Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Through Our Own Efforts

Surely, if Yaakov would have indeed revealed the time of Moshiach's coming to his children [Vayechi 49:1], they would have been totally devastated to hear that they had so long to wait.

When Yaakov's sons would hear that Moshiach was not scheduled to come for a long time, they would have realized that some considerable additional effort was needed to bring him sooner - as the Talmud states that through additional merit the Redemption comes earlier [Sandhedrin 98a].  Thus, Yaakov hoped that by revealing that ''the End of Days'' was a long way off, it would motivate his children to add substantially in Divine Service, so as to bring Moshiach sooner.

Nevertheless, despite his good intentions ''the Shechinah departed from him'' and Yaakov found himself unable to reveal the ''End of Days''.  For, ultimately, God wants us to bring Moshiach through our own efforts, and not through the assistance of ''revelations'' from Above.

Based on Likutei Sichos vol 20 Lubavitcher Rebbe


  1. Very nice. But I read that not knowing when he will come and how long we will have to wait is itself a kapara and erases some of our sins. And the agony of knowing how long we would have to wait would be unbearable. Malky

    1. That’s why the Torah gives us the signs of what will be right before Moshiach and we see them all fulfilled at this time! We also have kabbalistic sources that weren’t written back then and they discuss the signs and the final date. For example, the Zohar says techiyas hameisim must start before 5790 and the Leshem (who came after the Zohar) said it must start before 5786. In addition, we have some incredible speakers. In addition, so many tzaddikim said it’s coming before this Nisan. So we MUST be very close with Moshiach coming any day now!


  2. Even though I didn't watch the video, I'm pretty sure that Rabbi Richler, who Tomer Devorah often posts on her blog, said this right at the very start of the war. I didn't understand it back then, but now he's been proved right over and over again.

  3. In her interview with Israel’s Channel 12, Mia reflected on the Holocaust-like hell she faced at the hands of her captors and said: “It’s important to me to reveal the truth about the people who live in Gaza, about who they really are. Everyone there is a terrorist.”

    Mia claimed she was held in a home with a family who were all involved with Hamas, including the women and children.

    She told the interviewer she felt it was “important for me to reflect the true situation … and share what I went through in Gaza.”

    When asked what she wanted people to realise, she responded: “That I went through Holocaust. Everyone there were terrorists. Entire families are in the service of Hamas.”


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