Wednesday, May 29, 2019

That's The Way It Is

I hope this short video inspires some of you to stop blaming yourself for your troubles.

From a series of videos: ''Coffee with Mrs Miryam Swerdlow''


  1. To Anonymous with advice not published - thank you but I’m not sure you understand what she is saying here and as you are Anonymous I can’t email you to discuss it - I don’t want to confuse everyone else with your viewpoint. I may turn off the Anonymous option soon - thinking about that ....

  2. Please note that There will be a Part 2 to this which I will publish when available .

  3. I understood very well, and as I said what she says needs to be nuanced, because too many people use that line of thinking regarding future endeavours, to justify their lack of efforts, general defeatism and laziness. Everything I wrote is in line with kosher Jewish hashkafa and I am sure that your readers are intelligent enough to understand what I respectfully wrote and not be confused. Surely discussion leads to the truth, and closing it down merely creates an echo chamber.

  4. Anonymous again you have no name, but yes you are correct however I was thinking that she was speaking more along the lines of situations we cannot change. I'm sure that in Part 2 she'll get to the ones we can change. Anyway you have made a valid point and thank you for being persistent, you have explained yourself better in this version and I appreciate it. Everyone please give a name when you comment in future, your own or a made up one, whatever you like. Thank you all.

  5. To Anon @4:31 am - The reason you cannot understand the meaning of the Rebbitzen's lecture is that she is coming from a chassidish viewpoint which always emphasizes the deeper meaning of everything in our lives. These are facts that are deep and that is why our Torah is constantly being learned because it does not end. There are four meanings to everything that is written in our Torah and the deepest is called the 'sod' (secret) where it gets into the meanings which are hard for many to grasp as we usually think only on the external level of things but those who are learned in Torah know that everything is really being controlled by H', even if we cannot understand the meaning of 'choice' as the human mind understands it. In other words, we do have bechirah (choice) but in the end, everything is in H's Hands (so to speak).

  6. That is Miryam Swerdlow's short shiur. Yes she is saying Ain Od Milvado, trust Hashem in everything. Part two should be up soon. I will look for it.


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