Monday, March 4, 2024

Fact Check: Asteroids

Do you remember that red cloud over Turkey before the 7.8 quake in February 2023?

They have gone to a lot of trouble to DENY that this cloud was caused by HAARP or that clouds in any way cause earthquakes.  It wasn't HAARP, but they'd prefer you to think it was rather than know the truth.  Just have a look at this article on Fact Check:

Click on the first link which will take you to Instagram and you will see that the photo has been removed from IG and replaced with a notice saying "False Information: Reviewed by Independent Fact-Checkers".    So now you know that anything "reviewed by independent fact-checkers" may well be UNTRUE.

This cloud is from the Red Asteroid.  The Red Asteroid is just one of many flying around with all the planets.  When they fly by us, they leave the red clouds with a circle, like the photos below. And yes, the closeness of the planets [and asteroids] passing close-by us can cause earthquakes.  

Asteroid trail over Scotland
OCG stands for Object Cluster Group, there's a lot flying around up there, some of it is un-identifiable.

There is a skull-shaped asteroid, and a cube and a long box shape, all flying around with the planets.

Asteroid at base of planet

There are different coloured asteroids: red, blue, green, tan....  they give us rainbow-like patterns in the sky as the fly by.  

This is what it can look like as it's passing.

This is the red asteroid, captured in the middle of the night.

Asteroid trail under Atu's Moon


  1. It sure makes for beautiful, interesting skies. The sky and clouds here where I am certainly look strange. Definitely not what I remember seeing for most of my life. Thank you for the photos. TC

  2. I live in Florida, once in shabbat (saturday), I was looking at the sun hidding in the west around 6pm, but at the same time I also saw a light coming from the east but I couldn't find the source for it

  3. Rav Ron Chaya, Jerusalem: 7 weeks till the final deliverance? Countdown has started?


  4. Hi Ron
    Where can I find the source that th Yanuka talks about potential date of the arrival of mashiach? Or did I missunderstood?

  5. Moshe, no potential date from the yanuka. You misunderstood


  6. Translation is poor. What did yanuka said at the beginning of the class? (2 weeks ago?)

  7. Ron I didn't post that latest video link because I think it's meshugga.
    Not sure if they're making fun of him or if he's making fun of everyone, but whatever the case I think we'll skip that one.

  8. Moshe, the yanuka said Purim geula and he said that if there will be war, don't fear, do what you have to do but don't fear.


  9. He said Purim geula? Wow.
    I heard the other day that these planets will begin an even closer pass two days before Purim. They're going to look like they're right on top of us.

  10. Moshe,
    PS. Rav Ron Chaya and his students recently visited the yanuka, rav Ron Chaya recorded the meeting:


    1. I tried checking the whole meeting using translation. Couldn't find that he said purim geula. Can you please guide me? I did see he talks about purim

  11. I watched this video and the Yanuka does not make a prediction as to when Moshiach will come! He spoke about Purim and he said to have hope, among other things. I don't think the Yanuka is someone who would make predictions about when Moshiach will come, and when people say he has made such a prediction, it's probably a misquote or a misunderstanding. Moshiach can come today! TC

  12. By the way, the auto-generated English subtitles in this video of the Yanuka are not good. TC

  13. I am waiting for clarification from rav Ron Chaya. I wrote to him just now..


    1. Clarification: Rav Ron Chaya meant to say that the Yanuka said that the war that's supposed to happen before moshiach s arrival will happen on Purim and that we should trust in Hashem, that we will be protected and win this war.


    2. It seems like that war has just started.

    3. I honestly wish mashiach comes NOW

    4. French is my first language,and Rav Chaya,who is one of the most ardent Mashiah hoping person,asked the Yanouka about the current war.The Rav answered him (in hebrew) not to be afraid ,that it was easy to make scary predictions,but that HaShem doesn't leave us,we're used to miracles especially in Israel.He didn't talk about Mashiah and he didn't say that he will come in Pourim,he said that we're approaching the Pourim days that will never be annulled-and it means that the miracle of Pourim will always occur in every generation.He mentioned that the tzadikim are always praying for us.
      The biggest point of his dvar Torah was clearly about the importance of Eretz Israel,and big חידוש-parnassa is linked to aspiring to the קדושה of the land,of cherishing it.

  14. Ron, that video link you sent that I didn't publish.... I think it's true so I'll put this link up, there are English subtitles if you navigate to them.
    I don't understand what it's all about, but apparently it's legitimate and it must be some kind of code.

    Also, Rivka Levy is saying that Rav Berland is Moshiach ben David.
    This is the link to the video

    Rivka's blog

    More of What's Going On with the Rav, Purim and Bizayon

    1. Devorah maybe show this to Rivka
      Why is this prophecy different that the rest? Based on my research ge has said many similar statements (im not trying to be funny or disrespect, it's an honest question)

  15. I read somewhere that Rabbi Kanievsky mentioned that Rabbi Berland was a tzadik

  16. Rivka's blog states:

    "The Lamed Vav tzaddikim, and Rav Berland himself, via Rav Elmaliach, are saying that Moshiach ben David will be openly revealed on the night of Purim in Jerusalem, at 8.30pm."

    This is extraordinary.
    I have never seen anyone ever state an exact time for Mashiach.

    We have had many rumours and previous statements on the internet that such and such a great Rav talked about Mashiach coming in a certain year.
    But none of them could be verified.

    This one is very different.

    Let's see what happens.

  17. Yeah LM, but she said in the comments that it may not happen.
    So it's just all too confusing for me.

  18. Any source for this?
    The Lamed Vav tzaddikim...saying that

  19. I feel there's a lot of gas-lighting going on. I don't mean to imply on this blog Devorah. When you know you know.


  20. As in people saying things and other people denying they said things. Yes I feel the same way. It's given me a headache and it's not the first time it's happened. Typical gaslighting as you say, they try to make you think you're going crazy.

  21. I heard from a great Rav that when Moshiach comes, we'll know it. I think it means, we'll feel it in our hearts. I will also believe someone is Moshiach when my Rav tells me who is Moshiach. TC

  22. I for one think that when moshiach comes everything will change. Immediately. All blind pple will be able to see etc. all fat pple will turn skinny. Hospitals will close down and all sick pple will walk out of there. The weather will turn warm and balmy Everyone will have big smiles and all families will be together and United . Who knows what’s really going to be. But this is my story and I’m sticking to it ! Lol malky
    P.s the red carpet will be rolled out for all women !

  23. Before the geulah all kinds of people will rise and say that they are moshiach



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