Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 The Year of the Wonders Above

 The small yellow area on the left is the sky.  The rest of the sky is filled with a giant planet.

Video of two giant objects in Italy. This is how we see them, overlapping each other. If you can't see it now, in this video, then I really can't help you anymore.   

This is what's happening all over the world, more and more, closer and closer.  They will not hit Earth, they are gravitationally attached to their own Sun, there is no danger from them.  The video is real, I've seen enough of these things to know. That's exactly how they appear.


  1. 2024/5784 . The year we greet Moshiach with tremendous joy and relief and see the Bais Hamikdash Rebuilt! We’ve seen more than enough signs and proof!


  2. I've seen the sunset pinched at the horizon many times lately here in Israel. TC

  3. Yes sun pinch = planets on top or to the side of our sun, partly blocking it.

  4. I can’t believe it’s 2024 and we’re still in this horrible never ending golus :(

  5. You need to stop complaining Nechama. Hashem doesn't like complainers. We all signed up to be here now, the most exciting time in history, so the only thing we need to do is appreciate that and get on with it.

    1. Exciting time? What’s so exciting about a cancer of so much antisemitism spreading throughout the world and a war here in the holy land where we have to fear for our lives everyday? I never heard we signed up to be in such a difficult time.


  6. What exciting time? We are living in times almost as scary as before the holocaust

  7. Nechama, everyone is suffering now. It says "look for a generation full of troubles" that is us. Rabbi Kessin always tells us that suffering is one way to bring Moshiach. If we can look at the suffering from that point of view, then it's easier to deal with. None of us can complain when we think of the 130 people still being held hostage in Gaza.

    1. Do we know if this suffering so many are going through is actually the suffering that proves Moshiach is now coming or do we have another 100 years to wait?

  8. I think the ultimate deadline is 5790, I can't remember the figures which explain that. But I don't think there's any way we can have ALL the signs and not be extremely close. This is not the time to be giving up.

    1. Wow. So sorry- I’m new to this blog and didn’t even realize Moshiach had to be close. I don’t really look for signs or know what the signs are. I would always think my grandchildren or great grandchildren would be lucky if they merited to welcome Moshiach and they will have to endure tremendous suffering in an upside world that will get even crazier. I sure seem to be very wrong after reading some powerful blog posts of yours. I better get ready fast for the great and awesome day of Godly revelation soon!


  9. I may be completely wrong, but I imagine history like a long inter-city train journey. The train is huffing and puffing all the way, but at some point when it arrives in the suburbs of the destination city the gas is taken off and the train sort of slowly rolls into the final station.

    I feel in a way we are rolling into the last station.

    The avodah may have once been x, y or z in the past but today our avodah is not to suffer, or try anything too wacky rather just to hang on in there with our normal avodah (Torah, tefillah, chessed, mitzvos) and before we know it we'll be there.

    When watching a kettle boil it seems to take forever, but if we keep busy, before we know it we can hear the click from the kettle and we can enjoy our "coffee".

    Gershon, Israel

  10. Massive earthquake in Japan 7.6 mag
    Tsunami warning

  11. Well it's nice to have you here Nechama. We all hope and pray that we're very close.

    1. You said you learned that it must come by 5790 so we must be very close

  12. Devorah is correct that 5790 is the ultimate deadline. It is actually the deadline for techiyat hameitim. The deadline for Moshiach would have to be well before. This is written clearly in the Zohar. The ultimate deadline for TH according to the Leshem (came after the Zohar) is 5786. Either writing is completely reliable, as a Jew that rejects the Zohar is problematic. I moved to Israel 9 years ago when I learned this Zohar and I’ve seen it coming to fruition with Moshiach now having to come any moment. We can feel Moshiach in the air here in Israel.


  13. So intense personal suffering such as emotional abuse, financial abuse, bickering, depression, divorce proceedings, strife, lashon hara, etc also bring Mashiach? I think of holiness as bringing Mashiach and these things seem very unholy. Explain please.

