Sunday, March 1, 2020

Rav Fish Info Confirmed by Health Minister

From Rav Fish: Corona and Geula

Corona is against Pegam Hayesod.
The word corona means "crown" and it is very much connected to the middle line of the Sefirot, which starts with Keter and ends with Ateret Hayesod
It doesn't seem to affect those under the age of 9, who are not blemished with Pegam Hayesod 
It seems to affect more men than women. It's occurring during Shovavim.


From the Victorian Health Minister [Australia]-

The risk to children has been a very low one. We have not had children who have been severely impacted by this.  Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy said ''it was very unusual'' that children do not seem to be getting sick.


  1. That was also explained by Rav Berland as one of the two reasons for it (the other being eating meat from live animals) from what I read on their website weeks ago.

  2. Yes he did, I remember reading it. He didn't mention the children under 9 factor though.

  3. The fact about children under nine, has been written up by medical groups. Read that in a few places.


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