Thursday, September 12, 2024

The 30 Noahide Laws Part 3

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

In the concluding installment of the series, we address some final big questions like: Can Noahides pray from a siddur? Put on tefillin? Recite berakhot? Are Noahides obligated in honouring parents? Giving charity? And how can the Noahide Laws help to usher in the Final Redemption? 

Plus: the spiritual origins of Noahides according to the Arizal, transgenics and GMOs, and the greatest sign that we are already in the End of Days.

For Part 1 click here

For Part 2 click here


  1. I’ve fallen into Great Depression since October 7 and I am sad to share with the community here that I no longer believe that Moshiach is imminent. These feelings have intensified since Tisha B’av I don’t know Hashem’s ways and I don’t know why Moshiach is still not here, especially after the horrors of October 7th that we continue to live through here in Israel, but I can not put myself through emotional anguish and keep trying to convince myself that Moshiach is imminent.


    1. I know the feeling. It often comes with crushing waves of guilt. I'm sorry you experience those things. But as seen on this very blog (it was about a year ago), "when the situation is such that the mind and intellect see no place for redemption to come - this "distraction" is a sign of the coming redemption." You'll find the whole post right away if you look for the expression : "בהיסח הדעת" in the search box. I think it means that your pain and depression is actually you waiting for Mashiah, just not intellectually. Or in other words, ones can lose hope, but never faith.

  2. Hang on Sarah, its not a time to despair... this is the satans work, making you feel despair.
    Hang on to Hashem, its a test for many of people.
    Hold on tight., and do not let go.

    Look upwards, Hashem is there with you.the

    I am in a hard situation too.

    By the by... i see me as Noahide.
    Hashem bless you . Amen

  3. When we stop looking
    He comes.

  4. I've heard it said that if you're planting a tree and someone tells you moshiach is here you should finish planting your tree. There's been plenty of false alarms, one day it will be the real thing, but no one knows the exact date. Thinking moshiach is going to be imminent isn't going to help us grow in emunah. Instead study Torah, do deeds of kindness, say tehillim. Maybe avoid the moshiach blogs for a bit. If you enjoy it continue, but if it makes you depressed or anxious take a break and say tehillim instead.

  5. A very interesting video of the Rebbe!!


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