Thursday, December 14, 2023

Zot Chanukah

Text: Rav Nissim Makor

The last day, Zot Chanukah, is one of the most powerful days of the year. 

The Admor from Ruzhhin teaches, that what a simple man can accomplish on the 8th day of Chanukah, even great Tzadikkim cannot accomplish with their Tefilah during Neilah of Yom Kippur. 

What is so special about the 8th day of Chanukah? 

On Rosh Hashanah we are judged, on Yom Kippur the judgement is sealed and on Hoshana Raba it is delivered. We still have one chance to change things until the 8th day on Chanukah., after which everything is final and the decrees start to be carried out. (The judgement process is 122 days long). 

The last days of Chanukah are the antidote to the heaviness of this month. The Chanukah lights can repair our spiritual vision, letting us see the blessings we have. Therefore, it is a very special day to beg Hashem for mercy for all that we need, and that we should have only good decrees upon us. 

Remember, Zot Chanukah is a day above nature and certainly a day of miracles!!! Take advantage of this special day. Don’t let it just come and go. Use it!!!!


  1. Can a non-Jew also use this very special day, like to ask Gd for help in things etc:??


  2. Much Thanks Devorah,

    appreciae your reply..

    Gd bless you and yours.



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