Sunday, October 29, 2023

Moshiach #17 - 1948-1967-2024

 Ari Goldwag 

What is the common thread that runs through the years 1948, 1967 and 2024, as well as the years 2005 (Gush Katif) and 1492 (Expulsion from Spain)? 

What is the concept of the Sod Ha'ibur - the Secret of the Leap Year, or, more literally, the Secret of the Pregnancy? 

What can we observe about the 19 year cycle of the Jewish calendar, which contains 7 leap year? 

What is special about the 8th year of that cycle? 

What is the 9 month 'birthing' process that begins every leap year - in Av of the year before? 

What starts to be revealed in the end of Tishrei of a leap year? 

What is behind the concept of the 70 day period from 25th of Adar until the 6th of Sivan? 

How does this explain the 70 days from 28th of Iyar (Yom Yerushalayim) and the 9th of Av? 

What did the Chofetz Chaim predict about where in the world would remain safe during World War II? 

What is the unique power of Moshiach ben Yosef in destroying the Persians (Iran) and facing off with the nations of the world? 

Find out all this and more in this 17th edition of the Moshiach Podcast.


  1. Went to watch on YouTube, and saw all the great comments there.

    Here, I thank you Devorah, for posting these and other writings too, of things one comes reads and learns.

    So again, thank you Devorah.

    God bless and keep you and yours safe always. Amen v'Amen.


  2. Are you sure it’s 2024 and not 2023? It’s very disheartening for 2024 to be a much more likely keitz for Moshiach than 2023, if that’s the correct understanding?

    Especially 9 months from this past chodesh Av. We can’t wait that long anymore :(


  3. No-one can predict a date, but if you listen to the lecture he is saying Moshiach is a PROCESS, it's not an instant event. The process has begun.
    He's explaining the 19 year cycle and the leap year "pregnancy" as well as many other things.

    1. We’ve been in the process for too long and very long. The process comes to an end instantly when any type of suffering for all of Am Yisrael ends….And that is very imminent.

      Hashem will heal the blind, the deaf, and give us completely healing to perfect health. No more illnesses and ailments. Hashem will end any type of suffering, of course including wars and poverty. Hashem will give us an everlasting Beis HaMikdash. That is what we are truly waiting for and that is imminent as the process of Moshiach is coming to a FINAL END!


  4. I hear you Elisheva..Much too long.

  5. Sorry, what do you mean?

    You don’t agree that Hashem will
    fulfill these promises once the Moshiach process that we’ve been in for a long time comes to a close and Moshiach is finally here?


  6. One of the posters on this blog occasionally mentioned R' Hool, and I believe R' Hool also spoke of the years 2024 and/or 2027. (Ad Erev Boker). R' Hool had quoted Zohar as stating Techiyat Meisim for tzadikim is 214 years before everyone else, thus 5786=2027.

    1. G-D FORBID to have to wait until 5786 (2025/2026) for Moshiach. That is a horrible thing to think about, especially when we need Moshiach right now.


  7. Mind blowing, thank you for sharing.

    I just want to point another interesting pattern: Avraham was born in the year 1948 according the the jewish calendar and Hashem revealed to him in parashat Lech Lecha when he was 75 years old (see rashi).
    Israel was created in the year 1948 and now we are 75 years after.

  8. @M.M.

    Rav Hool when interviewed in 2022, said that based on his study of Sefer Daniel, there would be a Keitz in Av 5782 and a Keitz in Adar 5786.
    (Keitz = a especially likely time for Mashiach to arrive.
    Not though a definite time for Mashiach to arrive, because he can come at any time.)

  9. We should not live in illusions. Unfortunately, Moshiach will appear neither in 2023 nor in 2024. How will Moshiach manifest himself in the future? It would be absurd to say that as soon as the Moshiach appears in the arena, he will immediately arrive in Israel to be given all the honors due to him. This is idle fiction. The reality will be completely different. Everything will be far from what many assume, and it will not happen where Jews usually look for it. Like it or not, let us take you through some key points that may seem rather ridiculous or counter-intuitive. Ironically, Mashiach, oddly enough, will first reveal himself not to Israel, but to the enemies of Israel - the descendants of Esau or Edom, i.e. Rome (Isaiah 65:1), his mission will begin from the south of Italy, from the island of Sicily (i.e., he will begin to act like his great-grandfather Yaakov, “holding onto the heel of Edom” - Italy), and this will not happen immediately, but unnoticed. Meanwhile, the Almighty will take away the “heart of man” from the Mashiach and give him the “heart of the beast” (Daniel 4:13), as a result of which the Mashiach will acquire enormous destructive power. In fact, this will be a completely new personality, after which he will go to war against the Vatican and all of Europe (Psalm 14 - 16; in the English version of the Bible Psalm 9:13 - 15). This is written in detail in the 3rd book of Ezra. Almost all the rivers and seas of Europe will turn into a red stench (Isaiah 41:2; Jeremiah 30:10-11; Jeremiah 46:28). Then the nations will shout: “Peace, peace,” but there will be no peace. All actions of the Moshiach will be more consistent with the will of the Almighty, both as regards Russia and other countries (Isaiah 26: 11). Subsequently, he will be revealed to the scattered tribes of Israel, inhabiting mainly the southern and eastern regions of Russia, Turkey, the countries of Transcaucasia and Central Asia (Jeremiah 16:19).

