Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Mysterious Shofar Sounds in Sweden

It's not a train, there are no trains near where this was filmed.  Sounds like a shofar.... in Sweden.... if you can't hear it on your PC, play it on your phone [my phone's volume is much louder and better than my computer's is, don't know about yours]


  1. Interesting video. I think when the shofar of Moshiach is blown the whole world will be able to hear it, not just someone from Sweden.

  2. It says that the shofar will start very low and then get louder and louder. The opposite of how it is when a human being blows it.

  3. Do you happen to have a source for this?

  4. There are many videos circulating on Youtube of strange sounds around the world. Even here in Brazil. Sounds like jet planes, but no planes over the sky. It could be a shofar sounding more serious. Without a doubt, a supernatural phenomenon!

  5. Sorry i have no source for this video it was a group post on Whatsapp.


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