Tuesday, January 2, 2024


The term 'gaslighting' is used a lot these days.  The word originates from the 1944 movie 'Gaslight' in which a husband slowly manipulates his young wife into believing she is insane.

We are all being gaslit by the people who claim that the rape and torture of October 7 did not happen. Some of the idiots saying this are, actually, idiots! - they don't have a brain and they have zero 
knowledge of history or the Jewish people.  However, a larger number are not morons at all, they are just Jew haters and professional gaslighters.  They'll tell you that black is white, if it suits their agenda. 

First they will abuse you, then they will deny it and claim you brought all this misery upon yourself by your own actions.  

The world is currently being gaslit by these people.  Educated people can see through this, but unfortunately most of the world is not educated in these matters, and they get caught up in the lies, and think that Israel is the bad guy here.

If you look closely at what they are saying about Israel, it is in fact just a description of their OWN behaviour.  That is a typical gaslighting scenario: they blame YOU for what THEY have done.  One notable fact is that they say the Israelis are occupying their land.... actually it's the other way around, they are occupying the Jews' Land.

Sadly, some Jews have been caught up in these lies, and have joined the demonstrations to "Free Palestine".  

It's very interesting to see which famous Jews are speaking up now.  The latest one to speak up is David Schwimmer who had some good things to say, you can read it here "Friends Star Slams Hamas Rape Critics".

I don't think we need to worry too much about all the anti-Semitism, because it is just a means to an end. I feel that Hashem is sorting out the wheat from the chaff, and everyone is showing their true colours.


  1. Absolutely right. It is the uninformed, uneducated & ignorant that are so easily indoctrinated and manipulated. They have no idea of history; to them, history is what happened last year at most. It is the ptb's with their amaleikite & erev rav amaleikim that are the manipulators, also distracting everyone so in the meantime they can go forward with their goal of controlling the world. Jew hatred is a spiritual hatred which G-D unleashes in the wicked of the nations when we, Jews, need to be awakened and remember Who is really in control and that is Hashem!
    We are now in the process of our Geulah and, sadly, this latest wakeup call was so horrific but it did wake up many to do teshuvah and many now realize our Redemption is around the corner.
    May it come with great kindness from Above & with much mercy!

  2. I just came across a post that introduces a new word into our language:

    Psychological manipulation where one who commits atrocities uses the response to gain sympathy for their actions.
    Example; Bob kidnapped a baby and then complained when he was arrested. Bob is Gazalighting.


  3. I love your blog a lot devorah , but I need to say that the picture above is really not tznius :(


  4. Sorry Leah, that never occurred to me, but I guess for 1944 it was pretty risque. These days I think it's classed as vintage. Anyway it doesn't add anything to the post so I'll remove it.

  5. I believe Hashem is giving them rope to hang themselves. Malky

  6. As a person who was sadly in an abusive relationship,I often see a shocking similarity between narcissistics and (pro) palestinians.Same modus operandi.

  7. I ran away from a violent marriage and yes I agree with you that the tactics used are the same. Sara

  8. Please continue to pray for Iser Dov Kook Ben Shushana (MBY) for his health and success


  9. And so,he would be a descendant of Yossef through his mother?

  10. amazing gematriot:

    Moshe Rabeinu = Eliezer Berland
    pakod pakadti = 5784 (this year geula)
    BERESHIT in atbash = 5784 Nisan
    Nasralla = Armilus
    Rav Iser Dov Kook is MBY should win the war together with MBD to bring Geula Shelema this year 5784 in Nisan.

    what is amaing time we are living. Grab the Mitsvot while you can and do not sin, do not make averot



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