Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Chag Sameach


Wishing you all a chag kasher v'sameach, wondering what surprises are in store for us during the rest of Nissan, the month of miracles.  Trump being arrested erev Yomtov is a sign that they are desperate, they are terrified of him being re-elected and ruining O'Biden's destruction of all things good and true. I would love to hear Rabbi Kessin's thoughts.


  1. Please. Let’s not even have the thought of waiting until Trump possibly coming back as President in 2025 as a requirement for Moshiach to come. Biden and many other corrupt, twisted democrats already did enough destruction. We have enough signs that the time is now, and we want and need Moshiach right NOW!

  2. I mean that's what THEY are thinking, I agree with you - we must have Moshiach before then.

  3. Amen! Chag koasher v'sameach!!!

  4. Looks like this month has been tragedy after tragedy for am yisrael. Will Hashem turn it around in the blink of eye and send Moshiach? Let’s hope so


    This coming Tisha b av moshiach

  6. The very fact that at night its so freezing, then by day so comparatively warm, then again freezing by night, then again warm by day.....that itself seems proof of Nibiru.

    I don't recall this ever happening to such an extreme variation before.

    What i DO recall from long ago, is snow in April. But this?? Not to my recall. Yet I haven't seen anyone mention this particular anomaly.

    I find it interesting that you track the shenanigans of U.S. presidents, all the way in Australia.

  7. MM the storm we had on Friday night was the most incredible I've ever seen. Lightning lit up the ENTIRE sky, not just streaks of lightning but the WHOLE sky was bright white, and it kept going for hours. Never seen anything like it and I couldn't tear myself away from watching. I saw some photos of that same storm taken further north than I was, and they showed purple sky with lighting, which is a sure sky that there is a coloured planet nearby causing that purple and the intense lightning.

  8. Did anyone here notice that two days after Biden pressured and shamed Israel to stop judicial reform, there were 32 deaths from tornadoes in 11 states in the United States?


  9. TC, sad that innocent die, when the rogue 'be-din' should have been knocked out forever.

    Perhaps this comment will not be published, as my last comment as SC was erased.

    Any way, Hashem rules. Amen.

  10. I didn't think of it like that anonymous- the storms with tornados after obydun pressured Israel.....Something to think about....

  11. SC I haven't deleted any of your comments, no idea what you are talking about.

  12. Wow, the purple sky is really fantastic!

  13. Time for a chol hamoed intermission, so to speak.

    Here's three Repurposing samples:

  14. So much for "repurposing" and "pareidolia".

    And now for Matan Torah:
    וכל העם רואים את הקולות

    Perhaps it was somewhat like "Synesthesia" which is somewhat like this:

    This isn't my idea, rather read an author in a magazine [approximately] comparing synesthesia to Matan Torah,
    ...then someone else speculating that synesthesia may be like Ljosio.


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