Monday, May 20, 2019

The Origin of Jews and Non-Jews [Part 2]

Rabbi Kessin: continued from Part 1 which can be found here


  1. This was a tremendous shiur; and it just kept getting better, especially when he started taking questions. It was so stirring that I welled up with tears and they did escape down my cheeks. I recommend listening to the very end.

  2. I’m so surprised that no one commented on this. Did no one listen to the video? Where are your comments?

  3. I haven’t heard it yet but thousands have - according to the You Tube count. I’ll grt time later this week.

  4. I have a difficult time listening to his speech, is there a transcript somewhere of what he says?

  5. Rachel, maybe put him on speaker and not look at the screen. I have the same problem with another speaker.

  6. Neshama it's not that, putting him on speaker wouldn't help, if anything if I could turn the sound way down and try to read lips, I have no trouble watching him... He is a very good speaker and has amazing things to say... but I have this thing called "misophonia" - look it up, it's a real struggle. Some people who make a lot of extra saliva sounds when they speak are difficult for me to listen to. (Eating noises and loud swallowing too.) I have asked Hashem to rid me of this, it's a real curse.

  7. Maybe turning the cc on... and turning of sound, might help..
    then you can just read..


  8. I tried to get the cc but not available - if I had time I would transcribe it - maybe someone more technical than me knows what to do ??

    1. I can send transcript from book that I'd in the works via email if I know which shiur. The ones already transcribed are those from the 21st Century series and one on Free Will and Nehama d'ksufa.


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