Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Leaving the World Behind

So the Obamas are the Executive Producers of a Netflix movie called "Leave the World Behind".  I only watched it for research purposes.... it was not a good movie in any sense of the word.  However, it is very interesting because Obama reportedly had a lot to say - he sent "a lot of notes" to the director.

Unsurprisingly, it's about the End of the World.... but at no stage does the movie tell us exactly how the world will actually end.  

But.... there is a hint in the clothing worn by the two children

Obey NASA.

Oh please, NASA has been lying to us for so long !  We have an entire solar system passing us by, it is the greatest show on earth for those who are seeing the daily uploaded images from around the world.

"They" are getting the world ready for some big events. [but their expectations and the reality of what Hashem has in store are two very different things]

Here is a sample of what you are missing if you are not part of the sky watching crowd. I've left some of the info on the photos so you can see these people don't even realize what they are photographing. Both of these images show a planet extremely close to Earth.  

There is no need to be scared, even if the Obama-produced movie wants us all to be terrified....  the planets are not going to crash into us, but big things are going to happen, there's no doubt about that in my mind anyway.


  1. Do you have any more photos of these planets? Matt

  2. Just click on the label WONDERS under the blog post. New photos are continually being uploaded in various places on the internet.

  3. I've seen videos of two suns which made me think and now I can see there is more to this than just two suns. Matt

  4. There are two suns, but when you see "two suns" what you are actually seeing is our sun and another planet. The second sun is hidden from us as it is actually behind our sun and that is why our sun looks bigger now and the temperatures in the world are increasing during the summer months.

  5. What is happening above us is truly fascinating yet so many people don't seem to notice or even care. Unfortunately, many have tunnel vision and are simply unable to see and appreciate that something hugh is about to happen to our earth, and to totally change life as we have known it.

    C S

  6. Can you imagine the media if they knew about it? It would be front page on every newspaper, paparazzi would be going crazy trying to get photos of the planets, we'd all be able to see and understand what was happening, but it's being denied to everyone, and it's only select groups of people who are actually following this amazing event. I have no idea what is ultimately going to happen, but obviously everyone will see it when Hashem wants them to. Meanwhile everyone has their heads down, looking at their phones, not looking up at the wonders above. And Hashem has disguised it.... people think they are looking at clouds.. even types of clouds they've never seen before. They've had to invent new names for clouds just to keep up with the times. I heard some weather man on the news the other day call Napisiti "Arthur's Cloud". Who is Arthur? I'm telling you, they make it up as they go.

  7. Have you ever heard this quote:

    “Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
    ― Edgar Allan Poe

    The world today is full of lies and deciet.


  8. I read on that the movie is also about how you can't trust white people. So this is the one teaching black people to hate white folks, they have been wondering about recently. But maybe it is a bit too obvious to be true.
    Btw: i did see a weird cloud also on YouTube a while back when the rain bombs hit Arabia !

  9. Queensland, Australia has been hit with the worst flooding in 100 years. Cyclone Jasper was partly to blame. But the reason why the weather people did not advise the folks in North Queensland that they were about to be flooded worse than they'd ever experienced.... is because a lot of the rainbombs came from the planet Napisiti which was passing by overhead - photos were posted on the various groups but I can't upload them in comments.... and the weather bureau was not able to foresee that.

  10. C: As requested, I didn't publish your comment, but from what you described, you definitely saw a planet's atmosphere, and the purple skies some of us are seeing at sunset are from the planet Atu.

  11. That's what I was thinking, because of the purple. I'm looking forward to understanding it all, in the Future! C

  12. C: the only reason I "understand" it is because I've been looking at the daily photos uploaded to FB - in fact that's the only reason I'm still on FB and it's the only thing I look at there. The best photos are on a group called Nibiru Followers Anonymous, and most people there seem to be quite knowledgeable, although there are a few crazies talking about aliens and stuff, it's mostly daily photos of the planets from around the world. Also every month there is a new diagram of the planets positions in relation to our Sun.

  13. Devorah, my point about understanding is not to understand what may "physically" be happening with planets, though that is interesting, but to understand why Hash-m is doing this and how and why it is part of the unfolding Redemption! I hope we'll understand that soon! C

  14. C - from what I can gather, this second solar system and its sun were passing us by during yetziat Mitzrayim, and caused the splitting of the sea. The cycle is approx 3300 years they are visible from Earth.

    They are Hashem's tools. They are causing the extreme weather and mass earthquakes.

    Hashem is putting them in position for the final big event. That is how I feel it's playing out. And that's all I've got.


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