Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Chag Sameach


Wishing you all a chag kasher v'sameach, wondering what surprises are in store for us during the rest of Nissan, the month of miracles.  Trump being arrested erev Yomtov is a sign that they are desperate, they are terrified of him being re-elected and ruining O'Biden's destruction of all things good and true. I would love to hear Rabbi Kessin's thoughts.

Monday, April 3, 2023

My Giant Rainbow

This giant rainbow has been over Sydney for hours. My daughter said it followed them all the way to school this morning.  The photo does not do it justice, the colours were so bright, and it's been raining so much I couldn't take a photo until I got home.  This is just a small part of it. I've never seen such a brilliant rainbow, just a shame the photo doesn't capture the colours I saw. I hope someone's taken a better photo and I will share it if I can find one. 

Here's a slightly better photo of it but the colours still
don't appear as bright as I saw them

The Four Who Ascended to Heaven

 Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

What really happened with the four ancient Jewish Sages who ascended to ‘Pardes’, the Heavenly realms? Find out in this class where we also explore the difference between “physical” and “spiritual” worlds, the “upper waters” and “lowers waters” of Creation, and the proper approach to the study of mysticism and Kabbalah.

More links at You Tube

Friday, March 31, 2023

Spreading the Light

A continuous fire shall burn upon the altar; it shall not go out. [Tzav 6:6]

There were two types of fire in the Sanctuary and Holy Temple: one that burned on the outer altar, and one that burned in the menora inside. 

The priest whose job it was to light the menora did so with a flame taken from the outer altar. 

This teaches an important lesson: The outer altar is symbolic of our Divine service with other people; the kindling of the menora alludes to Torah study, as it states in Proverbs, "The Torah is light." 

Thus in order to merit the Torah's light it isn't enough to concern oneself with one's own spiritual progress; the concern should be extended to others as well.

Source: Likutei Sichot Lubavitcher Rebbe

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Wonders in the Heavens #5: Seven Stars on the North


Pleiades - [Ernie Rossi, Florida]

".. when a star on the East side will swallow seven stars on the North side, and a flame of black fire will be hanging in the firmament 60 days....." [Zohar] 

It just so happens that the "seven stars on the North side" mentioned in the Zohar above are currently visible in our night sky.  They are converging near the planetary line-up of Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus and Venus as discussed below.  And the "star on the East side" is our Sun [Source: Dov bar Leib, when a similar thing occurred in 2012]

Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus and Venus are currently lining up in a rare ‘planetary parade’, with their shiny formation visible to the naked eye....Although the alignment was at its brightest on Tuesday, March 28 for all those who got the chance to look up, it will continue to be visible to all lucky stargazers tonight, and into the next few days. 

But wait! The celestial wonders don’t end there. Astronomers have also said that a cluster of extremely bright, young and hot stars will be converging near the planetary line-up. The Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, are a set of brilliant blue stars hat are said to look particularly stunning when observed through a simple pair of binoculars...


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Blood Red Seas


So said the Lord, "With this you will know that I am the Lord." Behold, I will smite with the staff that is in my hand upon the water that is in the Nile, and it will turn to blood And the fish that are in the Nile will die, and the Nile will become putrid, and the Egyptians will weary [in their efforts] to drink water from the Nile.' [Vaeira 7:17-18]

Every time Nibiru crosses in front of the Earth, it plants our entire planet (land and seas) with millions of tons of fine red dust of Iron Oxide.   As time goes by, the Iron Oxide builds up sediment, and this is covered over by new layers of sedimentation that has been deposited on top.  And these days, the ground in many parts has moved.  It is possible that the movement of the ground left a cloak of Iron Oxide exposed, that would have come in contact with water and been dragged away.

Note: I did not come up with this theory, it is from a Nibiru "expert".  

Monday, March 27, 2023

The Mirror

The defects that you notice in someone else are the parts of yourself that still need fixing.

The world is a mirror ..... many people don't understand this.   Whenever you notice a particular character trait in another person..... that is the part of yourself that you need to work on.  If you think you have already fixed that trait in yourself, then why does it affect you so much when you see it in someone else?

The one who aggravates you the most, is most likely the one who possesses your own bad middot, but it's easier for us to criticize others than to work on ourselves.

If you can't see that trait in yourself, look harder. 

You can learn a great deal about someone by listening to what they say about others.  Most of what they say about someone else, applies to them !  They probably don't realize this.... and it's a good way of working out just who somebody really is.

The world is a mirror, you see your own reflection in other people.

The following is extracted from "Not Just Stories" by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski M.D.

Denial is a psychological term referring to a person's inability to see reality. Denial is a frequently occuring phenomenon, and is one of the many psychological defense mechanisms, whose function is to shield a person from an awareness that would cause him distress.

A very common form of denial is a person's inability to see his own character defects. The reason is obvious: awareness of the presence of this defect in oneself is too much for a person to bear. Yet unawareness of these defects will result in one's doing nothing to improve upon them. Even a dedicated soul-searching may fail to reveal one's own shortcomings, since denial obscures their existence from him.

The Baal Shem Tov said that G-d provided a way to circumvent this denial: "The world is a mirror" said the Baal Shem Tov. "The defects you see in others are really your own."

While denial prevents a person from seeing his own character defects, it does not prevent him from seeing defects in other people. Quite the contrary, we are experts at detecting faults in others. All we need to do, then, said the Baal Shem Tov, is to realise that these are but a reflection of our own shortcomings. We do not see defects in others that are non-existent in ourselves.

"Love covers all offenses" [Proverbs 10:12] has filtered down to the colloquial aphorism that "Love is blind". It is common knowledge that we may be oblivious to defects in someone we love, although they may be blatant to other observers. Just as we may not see that which we do not wish to see, so it is conversely true that we only see something which, for some reason, attracts our attention. The Baal Shem Tov states that when we see defects in others, the reason for this recognition is that, in one way or another, they represent our own defects.

This principle is a major dynamic in the effectiveness of group therapy. In treatment of some types of emotional disorders, group therapy may be far more effective than individual therapy. A therapist pointing out a particular character defect to a client may be rejected, with the patient's denial preventing the necessary insight. In a group session, the client is very likely to note this very defect in another group member, and the group may then help him realize that he too has this particular characteristic, and this is extremely effective in overcoming one's denial.

It is the persistence of denial that constitutes a major obstacle to therapy and corrective action.

Rabbi Dov Ber of Lubavitch was receiving his chassidim, when he abruptly told his assistant to close the door and not allow anyone entry. Some of the chassidim, eager to understand the Rabbi's sudden desire for solitude, put their ears to the door and heard the Rabbi reciting Tehillim with heartrending tones.

The Rabbi later explained that whenever a chassid asks him for guidance to do teshuvah for a transgression; he immediately searches for that transgression within himself, according to the Baal Shem Tov's teaching that the world is a mirror, and had he not been guilty of the same thing, even in a much more diluted form, it would never have come to his attention. The discovery of an analogous defect within himself then allows him to make the necessary amends.

"When one chassid told me about something he had done wrong, I promptly began searching for a similar shortcoming in myself. However, I was unable to find it. This meant that I was deceiving myself, and that somewhere there was a dereliction of which I was unaware. Being oblivious of this would preclude my taking any corrective action, and I therefore had to pray intensely for Divine guidance to help me discover this defect in myself."

What a wonderful world it would be if every time we saw some defect in another person, we would do some soul-searching, and take corrective actions for self-improvement, rather than being critical of others and denoucing them.