Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Acts of Goodness and Kindness

Remember the Rebbe's campaign to welcome Moshiach with acts of goodness and kindness......?

It's mind blowing to now see people trying to out-do each other with acts of goodness and kindness.  I have never seen anything like this.  Guess it takes a disaster like this....

One of the kosher bakeries here has just announced this:

More goodness and kindness is coming your way. If the current reality for you and your family involves sudden job loss/genuine financial hardship, the Bakery will be privately and confidentially helping you this Friday, Erev Shabbat. 

Here are the 'deets': 
In a set-up that is entirely discreet, you are invited to place an order with us via email with the Subject Heading 'COVID-19 ORDER'. 
This order will comprise of: ⭐️2 Large Challot of your choice ⭐️2 Mini Challah Rolls ⭐️1 Chocolate or Cinnamon Babke ⭐️1 Loaf of square wholemeal or white bread OR 1 Loaf of Sourdough bread 
When you come to pick up your order, it will simply have your name on the bag with the word 'PAID' - just like all the other orders. 
 In addition, if the person ordering is elderly and is unable to get out, delivery is free!

Synagogues are organising deliveries of food to elderly and other vulnerable people and basically everyone is being so kind and considerate it's like a new world has already started to emerge.

It's very uplifting.  Moshiach is so close.


  1. Thes last two articles you posted are lovely. So nice to hear about the chesed in your area. Todah Rabbah!

  2. The Gemara says that Rabbi Elazar’s students asked Rabbi Elazar: What shall a person do to be spared from the pains preceding the coming of the Messiah? Rabbi Elazar said to them: They shall engage in Torah study and acts of kindness. There are more people learning Torah online than before this virus!

  3. Yes, He is very very close, I believe. So many mitzvos being done. Thousands and thousands of women reciting tehillim worldwide.
    People asking who needs what from the doctor or store or pharmacy and can't make it out of the house.
    Torah is being studied. Families together with their children davening and playing and just being together.
    People connecting with those who are alone.

  4. To get a five minute spiritual perspective on the coronavirus, click here.

    Sidenote: There are people who attribute the word Corona to be a contraction of the Hebrew word קְרָא נָא, call out. Where does קְרָא נָא come from? One place is from Shoftim: וְעַתָּה קְרָא נָא בְּאָזְנֵי הָעָם, So now call out in the ears of the people... 

    On Yom Kippur, we say the paragraph אַמִּיץ כֹּֽחַ which states the following:

    קְרָא נָא בְּפִיךָ, please read [the laws] aloud.

    Another way to translate קְרָא נָא בְּפִיךָ is “call out with your mouth [to Hashem]”.

    Now that we’re all davening at home, let us heed the words of the Chofeitz Chayim:

    “All the many troubles that have fallen upon us, from which we have still not been saved, are because we don’t scream and increase our prayers in response to them. If we had prayed properly, we would not have returned empty-handed… several times daily he must pour out his requests in solitude, in his house, from the depths of his heart… if each person would contemplate in solitude his own plight... then he would pour out his heart like water to Hashem. Such a prayer would emerge with very deep intent with a broken heart and with great humility. Such a prayer will certainly not go unanswered…!” (see Redemption Unfolding by Alexander Aryeh Mandelbaum, page 82)


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