Friday, January 31, 2020

v’NaHaFoch Hu

v’NaHaFoch Hu is a phrase from the Purim story.  It means ''it was turned around''  - it was the opposite of what was expected.

When you see something that is turned around unexpectedly, and there is no possible logical explanation for it, you can be sure that Hashem is at work here.

This is how I feel about the Coronavirus.  The fact that it began in the ''live'' markets, where live animals are sold and butchered, in a country where people eat the limbs from live animals.... and the gematria of the word ''Corona'' equals the gematria of  ''eats limbs from live animals''..... shows us that Hashem is at work here.

Whilst it is not a ''turn around'' in the same way as the Purim story, it is a turn around in the way people think about their eating habits.  It is a miraculous event, in a bad way, that will end up being a miraculous event in a good way.

It was the same experience for me with the fires in Australia.... first the drought, then the heat and then the fires... and then the incredible winds that blew the fires everywhere.  There was no other explanation except that Hashem was at work, even taking into account that some of those fires were caused by mis-management and arson, the outcome came from Shamayim.

And again with the ''Deal of the Century'' which seems to have fizzled out before it has even begun.

We can all get carried away with conspiracy theories but let's not forget who is running the world, and who is orchestrating events to bring us towards Geula.  

Just my thoughts as this crazy week comes to an end.


  1. How does "corona" equal " eiver. min hachai"?

  2. See blog post from Tuesday - Coronavirus 2 - on my phone can’t link to it sorry

  3. I hear you Devorah. Yes, agreed. Shabbat shalom u'mevorach.

  4. Very true! Everything, in the end, is from Shamayim. H' controls everything! People think that there are many evil or disgusting things which go on but yet they are not punished because they think there is no accountability. The sin of eating these animals which are despicable for humans to eat and especially eating a limb from a live animal is one of the seven (7) Noahide Laws for all of humanity! H' does not overlook anything! Also, it depends what one mean when they say 'conspiracy theory'. Many times these are not crazy madeup stories but there are forces of evil that are behind these actual stories. H' allows these forces of evil to sometimes be the executors when HE punishes; sometimes these evil doers will wind up being their own punishers. H' works in mysterious ways.


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