Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Super Moon Time

I remember a few years ago, I was driving one evening and nearly crashed the car when I saw the moon coming up,  it was so huge I couldn't take my eyes off it. I had to park the car and just stare at it.

It's going to be like that tonight, and tomorrow night : a Super Harvest Blood Moon - and a partial Lunar Eclipse !  

It's going to be huge, closest to the Earth and it will appear 13% larger and brighter, which means it will be extremely bright. Apparently it will also be reddish in colour.

Here are some instructions on how to see this Super Moon

Super Moon Why and When


Anonymous said...

Is there anything messianic about this event?


Devorah said...

If you've seen the moon recently you'll know it's very very bright, much more so than it used to be. Just like the sun is different, so is the moon.
Tonight's moon should be amazing.
We have four super moons this year, which in itself is not normal.
The moon will be reddish in colour which is a prophecy before Moshiach, although it's been red/orange many times. I don't know if it's Messianic or not, but it will be amazing to see it so big. Moon is symbolic of the Jewish people. Maybe it is a sign. So many things happening above our heads as well as at ground level.

Anonymous said...

Very bright
Not orange
No sign of asteroid
Maybe starting to eclipse now at 21:47
-leah in Jeru

Devorah said...

Thank you Leah.