Monday, November 16, 2020

Calculating the Year of Moshiach

This information is generally known, however I have roughly transcribed it from Rabbi Anava's video today.

Although we are not allowed to calculate the arrival of Moshiach, as we draw nearer to our destination, we are permitted to talk about such things.

When we count the years for Moshiach's arrival, we count from Adam -  the word 'Adam' is an acronym for Adam/David/Moshiach.  David is in the middle of Adam and Moshiach, making it easy to calculate a year for Moshiach's arrival. [The soul of Moshiach appears in every generation, but so far no generation has been worthy of it's revelation]


Adam was born in the year 0. 

David HaMelech was born in 2854 and became King of Israel in the year 2891.

2854 is the middle year, multiply it by two and therefore 5708 is a year for Moshiach.  Obviously we didn't see Moshiach then but we did see the birth of the State of Israel [1948 on the Gregorian calendar].

We call David "King David'' and therefore we can count from the year he became King:  2891 - multiply it by 2... and we then get 5782.  [as everyone knows we are currently in the year 5781]

That doesn't mean Moshiach can't come before then, but this is the calculation Rabbi Anava was talking about.


  1. On October 23, 2017, Menachem Robinson z”l, wrote the following:

    There were Rabbis during World War 2 who said that after 10 Shemitah cycles Moshiach would come. With the war ending in 5705, 1945, the 10 cycles or 70 years brought us to 5775, which was totally consistent with Moshiach being introduced in 5776 after the last Shemitah cycle…

    He concludes:
    It even makes more sense to talk about ten 7 year cycles or 70 years, not after WW2 but the establishment of the State of Israel. 5708 to 5778 is much more believable.

    Rav Eliyahu Kramer says that there are 70 words in chapter 20 of Tehillim corresponding to the 70 years of the suffering the Jews will experience before Moshiach reveals himself.

    Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Sorotzkin writes:

    The Erev Rav in Eretz Yisrael is an expression of Chevlei Mashiach. The Vilna Gaon, based on the Zohar, teaches that the period of Chevlei Mashiach will last for seventy years. As the State was established about seventy years ago, it follows that the Erev Rav are nearing the “end of their lease” (The End Illuminated, page 56). After Chevlei Mashiach, there will be the time of the actual Leidas HaMashiach, the moment of Mashiach’s birth. It would seem from the Zohar that this can take up to another two years. The Zohar and the Gaon say that this is actually the basis for the opinion that Chevlei Mashiach will take seventy-two years and not seventy… [(The End Illuminated, page 182). See also Are you ready by Rabbi Alon Anava, page 42].

    Menachem Robinson z”l pointed out that 5708 to 5778 is 70 years.

    5779 to 5780 is 2 years like Zohar and the Gaon write!

    5781 – this year – appears to be the year in which we will witness that actual “birth” or revelation of Mashiach!

    The Medrash gives a vivid description of how Klal Yisrael and the world around us, will look in the last year before Moshiach:

    In the last year, there will be terrible suffering, harsh decrees… many diseases… there will be no peace to “the one who goes out and the one who comes in” and the men of faith, will pass away – and immediately Moshiach will come! (The End Illuminated by Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Sorotzkin page 28)

    A few lines later, the Medrash writes:
    Why does the pasuk in Malachi say פִתְאֹם יָבוֹא אֶל־הֵיכָלוֹ - that Mashiach “will come SUDDENLY to his palace”? Klal Yisrael, in that generation, will say, "Is it possible that we are seeing the world functioning as it always has, and yet the Geulah will come this year?” But they do not know that Mashiach will come suddenly (ibid. page 29)

    Our generation can relate to פִתְאֹם יָבוֹא אֶל־הֵיכָלוֹ. On December 20, 2017, Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin was suddenly released from prison!

  2. Thank you Real News, I remember reading that on Absolute Truth. And now we are so close...

  3. Next year is a shmittah year, and they are already worrying about how to do it. I remember that I think DBL told us that MBY would come at the end of a shmittah year. I hope he reads this and clarifies.

  4. Neshama, It is Mashiach ben David who comes motzaei shvi'it. And he already came LAST motzei shvi'it! We are only now waiting for his identity to be revealed to all.

  5. What do you mean he came last motzei shvi'it? Was I sleeping or something? As I understand it the person who is Moshiach has been here all along, he's just waiting for his extra soul and Hashem to tell him who he is and give him the go ahead.

  6. Quote: We’ve just finished the year 5776, motzei shivi'it, and everyone was sure that this was the year which our Sages spoke of when they said (Sanhedrin 97), “In motzei shivi'it, the son of David will come.” Yet to our sorrow and anguish, our state of affairs just continues in its usual routine with no light or salvation – or perhaps not?

    ...“Mashiach [Messiah] is riding on a donkey” (Sanhedrin 98). Rashi interprets this to mean that he will be revealed, “bit by bit” – little by little. Our Sages state that Mashiach will be revealed first of all to individuals and then afterwards to more and more people until, in the end, everyone will know about him. Only that before all this happens, he needs to come from somewhere, as the language of the Talmud expresses, “motzei shivi'it the son of David will come.” Then from where does he come? From the Holy Land or from the Exile?

    ...Abravanel (Yeshuos Meshicho 1:3) that Mashiach will first be situated in the exile and from there will come to the Holy Land [and will begin to be revealed there]. We find that if we analyze precisely the language of our Sages, it comes out that there is no contradiction. In the language of our Sages, Mashiach will “dwell” in the exile, and from there he will begin to act. Then he “comes” to the Holy Land in motzei shivi'it, and he will “rise” there specifically [in the Galilee region] “and there will begin his revelation.” People err in thinking that Mashiach will come and be revealed in a thousandth of a second in a single boom, and everything will be ok. That’s not how our Sages described it – rather, “bit by bit.” We have here an entire process which takes several years at minimum.


    Hamavin yavin. But no saying it out loud.

  7. There is a story about the Lubavitcher Rebbe saying Mashiach will come suddenly.
    So perhaps if we respect all the sages, Mashiach will be revealed at first slowly to some people in Israel, and then suddenly a lot of people will know about his arrival in the rest of the world?

  8. London Male, maybe that's true. However, the link provided by Devash obviously refers to one particular person and anyone can see who that person is just by looking at the pictures there, never mind that the entire site is dedicated to that same person.
    His name has also been thrown about on many sites, some for and some against.
    I have chosen to stay out of this particular argument because I have no idea who Moshiach is or could be.

  9. London Male - The Rebbe is quoting an earlier source, as is the Berland website. They can be applied to many people, but they cannot be applied indiscriminately. In other words, you can't say this person fulfills this source talking about Mashiach ben David and also this source which describes Mashiach ben Yosef, because those same sources tell us that these are two different people with two different missions to be accomplished in the same period of time.

    Ben David arrives in EY motzaei"shvi'it and Ben Yosef suffers in prison. They each have their own job to do. I quoted that piece from that site because it describes perfectly a particular rabbi in Israel and yet it does not describe R Berland precisely. For one thing, he did not return to Israel until November 2016 - a whole year later.

  10. Simple answer. No one knows who Moshiach Ben Dovid is. We will all see it together. He is Divinely appointed
    Hopefully, it will be sooner than later.


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