  10. I just read that the gog umegog war will last 12 months. Can someone please refute this I can’t handle this. It must not be true. All the teshuva pple r doing must count for something .malky

  11. Malky maybe you read that it will last 12 minutes. Ron

    1. I read there r 5 things that will last 12 months. The 10 makos in Egypt. , iyov punishment , the gog Magog war and 2 other things I forgot Malky

    2. I wouldn’t focus on the duration of the gog u’magog war. There are different opinions on that. Some opinions say it’ll take several minutes (7 minutes). Some opinions say we won’t have gog u’magog bc we already had the holocaust. Some say it’s a spiritual war. No one knows. The main thing is to believe and see so clearly that Moshiach is very close and can come today.


  12. Totally agree with you again Elisheva. Just ignore all the time frames given, they are academic but not set in stone.

  13. I don't know where people get some of their information from.
    We don't know the exact details of how and when he will come.
    Also depends if you're speaking of MBY or MBD. Moshiach ben Yosef
    will fight the wars and then Moshiach Ben Dovid will come about in
    more of a Divine way.
    We cannot say he will or won't come this year or the next because
    we yearn for him every day when he may appear.
    H' knows and He is in charge.

  14. No one knows when Moshiach will come. We yearn for him daily.
    We do know that it is imminent that he will come; these are times
    for his coming but we do not know exact dates.
    Also, do we mean MBY or MBD?
    Hashem in Charge.
    We do know it will be soon and may it be sooner than we imagine.

  15. I also read how this month cheshvan is the month of the Bais hamikdash inauguration and the month when amalek will be destroyed malky

  16. If this is Gog U'Magog we don't know the exact start day even if the recent atrocities seem like a start date

  17. That's true Rivkah and even if we think of it in terms of a pregnancy, the "baby" [Geula] can always be born prematurely.

    1. If Moshiach comes today, what makes you think it’s a premature birth? So many tzaddikim and seforim point to us being “overdue” for Moshiach and we are at the b’itoh point, well past achishena (early).


  18. I mean if we're waiting 9 months, it doesn't have to be the full 9 months.

    1. Where did you see that we’re definitely in the 9 months? Maybe we already did the 9 months a long time ago or maybe the 9 months doesn’t have to be fulfilled. Many people talked about there “9 months” during corona. Moshiach can come today without any conditions.


  19. Gila, this lecture is about the 9 months. I'm commenting on the lecture.

    1. I apologize. I got caught up in all the comments. When did the 9 months start according to the lecture? And does Ari Goldwag say that Moshiach can only come after the 9 months is over? It’s a bit confusing. Thank you


  20. It's a process. Believe it or not, I"m still listening to this lecture, I never managed to hear the entire thing before now. I suggest you listen to it, and understand his theory, which he stresses is just a theory, and not a prediction. There is a transcript available but the AI gets all the Hebrew words wrong of course.

    1. I don’t believe in believing that Moshiach will come at a certain future date (for example… if the “9 months” ends next week). We have already passed plenty of dates for predictions. The main and only thing is that Moshiach can come any day. Moshiach can definitely come today. We are way overdue and past achishena.


  21. i think Hashem will send moshiach only when all jews wake up and realize we are powerless without Hashem sending Him. our leaders are too weak to fight a war according to halacha. they are also either too weak to stand up to world pressure or they are corrupt and are working with a world agenda. God help us all, and especially the families that are suffering now due to loss and injuries.

  22. Gila, the 9 months started right after Tisha B'Av and by erev (that day) of Pesach will be Gog uMagog according to the recent news from three great mekubalim. That is when the milchama will end. From Tisha B'Av until Pesach is 9 months.
    H' takes over the battle and HE destroys Amaleik once and for all. This should take about 12 minutes. This is an overall view of what most understand and as far as we lay people can understand.

    1. If you can list the names of the 3 mekubalim , that would be helpful. I just wanted to comment that there is no way that any Tzaddik would say Moshiach will come on a future date (Erev Pesach as you quoted). People misunderstood it. What they must have said is that Moshiach has to come BY erev pesach, the very latest. The reason is because it’s forbidden according to the Torah to not await the coming of Moshiach every day. The 3 Mekubalim were saying that the end of the 9 months (erev pesach) is the final Keitz for which Moshiach must come by. Moshiach can come TODAY!


