Sunday, April 9, 2023

Yanuka's Message for this Pesach

 Hebrew with English subtitles


  1. The English subtitles aren’t there

  2. Click on the cog [settings] bottom right hand corner and then click on subtitles and turn them on.


    According to r Alexander hool the time of moshiachs arrival is this coming Tisha b av

  4. But doesn't it say:
    בניסן עתידין להגעל

  5. To Anonymous 10 April 09:46

    Rav Hool did not say that Mashiach will come by Tisha B'Av this year. He said that is a Keitz, but it can be in about three and a half years' time too. And even then it is not certain at that time.

  6. LondonMale you need to listen to rav hool recording again...

  7. Rav Hool meant the latest time moshiach can come

  8. Listen to R Hool around min 26

  9. To Anonymous 10 April 09:46, 12:55, 4:06 nd 4:42

    This Rav Hool interview is 11 months old and has been discussed here and on Years of Awe / End of Days / Rav Dov Bar Leib's Blog before.

    I have listened carefully to the interview a few times.

    I have great respect for Rav Hool, and there is no criticism of him.

    Rav Hool is VERY clear what he is saying, that these times for Mashiach are according to one interpretation of Tanach.
    They are not certainties.

    There is not a human being alive who can tell us exactly when Mashiach will come. There are only times when it is more likely, called a "Keitz".

    This is proven by the Arizal, who asked his Talmudim to follow him from Zefat to Yerushalayim on the eve of Shabbat to spend Shabbat in Yerushalayim. They hesitated and said they had to tell their wives they would be away for Shabbat. He then said that if they had not hesitated, Mashiach would have come at that moment. He knew there was a Keitz, which is a time with great POTENTIAL for Mashiach to come.

    Only Hashem determines when Mashiach comes.

  10. Rav Glazerson Codes:


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