in gashmius.
ReplyDeleteAliyah bullying - well said !
ReplyDeleteAgreed! Aliyah bullying indeed! who says that when it is written about Hashem gathering us from the 4 corners that it means we will leave frightened?
ReplyDeleteAliyah bullying! Thank you, Rachel!Perfectly worded.
ReplyDeleteRachel, I've been yelling that until blue in the face. Then I realized there's no use. At first this bullying got me to really question everything i've known and all the facts I've been brought up with. Practically ALL of the frum communities, which are completely saturated with very very real G-D fearing Rabbanim, have not said those warnings, for decades now. And we certainly always knew to look forward to the coming of Moshiach with lots of happiness and good feelings. It's not to say that the 'online' Rabbis are all wrong, but when I gave it enough thought, I came to your conclusion above: "Most truly frum people do not go online much.... and Hashem for sure likes that. And there's no reason for them to die a more horrific death just because they were Ășnaware' of Hashem's plans due to their refraining from internet usage!
ReplyDeleteThey will surely be saved! I don't doubt it for a second!
Please challenge that...
It's a sad fact that those of us outside of Israel feel intimidated by these kind of comments on various blogs. I'm fed up with all the nonsense about another holocaust etc.... the lubavitcher Rebbe and many more have told us there will not be another holocaust G-d forbid, and we know anti semitism will again rear it's ugly head before Moshiach..... I'm happy to see people standing up for their rights to live outside of Israel, for many and varied reasons we cannot make ALiyah and don't believe there is a need to. I'm not giving advice here, just defending our rights to live our lives and not be attacked because we can't jump on the next plane to Yerushalayim. Well done to everyone who has made Aliyah, you are very fortunate to be living in Israel, but spare a thought for those who have tried and failed and had to return home to the diaspora just to survive, and for those who can't even consider it for so many reasons.
ReplyDeleteTo the person whose comment I did not publish -and you know who you are / please do not come to my blog or leave any more comments on it they will not ever be published.
ReplyDeleteA reminder for you: those who bless will be blessed - those who curse will be cursed - keep your disgusting words to yourself.
ReplyDeleteoiy yoy... what complicated words are going back and forth here.
ReplyDeletei am humbly wishing to share my feelings.
making aliya is a mitvah.
loving our fellow jew is a bigger mitzvah
the punnishment for hurting or fighting with or embarasing or causeing machlokes or causeing others to sin, or such type of things are so devastating...(why we are here in galus in the first place!)
we all daven to be brought Home to Eretz Yisrael Hakedosha, if those words have not yet entered our hearts to make us yearn to be returned Home , then we have work to do.
only Hashem is truly capable to bring anyone to His Holy Land.we need to be zoche, and our yearning and davening go a very long way to prepare us to be brought home, beH
Hashem has given us the mitzvah, unequivocally to LOVE OUR FELLOW JEW. and that indisputable absolute KLAL of the Torah cannot be pushed aside for any other important mitzva, even living in Eretz Yisrael HaKedosha.
tying someone up and putting tefillin on him would not be the right way to go about helping another jew do the precious mitzvah of wearing tefilln...
please please please dear sisters and brothers do not tear apart Am Yisrael, in the guise of any mitvah. please Hashem, may we all be zoche to reeal Your light and Your ratzon in the world, and to unite together and bring nachas to You, and be zoche to return Home, the Yerushalayim haBenuya, with the geulah shelema b'meheira b'yamenu b'rachamim rabim.
Whenever I read ''it is a mitzvah to live in Israel'' I think that this is quite misleading. Yes it is a mitzvah to live in Israel but that statement needs to be qualifed. There are actually 613 mitzvot, and NO ONE can do all of them in one lifetime. Different people have different mitzvot that they are supposed to do, for those who cannot move to Israel then don't waste your life worrying about it. Get on with the mitzvot that you CAN do and ignore the nonsense spewed out by other Israelis desperate to prove their points by misleading without giving full information.
people need to be very careful not to judge. i feel very lucky to live in israel...pieces fell in place for me, that made it easy for me to make aliyah. there are many that would love to live in israel...but don't. it is not up for anyone, who is lucky enough to live in israel, to judge those that are not. judgement is for God only.
ReplyDeleteas someone that lives in israel, it bothered me what the Rav said about not wiping out hamas. there are a lot of us that breathed sighs of relief wben netenyahu did not escalate his response, after the rockets, into a war. our children would have been sent to fight...already we have neighbors, friends, and families who have lost sons in the past 5 years. the rockets were islamic jihad, not hamas. hamas does need to be wiped out...but, we're glad our sons/daughters are safe at this hour.
ReplyDeleteYes DL some comments are not published because this is my blog and I will not put up with any more scare tactics.
ReplyDeleteNetanyahu is weak. Israel needs a Donald Trump!