Tuesday, January 2, 2024


The term 'gaslighting' is used a lot these days.  The word originates from the 1944 movie 'Gaslight' in which a husband slowly manipulates his young wife into believing she is insane.

We are all being gaslit by the people who claim that the rape and torture of October 7 did not happen. Some of the idiots saying this are, actually, idiots! - they don't have a brain and they have zero 
knowledge of history or the Jewish people.  However, a larger number are not morons at all, they are just Jew haters and professional gaslighters.  They'll tell you that black is white, if it suits their agenda. 

First they will abuse you, then they will deny it and claim you brought all this misery upon yourself by your own actions.  

The world is currently being gaslit by these people.  Educated people can see through this, but unfortunately most of the world is not educated in these matters, and they get caught up in the lies, and think that Israel is the bad guy here.

If you look closely at what they are saying about Israel, it is in fact just a description of their OWN behaviour.  That is a typical gaslighting scenario: they blame YOU for what THEY have done.  One notable fact is that they say the Israelis are occupying their land.... actually it's the other way around, they are occupying the Jews' Land.

Sadly, some Jews have been caught up in these lies, and have joined the demonstrations to "Free Palestine".  

It's very interesting to see which famous Jews are speaking up now.  The latest one to speak up is David Schwimmer who had some good things to say, you can read it here "Friends Star Slams Hamas Rape Critics".

I don't think we need to worry too much about all the anti-Semitism, because it is just a means to an end. I feel that Hashem is sorting out the wheat from the chaff, and everyone is showing their true colours.

Who Merits Heavenly Assistance?


by Rabbi David Chananya Pinto

“So now, go! I shall be with your mouth” Shemot 4:12

The holy Or HaChaim, zt”l, explains: Moshe Rabbeinu wondered why Hashem was sending him to speak to Pharoah if he has “sealed lips”?! 

Hashem answered him: “So now, go!” I will only do a miracle for one who starts performing a mitzva; they are the ones who will merit to be assisted by Heaven and experience wonders. 

This teaches us a fundamental approach: One who wishes to experience Heavenly assistance must take the lead and perform some act and then help will arrive.

[Note: it has been documented that many of the people who survived the Oct 7 attacks called out "Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad" - and also Rabbi Anava noted that 
"Shema Yisrael" is the Jewish password for assistance from Above.]

Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 The Year of the Wonders Above

 The small yellow area on the left is the sky.  The rest of the sky is filled with a giant planet.

Video of two giant objects in Italy. This is how we see them, overlapping each other. If you can't see it now, in this video, then I really can't help you anymore.   

This is what's happening all over the world, more and more, closer and closer.  They will not hit Earth, they are gravitationally attached to their own Sun, there is no danger from them.  The video is real, I've seen enough of these things to know. That's exactly how they appear.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

People Are Noticing

Even people just looking at the daily Storm Chaser photos are realizing something is not quite right... seeing the same monster cloud formation on a daily basis.  They don't know what is going on but they are noticing.

Base clouds of Napisiti - Bega, Australia

Napisiti at the beginning of this video.  

A few muffled swear words in the first few seconds.

Israel sightings

First one is yellow planet or moon, next to our Sun

Thursday, December 28, 2023

So Many Sinners, How Can Moshiach Come?

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come. [Joel 3:4]  

The full moon two nights ago, not exactly "blood" - but orange with a pink aura is good too.

Can the Moshiach come in our time, even though there are people who have not yet repented and don't keep the Torah?

Regarding the coming of the Redemption, our sages taught: “This matter depends only on repentance.” Maimonides likewise writes that “The Torah has promised that the Jewish people will ultimately repent at the end of their exile, and will immediately be redeemed.” However, the Redemption will not be delayed even if this condition is not fulfilled. There are three reasons for this:

1) There is no one who has not had at least one thought of repentance at least a few times in the course of his life. Even one such thought can transform a person from an utter rasha to a perfect tzaddik.

2) Many of those who do not keep the Torah and its commandments were not raised in observant homes, and have not had the benefit of a comprehensive Jewish education. As such, they have the halachic status of victims of duress, and the Torah exonerates them for their lack of observance.

3) The Redemption will come even before the Jewish people repent. It is written in Psalms, “And He will redeem Israel from all its sins.” Commentators explain, “Even sin will not obstruct the Redemption, for He will redeem Israel from sin.”

G-d is merciful and overlooks transgressions, as described in the verse: “Who is a G-d like You, Who pardons iniquity, and forgives the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not maintain His anger forever, for He delights in mercy.”

Rabbi David Kimche comments on this verse: “As to those people who remain when the Redeemer comes..... even though their unworthy deeds could make them liable for the punishment of not being redeemed from exile, G-d will not direct attention forever to their deeds, for He delights in mercy.”

[From Exile to Redemption, pp. 128-29. Sicha of Parshat Vayechi 5751. Shabbos 68b. Bava Kama 28b. Tehillim 130:8. Meztudas David, loc. cit. Michah 7:18]

Hints Galore

Hot on the heels of "Leaving the World Behind" with all it's hidden messages, comes "The Colour Purple" released in the US on December 25.  The plot of the movie is not relevant, it's the title and the publicity it's generating that is the hint.  The colour purple is of course the colour of Royalty, to match the purple skies we are seeing.  

There's also a ton of memes going around about the fact that the last date of this year is 12.31.23 which, when written without the dots reads 123 123 - a sign that we are counting down to something new.  

It's not just us [Geula watchers] who are noticing all this.  Many spiritually minded people have picked up on all these hints and they are out in force trying to get their message across to whoever sees their social media posts.

I'm expecting a massive light show on New Year's Eve, but not from the fireworks, I think Hashem will be providing His own fireworks, to match the ones we saw here over Xmas. "The awful conditions that have plagued eastern Australia are set to ease – but not for long with meteorologists warning of New Year weather drama."  [News]  Sydney is always the first up with the NY's Eve fireworks, supposedly watched by millions around the world via TV or internet. Maybe this year we'll all get something to remember ! 

Australia Dec 19, photo Jeffrey Anderson

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Bondi Beach

 Napisiti over Bondi Beach right now.
