Friday, April 12, 2024

What Will Happen When The True Messiah Comes

Rabbi Tovia Singer - duration 16 mins

The 4/8 Eclipse: What You Didn't See

This is a photo taken during the eclipse by Ryan Richard

I put this up yesterday but some people couldn't find it.

I made a new Page of videos showing the things you didn't see during the Eclipse:  click here to see it

"Pages" are listed right under the blog header, I don't know if you can see that if you're using a phone. They stay there permanently - unless I decide to delete them. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Talmudic Prophecy about the End Times

Most of you already know this, but I thought it's simple enough for everyone to understand. Send it to someone who needs to hear it.

The Path You Choose

Every action we do creates an angel. A good action creates a defending angel, a bad one creates a prosecuting angel.

One lie will lead to many more lies, creating more and more prosecuting angels.

Every day contains the potential for the creation of good angels who will defend and assist you in times of need.

Chazal teach that the path you choose to follow is the path along which you will be lead. Good deeds will lead to more good deeds.... while lies and deception bring about a continuing cycle of lying to cover up the previous lies.  

There is a way to break the cycle, and that is to about-turn, and retrace your steps. This is teshuvah - returning to the right path. This path ensures a continual helping hand from Above.

Any obstacles encountered whilst retracing your steps are called "tikunim" - corrections. Each one is a test, tailored to suit your needs. Passing each test is achieving a tikkun in that area, or with a particular person.

Sometimes tests come all at once, and sometimes they are few and far between. Each person will be given exactly what they require at exactly the right time.

Tikunim can also relate to actions done in past lives. You may have owed someone an apology from another lifetime. You have met up now, in order to achieve a rectification.

As long as you are on the right path, the obstacles will be easily taken care of. The key is to have trust [bitachon] in Hashem and never give up or be side-tracked. But even if this does happen, you can again retrace your steps and return. Teshuvah is never out of anyone's reach.

A life without bitachon leads to worry and anxiety:

ביטחון - bitachon - trust

דאגה - deagah - worry or anxiety

דאגה contains the first 5 letters of the alef-beis, minus the letter "beis" - which stands for "bitachon" showing us that a life without trust in Hashem will result in worry and anxiety.

באר - baer - is the Hebrew word for "well"
בור - bore - is the Hebrew word for "bore/pit"

Whilst they sound the same, and have similar meanings, there is a major difference between the two.

A Baer is a living well, a well containing water that is "alive".
A Bore is a hole, containing dead stagnant water or worse.
The difference between the two words in Hebrew is the Aleph in the centre of the word באר.

The Aleph represents Hashem [Adon Olam]. If you have Hashem in the middle of your life, you will access the well of the living waters. If you remove Hashem from the centre of your life, it becomes a bottomless pit.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Inscribed in the Book of Records

by Rabbi David Chananya Pinto

If someone is known as a ba'al lashon hara, meaning that he continually talks negatively about other people, if a person goes and sits with him, even if he doesn’t add anything to his words, he is nevertheless considered a sinner. He has transgressed the words of Chazal who have commanded us to stay far away from hearing unfit speech. 

All the more so if he intends to listen to what they have to say – his sin is extremely great and will be inscribed in Heaven in the book of records.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Cracking the Code

I'm supposed to write a disclaimer that the information contained in this post is for entertainment purposes only.   

I just noticed something - the Cosmic Clock!  It's saying 12:48 - there's those numbers again 4/8.  
And 4 + 8 = 12.  
[the cosmic clock can be found on the left hand side of this page, if you're using a computer and can see the entire page]

The flashing skies are warning us. They've been warning us for a while now.

Note: Some of the concepts in this post came from a guy known as the MatrixCowboy, you can find him on TikTok under  #matrixfarm365.  

First of all he tells us to google and find this link at NASA,Earth's%20atmosphere%20during%20the%20eclipse.

Basically....during a solar eclipse the ionosphere is weakened, and apparently it is weak enough for them to be able to attempt to create a hole which they hope to punch through.  They are hoping to be able to break through and open that hole through the firmament, hence the activation of CERN and the rockets being fired by NASA.   They don't know what will happen, that is why they are sending out all these warnings about stocking up on food, water, gas, batteries.  That is why the National Guard and FEMA are being deployed, as well as 70 US military helicopters over Phildelphia from Saturday-Monday. They don't know what will happen when they bust through the hole, they are expecting demonic beings or something. They are trying to out-smart G-d. 

