Friday, March 29, 2024

The [D]Evil at the End of Days

Warning: some of the information contained in this post may scare some people, that is not my intention.  I'm just putting things together and coming to a conclusion, which may or may not happen.... some of those facts refer to demonic entities and Egyptian gods.  It is speculation based on facts.  Don't read it if you are over-sensitive. 

Rabbi Mendel Kessin has been telling us for a long time now that the Satan is dying and he is not going quietly.  I feel that we need to be prepared for a level of evil to be released upon the world greater than ever before.  Here's why.

[1] CERN will be firing up the Hadron Collider on April 8The Hadron Collider has been accused of "opening portals" to demonic entities and it doesn't help that the CERN logo looks like a 666.  See for more.

[2] NASA will be firing THREE ROCKETS at the solar eclipse on April 8.

The space agency’s project, Atmospheric Perturbations Around The Eclipse Path, will investigate how that drop in sunlight and temperature affects Earth’s upper atmosphere. 

APEP is named after the SERPENT DEITY from ancient Egyptian mythology, nemesis of the sun deity Ra, according to NASA.  See: 

Apep, also spelled Apepi, Aapep, was the ancient Egyptian deity who EMBODIED DARKNESS AND DISORDER, and was thus the OPPONENT OF LIGHT and Ma'at (order/truth). 

[3] Aleister Crowley [1875-1947] was an English occultist. His mother, Emily Bertha Bishop had a strained relationship with her son; she described him as "the Beast", a name that he revelled in.

He founded the religion of Thelema, identifying himself as the prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into the Æon of Horus [an Egyptian god]. Crowley said that he wrote down everything a voice told him over the course of  three days: April 8, 9 and 10 in 1904 - that's exactly 120 years to the day of April 8 2024 -, and titled it Liber AL vel Legis or The Book of the Law. The book proclaimed that humanity was entering a new Aeon, and that Crowley would serve as its prophet. It stated that a supreme moral law was to be introduced in this Aeon, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law," and that people should learn to live in tune with their Will. This book, and the philosophy that it espoused, became the cornerstone of Crowley's religion, Thelema.  Source: Wikipedia  

[Crawley set himself up as an opposition to G-d, he used gematria, kabbalah, the Tree of Life, and the word AL is representing the name of G-d. He brought a level of evil down into the world which had not been here previously. These days many people still have Crawley as their idol... the guitarist Jimmy Page from the band Led Zeppelin is one of those people, at one stage even buying his former house]

[4] Comet 12P Pons-Brooks - the Devil's Comet

[5] National Guard being deployed.

[6] Schools closed.

[7] Cicada Apocalypse

[8] Red Heifer ritual taking place March 29 

[9] The plan to draft Hareidim into the IDF, removing essential Torah learning.

[10] Biblical prophecy of Jonah, eclipse crossing 7 cities named Nineveh. 

G‑d commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh, one of the largest cities of that time and foretell its destruction, because the evil of its inhabitants had reached the limit. [Click here for the story of Jonah]

[11] Advice to stock up on food and water.


  1. The Yanuka speaking about Geula, click the CC for subtitles, navigate to English.

  2. Approx the 10 min mark: "Only G-d knows who is Moshiach and only G-d will announce Moshiach. No flesh and blood can announce about himself."


  3. Gd IS in charge... and in control of everything.

    Just hold on to Gd... the only way to get through this sinful earthly trauma.

    One question, I learned in Judaism that the satan was created as a tempting angel..
    So why now about this satan, the way other religions say about him.

    Too much for me to comprehend. Did Gd create another satan like christians say.. I am at a loss... :(
    just a noahide ... i am..


  4. Not all Jews and Jewish traditions support the idea of a "satan" outside of the yetzer HaRaa, the evil impulse inside ourselves. The satan in Job Ayob represents the desire realm of our being that may cause us to get in trouble with our human interactions.This is where the real battle is situated. The nachas serpent is DESIRE which sets us up for lifes adventures. The blessing of HaShem is available every moment..Judaism is a religion of "the cup is half full". We are not doomer and gloomers and I do not follow the rabbis who teach that the satan is after us and gear that to present day politics. HKBH is making great signs and wonders right now. It is all in Torah and Zohar prophecy. The widespread supremacism in many forms both inside and outside religions is an evil plague that depends on the individual anger and hate inside us called the yetzer haraa. Spreading conspiracy theories, gloom and doom etc. is not the best means of doing our part in the holy work of Torah which is about loving your neighbor. May the hostages be freed and all of us healed.


  5. Thank you Margolis, especially to your last two sentences.

    May Hashem help all who are truly looking up to Gd, Amen v'Amen.

    Hashem bless you and yours, Hashem bless Am Israel, Hashem bless all the good peoples of the world.

    May we look up only to Hashem, and hold on to Hashem no matter what happens.

    Toda Hashem, Please help all who are looking up to Y-u, and give us all the strength we need to fear nothing,fear only Y-u, Hashem.

    Thank you Devorah in letting the followers of this your blog
    post our questions and get answers and inner strength, from believers of Hashem Gd who is ruler and judge of all, to just stand strong and believe that Hashem watches all. Amen.


  6. There is only Hash-m. The Satan is His creation, as is everything. There is only One. TC


  7. Hello Devorah, here is the full version of the Yanuka's lecture.

    The Yanuka speaking about Geula



  8. Well ironically, the moon isn't what's going to eclipse the sun, one of the planets from the Nemesis system will. That explains why the moon is aside of the eclipse...Also I believe it will last 3 hours, not minutes.

  9. in 2013 (also when other planetary bodies became occasionally visible with the naked eye) all news agencies signed CIA non disclosure type paperwork.. completely brutal ..theres zero reporting on anything actually significant or public safety..seems the goal is just to let everything self destruct..sadly they are making goal


  11. Outside the front of CERN HQ stands a statue of Shiva. Shiva is said to be the great destroyer who will annihilate the universe in the end of time, only for it to be reborn as part of the endless cycle of death and rebirth. Many legends speak of Shiva's exploits as a god.

    Shiva is similar to the Hebrew word Sheva, seven.

    Anyway.... just now outside CERN, next to the statue of Shiva the great destroyer, they are having an occult ceremony. Quite a few videos have been posted on TikTok... I don't want to put them up on the blog, I'm just letting you know.


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