Thursday, April 11, 2024

Talmudic Prophecy about the End Times

Most of you already know this, but I thought it's simple enough for everyone to understand. Send it to someone who needs to hear it.



  2. We’re mamish at the end, we’re mamish at the end… we’re mamish at the VERY, VERY END!

    Great song and the words are obviously true!


  3. The Rebbe revealed this Yalkut Shimoni to the world when the Gulf War started over 30 years ago.

    We read in the Haggada that HaShem Chisaiv Es HaKeitz - that HaShem calculates the end [of Our Galus]. No one knows when this will be as it is hidden.

    Our Avoda is to Learn Torah, Do Mitvos B'Hidur, Give Tzedoka, Serve HaShem with Joy, excel in Mitzvos of helping others and "doing acts of Goodness & Kindness"

    When HaShem is ready - HaShem will Reveal the Geula.

  4. Remember during Covid everyone was talking about the Baal HaTurim that says that the last pesach before Mashiach, everyone will be locked in their homes like the first Pesach in Mitzrayim??

    1. We might yet be locked in our houses this Pesach. Due to martial law or the upcoming global war/upheaval.

      C S

  5. Yes, I think I heard that each one would be in their own room [chamber]. I didn't know it was the Baal Ha Turim.

  6. Heard a shiur said the dam on the doorpost on the inside to resemble the birth canal. We exited to a new life. The Jew was born.

  7. What I do know is that the Ba'al Haturim said that a 'mabul', a flood, which can also mean a plague will occur before the coming of Moshiach. The term of
    'time' does not have to be today, tomorrow, etc., in prophecies. This plague
    was the 'Covid' that we went through a few years back, and we should be very
    close to Geulah very soon.

  8. Who (which blog) had those tok tok pics of the eclipse anomolies and where did they go??

  9. I put that at the top of my blog, it's a "page"

  10. The only issue here is that Iran is far too weak and unstable to do anything more than fund proxies. The current government is barely hanging on and knows its days are numbered, since the Islamic Republic has little to no internal support.


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