For those who can see, look at the eye[s] in the clouds, so many images like this one are appearing, mostly coming from the clouds of the visible binary solar system 

We have been told by several Rabbis that the war of Gog u Magog is a spiritual war. We are seeing it play out physically in the form of the world turning against Israel.  I feel we are going to see it play out spiritually on R"H Nissan when they try to burst through the firmament.  This is a war between good and evil. Hence the Devil's Comet.

US Space Command logo
it's showing the path of the eclipse

And while everyone is distracted by the eclipse.... Persia Iran may try to "destroy the entire world" or whatever that means.

Just as we have hints today from the things people say on the internet or anywhere else, so it was in the time of Mordechai and Esther in Shushan, Persia.

Mordechai, who was standing outside the gates of the royal palace, noticed the expression of glee on Haman's wicked face. He knew that the wicked Haman had something up his sleeve. He stopped three Jewish schoolchildren coming out of school, and asked them to quote to him from what they had learned that day.

Said one "Do not fear sudden terror, nor of the destruction of the wicked when it comes." [Proverbs 3:25]

Said the second: "Contrive a scheme, but it will be foiled; conspire a plot but it will not materialize; for G‑d is with us." [Isaiah 8: 10]

Said the third: "Even to your old age I am with you; even to your hoary years will I sustain you; I have made you, and I will bear you; I will sustain and deliver you." [Isaiah 46:4]

Source: Purim by Nissan Mindel at Chabad, Published by Kehot Society

Secrets of the Ten Plagues & the Passover Seder

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

What was the deeper purpose behind the Ten Plagues in ancient Egypt and how did they parallel the Ten Utterances of Creation? How do these correspond to the ten items of the Passover seder? And how do the 14 steps of the Passover seder parallel the 14 key steps of Creation? 

Find out in this eye-opening class where we also explore the paschal offering and the Temple Mount, how Hillel rose to the presidency of the Sanhedrin, plus the great mystery behind consuming the karpas vegetable – and what does it have to do with the soul of Mashiach?

More information and links at You Tube

Sunday, April 7, 2024

He who sits in Heaven laughs and mocks them

Goyim are fighting between themselves, gathering and talking, but it's all ineffective. Why?  Because He who sits in Heaven laughs and mocks them. 

What a bunch of clowns this lot are

Extract of talk from the Lubavitcher Rebbe 5740 [1980]

Rabbi Yochanan quotes Shimon bar Yochai regarding the war of Gog u Magog.  

It seems like it is a terrible tragedy for the Jews but as it says in Sanhedrin and other sources : Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai said 'King David ran from his son Avshalom, and he exclaimed 'Ma raba tzorei' [how big are my problems]. Whereas on the passuk "Why do nations gather and people speak futility" he doesn't say "how big are my problems", but the opposite. 

On "yehugu rik" - speaking futility - Rashi and other commentaries explain that it's not tzorei/tragedy, it's Rik vehevel - futility. It has no meaning for the Jews. 

Goyim are fighting between themselves, gathering and talking, but it's all ineffective. Why?  Because He who sits in Heaven laughs and mocks them. 

Then comes the question: how should a Jew view this?  We have the decree from the Torah that even though nations are gathering and talking negatively, still for the Jews it has absolutely no meaning. But not because of our own strength G-d forbid, but because He who sits in Heaven laughs and mocks them.  And that's why it's not affecting the Jews.

They call it tragedy? G-d forbid! The nations come up with different ideas, but it's all Hevel Larik - futility. Why? Because Hashem is with us.

The fact that they are gathering.... Jewish people know it is all pointless. Because He who sits in Heaven laughs and mocks them.

He is not just notifying but he is mocking and laughing at them.

As it says "He who touches them, he is touching the apple of My eye" 

The story of Egypt, the story of Afghanistan. Another story, that fight, another fight. But in relation to Jews the Guardian of Israel "neither slumbers nor sleeps".  Why? Because Jews are connected with the Guardian of the Jews.

Then he sees in a revealed way, that Hashem in Heaven laughs and mocks them. And the war of Gog  u Magog is not affecting the Jewish people. Gog is fighting with Magog and it says in Tanach that it will be in Jerusalem, but that has nothing to do with the Jewishness in Jerusalem, and not in the city of Jerusalem, rather it's around Jerusalem. The Jews are standing strong because Jerusalem is a city where King David lived and the name Yerushalayim comes from the words "Yiras Hashem shleimah" which means "complete fear of G-d".

And Jews who are complete G-d fearing people bring it into actuality, and the city of Jerusalem will stay untouched. 

The nations are "utsu eitza" - contriving a scheme - but when the Jewish children behave in a manner of "ki imanu kel" - "G-d is with us" - then "dabru davar velo yakum" - their conspired plot will not be materialized.