The cost of fresh fruit and vegetables is sky-rocketing. In some cases, it has doubled and even tripled. A bunch of celery just cost me $8.00 as opposed to around $4 a few weeks ago. I saw on the news that inflation is running at 67% when it comes to buying fresh food. This was prophesied to occur before Moshiach.
Chazal in Masechet Sota wrote prophecies about the days preceding the Geulah:
חוצפא יסגא, והיוקר יאמיר, הגפן תתן פריה, והיין ביוקר. מלכות תיהפך למינות – ואין תוכחת. בית ועד יהיה לזנות, והגליל ייחרב, והגולן יישום, ואנשי הגבול יסובבו מעיר לעיר, ולא יחוננו, וחכמת סופרים תסרח, ויראי חטא יימאסו, והאמת תהיה נעדרת. נערים פני זקנים ילבינו. זקנים יעמדו בפני קטנים. בן מנוול אב, בת קמה באמה, כלה בחמותה. אויבי איש אנשי ביתו. פני הדור כפני הכלב... הבן אינו מתבייש מאביו... !
Chutzpa will multiply - Costliness will increase - Grapevine will produce its grapes - And the wine will be expensive....
Costliness will increase:
The rise in food prices is already causing distress among consumers in some parts of the world...
Prices are soaring rapidly in many categories and rose by double-digits including eggs, chicken, fruits, vegetables, milk, butter, pasta, crackers, snacks, cookies, cakes, even cattle feed and grain for horses.
So if you are not in self isolation or mandated isolation, and you can get yourself to the store, and battle the hoards of people
queuing round the block with their trolleys, you need to have money in the bank to pay for the food you need. Seems this is the case all over the world. Those who live from paycheck to paycheck have found themselves in a tight corner.
In Australia, one food supplier has cancelled all deliveries to regular customers and is only delivering to those who are vulnerable, and can prove it. You need a disability or pensioner card registration and must provide your ID before they will deliver. This solves the problem for those vulnerable people, provided they have the money to pay for their food.
I hope everyone out there reading this is surviving the madness. We have more madness coming up with our preparations for Pesach. And this year we'll all
sitting alone in our homes, some with immediate family around them and some just sitting by themselves.
Meanwhile, because so many people are inside, the earth is healing itself and becoming cleaner and fresher.
The air is better, the water is cleaner. We are on our way to a New World.