Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Rabbi Shimon Kessin on Covid 19

Audio only - thank you to whichever Anonymous sent it to me

Please note, this is not Rabbi MENDEL Kessin, it is his brother Rabbi SHIMON Kessin


  1. How do people send you things?

  2. Just leave a comment, include your email if you want a response, I won't publish any emails don't worry.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5TgCfZrq5Y&t=169s


    2 more great talks

    Our Future Redemption Explained (Ascension/ Messiah/ 1000 Years of Peace)

    The Reality of Redemption Day: Everyone Will Be Saved - Rav Dror

  4. We have reached a new level.
    Zoom olam haba...
    Must listen to at least last 15 mins to see what this means. And believe me it's not the level I wish to be.

  5. Scary. Unbelievable.

    Jews are "monsters" so haShem is a "monster." Klal Yisrael is figuratively dead.

    HaShem "You are not my people anymore." Jews call Goyim to inform on minyans.

    Don't believe me? Start listening at 1:44:00. Covid specific stuff a couple minutes later.

    R. Kessin challenges anyone to show him he is wrong.

  6. Ok, this shiur was by far the most informative shiur I've heard Rabbi Kessin deliver.
    It is lengthy, yet necessary. Has anyone here listened to it yet in it's entirety?
    The concepts here are mind blowing if you will understand ....

  7. Yes Leah I agree - only heard 30 mins so far

  8. This is strong stuff from R.Kessin -possibly too strong for some to take, maybe even stronger than R.Avigdor Miller's "Divine Madness - a defense of Hashem in the matter of the Holocaust".

  9. Yes, it is heavy stuff, agreed. We need it though ...

  10. It doesn't sound like the voice of R. Kessin.

  11. It’s his brother Rabbi SHIMON Kessin

  12. But didn’t Rabbi Kessin say that according to R.Kanievsky, we are obligated to moiser another Jew to goyim if he starts a minyan which is against Halacha at this time? But then he goes on to say we have sinned for becoming mosrim. This is confusing.

  13. mg: Rabbi MENDEL Kessin said that, but this is his brother SHIMON. If you don't speak up, you are akin to a murderer, and if you do speak up you are akin to a murderer. What to do? I have no answer for you.

  14. The Kessin brothers are ASTOUNDING! ASTOUNDING!

  15. Reb Chayim K. Never said to report another jew to government.

    Pple say things in his name, if you never heard him say it. Only do what you heard with your ears.

  16. Re: Mesira, Rav Shternbuch just today came out with guidelines about that (in Hebrew):

    ראב"ד 'העדה' מורה: יש דברים שאסור להלשין עליהם

  17. Rabbi Mendel Kessin asked me to request that you note over his brother's video that this is NOT Rabbi Mendel. Also, Rabbi Mendel's latest went up on his page 2 hours ago. He always asks me if, (I'm his page's administrator) if it is on Shirat Devorah yet:)

  18. Rahel: Done. And yes I actually forced myself out of bed very early this morning to post his new video, which I can't wait to hear.

  19. mg wrote: After listening to this shiur, I became very sad and confused. So I decided to speak to my Rav for aitzah. He told me the following: The job of a rabbi is to guide and give chizuk to Jews, not to make comments that disparages others and make predictions by second-guessing why G-d does things. That is not his job. When Rabbis or anyone make predictions or give reasons for unprecendented events, it is dangerous because it will only cause macklokes and may bring on Sinas Chinam.

    I mean no disrespect to Rabbi Kessin, because I know he means well and loves all Jews. But it is not the time for Rabbonim to second guess the Ribbono Shel Olam, which can only cause atzvus and fear and may direct us away from Him, r'l. What we need most is for Rabbis to uplift and encourage us to come closer to Him by doing acts of goodness and kindness and learn His Torah. May He bring the Geulah shleima very soon!

  20. I did remove this video but after receiving a complaint, I have re-instated it.

  21. Thank you Devorah for posting my comment.


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