Monday, March 25, 2024

How our Inner Thoughts have Power over our Destinies.

In an address the Lubavitcher Rebbe gave in 1963, he expanded on the philosophical and spiritual dynamic behind the principle “Think good, and it will be good.” 

He began by asking the obvious question: On the basis of what should one believe that in the face of any challenge, “it (the outcome) will be good”? Isn’t it presumptuous to assume that in every given situation we are always deserving of Divine grace, regardless of our state of religious and moral standing? 

And what of the basic Jewish belief that there is a Divine order of reward and punishment that governs our world, making salvation dependent on righteous behavior?

The Rebbe’s answer was: When a Jew decides to place his trust in G‑d, believing that his current crisis will be resolved favorably despite facing a bleak reality that suggests otherwise, he has, in effect, risen above his own nature, which in turn elicits, reciprocally, “measure for measure” the suspension of the Divine order, where only the righteous are deserving of salvation.   In fact, according to Nachmanides [Bechukotai 26:11]: “When the majority of the Jewish people are complete [in their faith in G‑d], their affairs are not run by the natural order…to the extent that there is no need for a physician or to follow the ways of medicine, as it says, ‘I am the L‑rd your healer….’” Obviously, those times of spiritual perfection are all too rare, and under the current circumstances, we are encouraged to follow the natural order of things.

G‑d, the creator of Man, understands how difficult and even “supernatural” it is for a human being to truly believe—to the degree that he or she no longer experiences fear and anxiety—that an unpromising and even seemingly hopeless situation will have a positive outcome. And, thus, as a result and even reward for the extraordinary act of worship of “tracht gut,” G‑d deems the believer, who is otherwise undeserving of a positive outcome, to be deserving in this instance of an extra measure of Divine generosity.

This was extracted from an essay at Chabad, to see the original plus footnotes, click here


  1. There will be a penumbral Lunar Eclipse today which can be seen at various times across 2/3 of the world. Note that since it is a penumbral eclipse, it can be hard to see, as the Moon will only be a bit fainter. For more detailed information go to:

  2. This photo is from a public group on FB. You'll be able to see it if you're logged in to FB, you don't need to belong to the group.
    Look at the photo and then read the comments
    They are all amazed that the exact same cloud formation has been photographed all over the world.
    They don't realize it's the gas giant Atu.


  3. On doing a search to learn more of Judaism and Hashem, I came across this,
    Devorah, if you think it okay, i urge you to post this as it will help so many searching for truth, and will help so many Noahides.

    Her name is Rabanit K.Sarah Cohen.

    Perhaps Hashem led me here.



    Rabbi Mordechai Neugershel in Hebrew.

    Really worth hearing. Many unusual insights about Yishmael/Persia and End of Days

    C S


  5. **Consider the interesting connection: the hurricane in the US that followed the evacuation of Gush Katif, the ongoing influx of potential terrorists across the southern US border, and the situation in Gaza (Sderot, etc.)**

    The proposed bridge that the Americans want to build in Gaza is approximately the same distance from Jerusalem as the bridge that collapsed today is from Washington DC. The collapse was caused by a boat transporting goods (trucks bringing food to fakestines)It's worth noting these parallels and their implications. Does anyone see the connection between these events?

  6. That's an interesting connection to make Anonymous. I wish you had left a name.

    Here's a possible theory I just read, which may tie in to the panic surrounding the April 8 eclipse and the New Madrid Faultline.

    "Atlantic sloshing during the New Madrid Finale separation of the Portions has begun. The New Madrid Fault Line from the Seaway Exit to the Azores has been clapping for some time, as reflected in the water level on the Seaway near Montreal. The Void region along the plate border from Iceland to the Azores has been showing Methane ripping too. The sloshing action can be detected by the military via wave height, and as shown on flight trackers yesterday they were on high alert. What would cause an experienced Container Ship captain to drift to the side into pilings? The ship was caught in a slosh."


  8. Anonymous at 9:02: I find it interesting that after that UN Security Council vote against Israel, Russia had a horrible terror attack and there was this bridge collapse in America. I wonder what's going on in China...TC


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