Sunday, April 19, 2020

Locked Up or Locked Down?

Having just read a rant by an Israeli blogger who believes the Covid19 lockdowns are sinister and have nothing to do with the disease, which is harmless...... and no worse than a normal flu.... perhaps that blogger needs to spend some time in an emergency ward in the UK.

Just checking the statistics, and although many Israelis would leave us to believe that Israel is doing very well comparatively [which it is B"H] it is not exactly beating other countries in the war against Covid19.

From the Statista statistics at April 18:

Israel comes in at number 37 on the list for example with 158 deaths, while Australia is much lower at number 53 with 69 deaths.
Burundi has the lowest amount: 1 death
USA the highest at 37,175
[although I believe China would be much higher than that, they are just not telling the truth]

So whilst some countries have a massive amount of casualties, others have relatively few.  Why?  I tend to think that countries such as Israel and Australia handled the situation very quickly and locked down before it got out of control.  Australia had advance warning, as did New Zealand [showing as 11 deaths], and certainly Israel took action very quickly.  

I can't understand why some people think this is all a giant conspiracy toward some evil end.  And even if it is, don't you think G-d knows what's going on and will take care of it in due process?  

Meanwhile we enter Lockdown Day Something, I've lost count.  I rarely know what day of the week it is anymore.  


  1. Books will be written about this. It may not be a big conspiracy, but the virus is certainly being used to stoke fear and panic and economic chaos - all for political purposes.

    Just look at how the mainstream media is covering for China and blaming Trump for everything. Look how they rewrite history to make it seem as though Trump took no action while the 'all-knowing' media sounded the alarm over the dangers of the virus (which is demonstrably false). Look how the World Health Organization lied about the virus to deflect from China's criminal negligence, and only piped up to scold America for referring to it as the "Chinese virus". There's a lot of trampling on Americans' Constitutional rights by power-grabbing politicians.

    The virus is not harmless, and it is very contagious, and some people have severe symptoms. But it has not turned out to be the mass killer that the early (faulty) models predicted. Once they start testing for antibodies and determine how many people have been exposed to the virus, the death rate will fall even further. Meanwhile, America has suffered Great Depression-level job losses.

    As for the effectiveness of lockdowns ... an Israeli scientist comparing data between countries has concluded that the virus has a life-cycle, and that lockdown doesn't make any difference. He's not the only one making that observation. And yet, the media doesn't report on that because it's politically advantageous to keep the hysteria going. Why else would they be SO AGAINST allowing doctors to prescribe promising drugs like Hydroxychloroquin?

    Anyway, I can go on and on, but you get the idea. The reaction to Covid19 will be studied and analyzed for years to come, and I'm sure we will learn many things about it.

  2. I'm guessing you are American, and I think you have just described total chaos and people don't have a clue what's going on, but they are jumping to conclusions anyway. It's also interesting that we all have different opinions, depending whereabouts we come from.

    Most opinions I read are blaming China, and I personally also blame China. They have lied to us from the beginning, along with WHO, just as Trump said. But I clearly remember Trump not understanding how dangerous this virus was in the beginning and whether that was because of WHO or the fault of his own advisors, I do not know.

    I remember thinking that Israel were doing the best job of locking their country down immediately, and everyone should have copied them from the start, and saved themselves the trouble of so many dead.

    In the end, who knows what to believe anymore? Truth will out eventually.

  3. No, I'm Canadian, and I'm watching the American media continually lie to the public without shame.

    Early on nobody understood the dangers. How could they have? WHO lied and told everybody it was not transmitted human-to-human!

    Dr. Fauci (one of Trump's chief Covid19 advisors) told Americans that they don't have to change their routines because the risk was very small. The Surgeon General told people not to bother wearing masks.

    When Trump shut down travel from China just 10 days after the first American case was identified, he was called a "fear-mongering, hysterical xenophobe" by none other that Joe Biden, 2020 Democrat Party nominee for president. Newspaper headlines were no kinder.
    Keep in mind that during this time, the Democrats were too busy trying to impeach Trump on bogus charges to even notice there was a virus threat. Now they're all rewriting history, hoping most people will just buy whatever they're selling. I find it more horrifying than the virus.

  4. Yup. American here. I, believe, that no matter who we blame, ultimately it has Hashem's stamp on it because he wants this to be confusing and harrowing time if transition.
    It is a time of transition to shake our grasp on this world in preparation for a world of truth.
    This mageifah has it's origins, true, it does, but those who volunteered to bring evil onto the world will be brought to justice by G-d.
    As one Rabbi I listen to says, "Sin is not for free."
    Hashem is watching and planning accordingly.... it's not if, but when....

  5. In comparing numbers we should also consider the size of the populations and the number of people regularly traveling in and out of said countries.

