If you read the Geula blogs, then you probably have it. OCMD. Obsessive Compulsive Moshiach Disorder. I certainly do. I've had it for over ten years now, and there is no known cure, or medication available. You are obsessed with the coming of Moshiach and Geula. Once you have it, you will probably always have it, because even though you've been let down several times and you may try and remove yourself from it and focus on other things, you will find that it comes back again because any alternative is not sustainable. To NOT anticipate Moshiach is far worse, because the world is so unbearable without the hope of Redemption.
The inauguration of D. J. Trump is bringing us a lot closer... you know that guy, the one with the gematria of Moshiach ben David. That in itself is a big hint.
Now I happen to think that Trump himself will do the best he can and will be a great President, but the trouble may come to the Jews simply because he is doing the best he can.
Yesterday I read something written by someone I highly respect, even if we don't share the same political views. First she linked to this article
Twenty-seven Jewish Centers Across U.S. Evacuated Amid New Wave of Bomb Threats and commented that ''
Racists are emboldened because of his election. It's a green light for homegrown racists and white supremacists. It is an unfortunate but common mistake to assume that terrorism aimed at Jews must come from Muslims. In America, terrorist threats towards Jews are much more likely to be from white supremacist groups and homegrown racist nutjobs.''
Add to that the fact that Trump is surrounded by Jews, including his own family, and you have a recipe for a mass anti-semitic uprising, G-d forbid. There are certainly enough Americans already who ''refuse to accept him as President'' and it won't take much for them all to blame the Jews.
I believe [as
Dov Bar Leib informs us] that we are in the final nine months before Moshiach - this process began on January 15 at Paris, when they kicked off the war of Gog u Magog. I just hope my OCMD is not deluding me again.
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