Thursday, March 19, 2020

800 Year Old Prophecy

HT: Tomer Devorah

Underneath the prophecy, Rashi has written "Coro Na"


  1. nice source. halevai. but the Rambam already wrote that it is impossible to know how the Geulah will come until it actually happens.

  2. Yosef, doesn't that mean that from the time the comment was written by the Baal Haturim until today, it would be impossible to know... until it is actually happening?

    I don't think this is saying that it "must be this right now", but it certainly is a timely "coincidence"...

  3. Yosesf, it's actually happening NOW.

  4. Halevai, halevai, but every year we hear about dozens of reasons why moshiach is here. we'll see as the Rambam wrote.

  5. never happened in human history after mitrayim that all jews all over the word were closed in their homes every family alone while the malach amavet is free to harm outside.
    I am a rational person but it's too much a coincidence...

  6. My L-rd, this is happening now. And if your shul actually has public Torah reading this Shabbat, it is the Ba'al HaTurim for Shmot 12:8 and the Rashi on Shmot 12:9 which is part of the reading for Parshat HaChodesh read in shul THIS Shabbat as the last of the 4 special parshiyot read during Shevat/Adar every year. So here we go. We have arrived.

  7. Hydroxychloroquine and Azitromicin apparently cures this thing 100% of the cases. This update comes from my cousin, whose lab runs tests in NYC area. These stats are confirmed in France and hopefully will also be confirmed everywhere in the world, God willing.

  8. Devash - 2 years ago people were saying the same thing when all the natural disasters (hurricanes, volcanos, etc.) were happening and then it just passed

  9. Also, Yosef, we don't know exactly when and how Moshiach will come. What this tells us is that our holy Chazal give us indications of events that will take place indicating the imminent arrival of Moshiach. Many people seem to have an aversion to the thought of the arrival of Moshiach. Maybe, it's due to the fact that many understand there will be hard times to suffer through before his coming and that's why they would rather feel doubtful. It is Rambam's 13 principles that tell us we must believe and yearn for his coming! We are surely at that time and may he come immediately with ease and mercy.

  10. With Mashiach's birth pangs have come false alarms. We just don't know if this pang is a false alarm or the prelude to the actual birth. I pray that the Geula comes with shalom. My intuition says that it will, IY"H.

  11. I truly believe that this whole thing is the start of Moshiach. My only question is when. I don’t think things are going to go back to normal. I think Hashem stripped us of all of any sense of normal to prepare us for a new reality that we can appreciate. When Moshiach shows up at our door nobody is going to say but wait my wedding is next week, or I’m due for a promotion next month, or what’s going to be with my vacation, or I was planning on trying that new restaurant for my birthday etc. nobody has plans for the future. In such an insane and bizarre way Hashem is showing us that He is in control. Additionally the way all shuls are shut down it’s humbling us to accept who Moshiach is. Ashkenazi, Sefardi, Charedi, Modern Orthodox have all been forced to listen to an outside entity (health dept) thus prepping us to listen to Moshiach. Also the closing down of Yeshivos but not grocery stores is a fulfillment for the prophecy הנה ימים באים... לא רעב ללחם ולא צמא למים כי עם לשמוע את דבר ה׳.

  12. Yosef, I can tell that you are extremely skeptical. Perhaps you should read Yearning for the Final Redemption and Mashiach

  13. When Moshiach shows up at our door nobody is going to say but wait my wedding is next week, or I’m due for a promotion next month, or what’s going to be with my vacation, or I was planning on trying that new restaurant for my birthday etc.When Moshiach shows up at our door nobody is going to say but wait my wedding is next week, or I’m due for a promotion next month, or what’s going to be with my vacation, or I was planning on trying that new restaurant for my birthday etc.When Moshiach shows up at our door nobody is going to say but wait my wedding is next week, or I’m due for a promotion next month, or what’s going to be with my vacation, or I was planning on trying that new restaurant for my birthday etc.When Moshiach shows up at our door nobody is going to say but wait my wedding is next week, or I’m due for a promotion next month, or what’s going to be with my vacation, or I was planning on trying that new restaurant for my birthday etc.When Moshiach shows up at our door nobody is going to say but wait my wedding is next week, or I’m due for a promotion next month, or what’s going to be with my vacation, or I was planning on trying that new restaurant for my birthday etc.

    Love it! Almost snorted while reading the restaurant part.
    So true. We are witnessing the Geulah shelaimoh.Yes, it is a process and I think we have catapulted into hyper speed on this one closer and closer and closer.....

  14. It needs Mashiach to help sort out this mess.
    Humanity is in a mess - we have a disease which is running rampant, we have no vaccine to it.
    We have only a small fragment of a functioning economy - most of what is happening now is that the governments are using the infrastructure of commercial firms in order to maintain food and medicine supplies the best they can.
    We ave no formal government of Israel...the best efforts of all the politicians cannot come up with an answer of how to form a government.
    Only Hashem can solve this.


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