Thursday, March 21, 2024

Holy Cow

The battle for Moshiach continues on many fronts.  Here is one of them: the preparations for the Third Temple/Red Heifers, as reported on CBS News recently.


  1. Its great tracking some of these Xian channels because they follow a lot of the markers and sign for Moshiach's arrival and they don't care about reporting on it. But when they drop JC makes my skin crawl. Is there any way to blur the Avodah Zora part out

  2. Can’t edit it - the only other one I found was on a pro Pallie X account and didn’t feel like linking that one - sorry 馃し‍♀️

  3. it amazes me how often these news stories fail to point out that the Dome of the Rock is not Al Aksa. Most people that don't know anything about the temple mount don't realize that Al Aksa is built on the southern edge of the temple mount (which I believe is the least holy section of the temple mount. The dome of the rock is built over our holiest place which is where the Holy of Holies was built atop the rock that Isaac was bound by Abraham.

  4. Earthquake in India and huge hail in Saudi Arabia


  5. There will be many more extreme weather events during this planetary "close pass". It's obvious to anyone who knows what is going on that is what is causing the extreme weather conditions.

  6. I wish to point out that although the Holy of Holies certainly may have been where the dome of the rock is, please see the following link where a Rabbi who has researched the matter now believes it was to the southwest of the present pagan structure.

  7. What a vile report. Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock are supposedly the "third holiest" sites of Islam. Before the Jews returned to Israel, those structures were in disrepair and dilapidated. Go look at old photos from the 19th century and you'll see how "holy" this site was to Muslims. After the Jews returned, suddenly Al Aqsa is SO important to them.

    And why did the reporter not condemn the apartheid Muslim rule on the Temple Mount, given that it's the #1 holiest site in Judaism? Imagine if it were the other way around and Jews were barring Muslims from praying at their holiest site. I wonder how this reporter would cover THAT story.

    Ugh. I could go on and on. Everywhere we look, the biases are getting worse, and the lies are getting bigger. Feels like a tsunami of hate for Israel and Jews lately that's impossible to fight.


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