Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Purple Lightning

We had some amazing lightning last night, and you could see it from very far away - it was so intense and lit up the entire sky. Here on the east coast of Australia we are seeing these things pass by regularly now.  I just love sitting outside and watching it happen.

One thing I have noticed, before the lightning reaches us, there is a very powerful wind which is a sign that the planets are passing by.  This wind is followed by the lightning and thunder, and often giant hail.

Here are a couple of photos showing the purple skies and the lightning.  

After reading Annie's comment below, I clicked on a news item and there was this photo of King Charles III dressed in a purple robe.  It'a a sign!  I've never seen him wear a purple robe before, just a coincidence, except we don't believe in coincidences.  Coincidences are Hashem's way of staying anoymous.  And just in case you think I'm making this up, here's a link to the news item in today's news:


  1. That's a good point Annie. Originally the colour purple was only allowed to be worn by royalty! Didn't think of that until you mentioned it.
    Anyway I highly recommend that everyone keeps a lookout for the purple skies and the lightning, because it's an amazing thing to see.
    There are also purple skies at sunset, without the storms, when the purple planet is close.

  2. I updated the post Annie. Yes it signifies royalty, and that can only mean Melech HaMoshiach. The King Messiah. On His way. May he get here soon!

  3. There is no question about it that the war in Eretz Yisrael can not end without Moshiach’s arrival! Israel can’t take full control of 2 million gazans when they decide to end the war and they definitely aren’t stupid enough to allow the PA to govern gaza. Think about that! Moshiach is right here coming now.


  4. There's still a way to go before they have to take control of Gaza, the job is only half done. We have 2-3 months of war still pending. That fits in with the timeline given by Ari Goldwag in a video I have here somewhere.

    1. 2-3 months is not a long way to go for Moshiach’s arrival (even though we waited for so long). And we know and are obligated to believe that Moshiach can come today. Doesn’t say anywhere that Moshiach can’t come for another 2-3 months and it would be forbidden to believe that.


  5. Devorah, lovely pictures! Lets take it a step further. Maybe both Charles' robe and the purple planet are both signs of the imminent kingship of Moshiach.

    BTW, purple/indigo lighting (and glasses) are supposed to be calming. They might be eye-healthy too.


  6. Ari Goldwag’s video explains that Moshiach would need to come anytime before Rosh Chodesh Nisan


  7. Batsheva my comment about the 2-3 was only in response to yours re Moshiach taking control of 2 million Gazans.

    1. Sorry, I didn’t understand what you mean?

      lAri Goldwag’s video does not at all say about the war in Gaza ending within 2-3 months. It can end sooner. He was very clear in his prediction that Moshiach will come sometime before Rosh Chodesh Nisan. He did not talk about the war in gaza, it was more about an incredible pattern he found and how he sees it as a strong connection to Moshiach coming anytime between now and Rosh Chodesh Nisan.



    There is only ONE King, and He is the Creator.. Hashem..

  9. Batsheva, you said Moshiach needs to come to sort out control of Gaza. I said that as Israel is only halfway through their goal of destroying Gaza completely we have 2-3 months until that time comes because at the moment, they are still bombing Gaza.
    I am aware that Ari Goldwag did not mention the war, I was just responding to your war comment.
    Anyway, it's all hypothetical and yes of course Moshiach can come today.

  10. Yes Yes Mashiach can come today.. Amen

    Truth is what you wrote.. Devorah..

    Too old too tired, as i guess many are.

    Please Hashem send Mashiach now..
    Have mercy on your people.

    Please please, Hashem..


    1. It’s possible Hashem will not bring Moshiach today because he’s not satisfied yet with the achdus in Am Yisrael. It says, sinas chinam destroyed the second bais hamikdash and ONLY THROUGH achdus will the Final Bais Hamikdash be rebuilt.


  11. "A strong Stratospheric Warming event is starting to appear in the forecast for January. It means a weakening or even collapse of the Polar Vortex and could bring a much-expected weather pattern change across the United States and Europe as we head deeper into Winter."

    Reported today on Severe Weather Europe

    C S

  12. Australia was supposed to have a long hot summer with no rain. Instead we've got floods and boiling hot one day, freezing cold the next.


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