    2. I also would like to know who the 3 great mekubalim are that said that Moshiach will be here sometime by erev pesach?


  23. Yocheved...exactly!


  24. הוא 14 יום, ערב פסח אליהו הנביא פסח תשפ"ד זה זמן הגאולה

    מתי המלחמה תסתיים? סוף העולם - אור גדול עומד לרדת מפי הצדיק המקובל רבי אליהו אביטבול ורבנו שלום

    בבקשה, הנה לפנייך תמלול השיחה:
    "ברוך הבא.. ברוך הבא..."
    אתה יכול לשבת, כבודו!
    שואל הרב שלום: אז, הרב אמר: בחול המועד פסח, הראיתי לרב - הרב דיבר שאחרי סוכות – סוף העולם.
    אז הרב שלום שואל: מה הולך להיות? עוד כמה זמן זה הולך להימשך?
    הרב: העניין ככה: אמרו חכמים על ההפטרה שקראנו בחג הסוכות: "ביום בוא גוג על אדמת ישראל"...
    [בנביא יחזקאל, בפרק ל"ז, מופיע ונכתב] "חזון העצמות היבשות", כתוב (שם): "התחיינה העצמות האלו"? – אז, מה הקשר? – שואל הצדיק הרב אביטבול, שליט"א?
    והוא ממשיך ומשיב לשאלתו: שיש מלחמה שתתחיל בסוכות ותיגמר בערב פסח! - ואיפה זה כתוב: אליהו הנביא אמר על הפסוק הידוע: "ויאמר כי יד על כס יה מלחמה לה' בעמלק מדור דור". איזה יום הוא זה? - בערב פסח, בחצי היום הראשון - חצי החודש הוא 14 יום, ערב פסח.
    "...כי יד על כס יה...." - ישב הקב"ה על כסאו וזה יקרה בערב פסח!
    בשניה הזאת העולם ייגמר ויש מלחמה תימשך מערב סוכות עד ערב פסח.
    שמה ייגמר, האור ירד. תהיה מלחמה, יתערבו אומות העולם, יהיה אטום (פצצת אטום)!
    הגר"א אומר: יהיו שלוש דקות (של פצצת) אטום וה' יעשה את המלחמה...
    שאלה לרב: אז מה עלינו לעשות ע"מ למתק את הגזירות האלה?
    תשובת הרב: ע"י הצדקות, ע"י התורה ... ברחמים, ברחמים...!
    הרב אסולין ממשיך ואומר לצדיק – הרב אליהו אבוטבול, שליט"א: 1500 יהודים נרצחו שם בעוטף עזה. ויש שם שבויים. מה יהיה עם השבויים?
    הרב אליהו אבוטבול: בע"ה ישתחררו בקרוב. הבעיה שזה ייקח זמן, מה שאמרו חכמים – וזה גם מי שאמר ... רבינו יהונתן אייבשיץ, זצ"ל. האם ראיתם את המכתב שלו?
    הנוכחים שואלים את הרב אליהו אביטבול, שליט"א: מה הוא אומר?
    הרב שלום, שליט"א מקריא את דברי הרב יהונתן אייבשיץ, זצ"ל: "ובאמת אצלנו בעוונותינו הרבים קרתה עצת בלעם אשר אמר לבלק: "אשר יעשה העם הזה לעמך באחרית הימים. דהיינו: "אחרית ימים", שהוא שמחת תורה, שאז בעוונותינו הרבים שהשטן שולט, ונעשית כמעט עצת בלעם בעוונותינו הרבים שיש בו תערובות הנשים ונשים בחורים ובתולות ירקדו כאיילים ושועלים ירקדו שם ונעשית בעוונותינו הרבים פרצה גדולה..."!
    "זה מה שהיה!!! הבנים והבנות הלכו ... איסורי עריות והיה שם גם פסל (כידוע לכל מי שראה את הסרטונים מאותה 'מסיבת טבע / מסיבת הנווה', ה' יצילנו!!!!!!
    (וזה קרה) בשמחת תורה!!! הִנֵּה!!!
    הרבנים משיבים בהסכמה לרב שלום אביטבול, שליט"א: כן, בדיוק כך!!!
    ממשיך הרב אליהו אביטבול, שליט"א ואומר להם: "ובעל ה'יערות דבש' כותב את הדברים אלו כבר לפני כ- 300 שנים"!!!
    כבוד הרבנים אומרים לרב אליהו אביטבול, שליט"א: "זה רוח הקודש, הרב, אהה...? זה רוח הקודש"!!!
    הרב אליהו אביטבול, שליט"א ממשיך ואומר: הגיע הזמן הזה! הנה!
    רבי צדוק הכהן מלובלין, זצ"ל, הוא אומר משיח יבוא בראש חודש ניסן!
    "בניסן יגאלו ובע"ה ניגאל (בחודש ניסן)! זה מה שאמרו כולם!!! על מלחמת גוג ומגוג – והגאולה תהיה בניסן בע"ה! זה הכל מוכח!!!
    הרב שלום והרב אליהו אסולין אומרים לרב אביטבול: החיילים הולכים במסירות נפש....
    הרב אביטבול: "בטח, בטח... הם צדיקים גדולים!!!
    הקב"ה יציל אותם ולא יגעו בהם! שילכו בריאים ושלמים במלחמתם וכן יהי רצון ונאמר אמ

    הצדיק הנסתר


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