  6. To Anonymous 2:22pm and Devorah etc.etc.

    Not just that, i came across an obscure recently-uploaded video wherein a Russian-accented medical guy was indignant at how effective oxygen is, and how the CDC had misled them. (I don't remember the wording, but i recall he was expressing extreme frustration at the CDC.)

    Also on the topic of oxidative-therapy, the below is important enough that i hope to post a copy to the other Deborah's blog too, because i don't know how else to get the word out. Whichever of you can help spread the word, please do!! After all, there's no OJ message boards i know of other than "coffeeroom" which favors democrat-intellectuals, and imamother which is inaccessible to non-mothers.

    The below therapy is advised separately by several doctors, each in their own way. But they cite Dr.Farr who's the originator of oxidative-therapy.


    Dr. Cheng / Dr. Levy

    Dr. Shallenberger

    Dr. Mercola

    P.S. Why no vBulletin-type message board for shomrei shabbat, not just imamother, to allow discussion-format with eNotifications without involving global-google? And fairly moderated, as there's often radical censorship, to everyone's detriment. There even used to be Mimi's Cyber Kitchen, now gone.

  7. Here's a more expanded / compiled version of my previous post which may help families who wish self-help rather than Triage insanity. I worked many hours on it, so anyone who can, please help pass on the info! Or if any of you has access to imamother, perhaps you can post it there? I'm not a mom, you see...

    Sorry it's in notepad text as its my first time on TextUploader.


  8. I want to say that here in Australia, the elderly and the disabled are being looked after immaculately. Many supermarkets are only delivering to those people who cannot leave their homes, there are hordes of people offering their services to help those who need to stay home as they are immunity compromised, and the government has been giving money out left right and centre. I'm truly amazed at the generosity of this country. I'm sure Hashem is watching the way the various nations of the world treat their old and infirm, during these times.

  9. "as many Israelis would lead us to believe"

    Based on independent research:, which put Israel as no. one for safety.

    In any country the statistics are not completely reliable, as deaths at home, in care homes have often not been included, and the number of known infected, relates to the amount of testing. Also, the numbers from undemocratic and less developed countries are all the less reliable. Furthermore, with a view to regarding how successful a country is in dealing with the virus, population density and age demographics has to be taken into account (Burundi is nearly 90% rurual with a negligeable over 65 population), as obviously a virus spreads much faster in population concentrations (NY, London, Paris being amongst the worst hit places) and this virus predominantly harms the elderly.

    I have heard on Israeli radio that since the outbreak the number of overall daily deaths in Israel from any cause has fallen dramatically.

    Everyone has their own reason as to why Hashem is doing it: eating the limb of a live animal, talking in shul, public transportation on shabbat in Israel, needing the tsadikim in shamayim, male and female He created them etc.

    Whatever the reason, it is quite clear that Hashem wanted all of Am Yisrael in their own homes on leil haseder, and that the Shechina is leaving all the holy places (btei knesset, btei midrash, the kotel (just one last minyan) before it returns to Beit Hamikdash).

  10. Well said last Anonymous, I wish you had a name :)

    My Israeli viewpoint is a bit distorted. Right at the beginning of all of this, I was told by a new Israeli citizen that I was doomed as I lived outside of Israel. He also told me that no Israeli would die. I'm still annoyed with that person, so I guess it's reflecting in my blog post, but I am very happy to hear that Israel is one of the top countries, if not the top, in handling this disease. I was very impressed with Netanyahu's quick and thorough response.

  11. Shavua Tov, Devorah,

    Did you see this video, I came across it on a very reliable Jewish blog. I think he speaks the truth.

    If you have not, hear it. Draw your own conclusions, as you like, for me its scary, but there is truth in what he says.


  12. From 7.34 anon: for the sake of honesty, here is a critical article regarding the research, but it is worth also seeing the comments criticizing the article.

    The bottom line is that despite the high population density and a sizeable elderly population, corona deaths per capita in Israel are significantly lower than in most others countries, and especially vis a vis Jewish populations. Sweden with a comparable population to Israel, modern healthcare and very, very low population density has seen about ten times the number of deaths. Mistakes have been made in Israel, but overall Netanyahu has been a wonderful shaliach. Setting up the corona hotels for the infected, who need care but not actual hospitalisation was sheer genius.

    Regarding conspiracy theories, I do believe that a lot of wars are fomented for the sake of arms sales. So who knows? Big pharma is also big business. B"D I do feel that in Israel the government actually cares about the people. Yes, I know that it is not perfect, many problems, corruption, etc, but that is still my overall feeling. Especially when I see the slow reaction in the world's no. 1 power and too in the UK, amazingly still considered the second geo-political power. They both seem to have been a shambles.

    And when the whole vaccine comes out be very careful. I grew up in the UK with the tragic victims of thalidomide.

  13. From Coronavirus to Geulah - Rabbi Mendel Kessin


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