  14. Suffering is one way we bring Moshiach. The other way is by doing Teshuva.

    Some of the things you mention, such as emotional abuse, financial abuse, and lashon hara - these are things you can get away from, and probably should get away from. No-one deserves to suffer from abuse.

    The other things like depression, divorce and various strife refers to troubles that people are experiencing now, perhaps more so than at any other time.

    Children not speaking to parents. Children becoming seriously ill. People traumatised by anti semitism and Hamas. Even people who appear to have it all, have problems in their lives that others don't know about.

  15. Golus is over. Just read all the news headlines and it’s obvious we were in the final moments before the Geulah Shelaimah.


  16. For Nechama, if you speak Hebrew, see Or Hageula YT channel, the videos and also the community page, which is very active. It's full of hizuk for this time. In English see Rav Brody, lazerbeams, and Rav Kahana, nachmankahana.

    Chazal said let the Moshiach come, but let me not be there to see it. Everyone is suffering, some more, some less, so let us either be helpful and encouraging to someone who is suffering, or silent. Finishing off one's supper never helped a child in India.

    Partly in addition to MyrtleRising's post. I listened to the whole 40min shiur. Rav Meir Shmueli said that the geula was supposed to have come on Chanukah, but that we didn't want it enough. Then he speaks about praying for the tsaar of the Shechina. We have to want the geula for Hashem's sake alone, and not to solve our problems. (me: When you have difficult problems, it is very hard to reach that level. We can ask Hashem to help us reach that, and at least try.) He also said, in the name of Rav Fish, that if 2000 people/men were together ask for the geula with a pure heart, it would come.

    Most importantly, he said that now is zman msugal beyoter, a most auspicious time, for the geula, not that it has to come. (me: We are active participants in the geula. Us truly wanting it is what brings it. In other words hitorerut shel mata. This is what I've heard in many shiurim from different rabbonim. Imho, the endless calculations and predictions are no longer relevant and given the above, even holding up the geula up. There is also an element of by my strength and the power of my hand to it. Rav Toledano speaks about this in general, the prideful aspect of ruchaniut. We have to annul ourselves before Hashem and want the geula today, not trusting our intellect regarding calculations and geopolitical predictions. That has to be our goal. It doesn't have to be everyone, but enough of us. Each one of us has to ask ourselves am I doing anything that is holding the geula up, and what can I do to bring it now. Both Rav Dov Kook and Rav Yanuka expressed themselves very clearly about the centrality of aliya to the geula. Fact. That and truly wanting it, tsaaka, and helping fellow Jews in their pain where we can.

    Also very importantly, Rav Toledano just spoke about the significance of the secular new year. Whilst ostensibly it would not seem to have any relevance to us, all the accusations of the goyim are a kitrug on us until their new year. Then Hashem sees how we behave on RH, YK and the chagim, tshuva, tefila, tsedaka, and how they behave lehavdil, on their new year. At that point the kitrug against us is lifted, and all their accusations boomerang onto them.

    For Frances, obviously, you do whatever you need to do and can do to protect yourself, but spiritually the challenge in the myriad of life's problems is to acknowledge that they are all from Hashem. Serving Hashem on calm seas is great, but connecting to Hashem in the midst of life's storms is a much deeper service. I'm not saying it's easy, and we all have our ups and downs, but at least that should be the goal, even if we only achieve it in sporadic moments, they are very dear to Hashem.

    Out of ideas.

    1. I would have to disagree that the calculations and predictions are no longer relevant. It’s written that right before Moshiach comes, it will be very easy to calculate auspicious times for the Geulah! Many of those making calculations are big rabbanim and very learned people. You’ll see for yourself on YouTube and videos on this blog. And the calculations make a lot of sense! All the calculations also say that Moshiach can come today! We have all the signs and prophecies so even more possible to come today!


  17. Agree Miriam. It also says that when we get close to Geula, we are permitted to make calculations.


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