Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Inscribed in the Book of Records

by Rabbi David Chananya Pinto

If someone is known as a ba'al lashon hara, meaning that he continually talks negatively about other people, if a person goes and sits with him, even if he doesn’t add anything to his words, he is nevertheless considered a sinner. He has transgressed the words of Chazal who have commanded us to stay far away from hearing unfit speech. 

All the more so if he intends to listen to what they have to say – his sin is extremely great and will be inscribed in Heaven in the book of records.


  1. Does this ruling apply to what you hear on YouTube and blogs, where are comments putting people up or down.

    Would that be seen as lashon hara, too?

  2. Yes it does apply to blogs - that's my opinion, I'm not a rabbi obviously, but if a blog continually writes LH about others, or insinuates LH and everyone knows who they are speaking about.... that is LH yes. If you continue to go there and read it, even if you don't agree with it, then you are just assisting the spread of it. Best to avoid bloggers speaking LH.

    You Tube videos and comments, people often write nonsense there anyway.

  3. Everything we see and hear and read has an effect. We should avoid lashon haro wherever it may be. Blogs videos anything.

  4. Thanks Devorah and annonymous.


  5. I have one more question. At some blogs who put xtians and people down, is that okay...
    Like its okay to speak against them, even when they do not say bad things about Judaism.

    Asking as i want to know what is correct.

    Thanks again.

  6. Like not all christians, many do speak and think that the Jews need to convert, and they go all over, these many some of of them, trying to convert Jews and other non-xtians, to convert to their worshipping a man as god.

    i have commented and some of their 'sites'. and let them have it.

    Jews do not convert or try to , other non Jews.
    Yet these xtians go to Israel, trying to do this,
    That makes me angry, and i have cursed them too.
    If that is a bad thing i did, well, i did, and will not apologize to these extians.


  7. God has very high ways and thinkings in his purposes, which your mind may NOT understand, at least not yet, there are many many beautiful carriages in exile and without this true love, we will delay redemption.
    In inner dot org, there is a very beautiful text about love and understanding, a level of maturity that we still need to reach, so that we are all ready for the long-awaited redemption. I recommend reading.


    With love.


  8. Thank you so very much, M.R.

    I went to that site, but it speaks only to Jews.

    As Noahide, what do I do.

    I am an xtian.

    Thank you again.

    Hashem bless you and yours.

    1. Hi don’t call urself a xtian if ur a noahide Just a non jew is ok world of diff. Malky

  9. https://inner.org/nonjews/intro.htm


  10. Once again @ April 9, 2024 at 2:56 PM,
    I thank you. May you be blessed.

    I joined, and hope to learn all i can.

    And to Anonymous at - April 9, 2024 at 2:58 PM

    Hashem bless you ...

    I am not xtian anymore got out of that religion many years ago. Thank Gd.

    It was a typo...
    I thank Gd, that He helped me flee from worship of a man.

    Thanks though, for pointing out the error.

    A Noahide.. and a proud one too.

    Still learning as so many questions pop up..

    but as they say, learning never ends.

    1. I recommend Rabbi Yitzchak Dovid Smith’s YouTube channel. He posts videos of zoom meetings for non-Jews who are interested in learning about the Noachide laws and mitzvos (commandments) that are pertinent to them. Michal

    2. https://www.rabbismith.org/

  11. Iran missile launch warnings for pilots




  12. I found this Rabbi Michael Skobac, whom i used to listen to way way back.
    Then looked for more regarding Judaism.

    This appeared to me in a random search, while looking for lectures of Rabbis.
    Everything happens for a reason...
    It is from 11 years back, and if any Noahide or other non-Jews wanting to learn more, i urge you to take a listen to this:


    Thank you Devorah for your blessed blog. Gd bless you and yours.


  13. Ron thank you for posting that blog. Going to watch it now.

    God bless you.

  14. I read a book by Rav Ginsburgh about the guidelines for non-Jews in serving Hash-m (It's called Kabbala and Meditation for the Nations). I understand that he has newer material on this subject that might be available in shiurim form. If you want to find out more you could try contacting them through inner.org. TC

  15. Thank you TC.

    Will definitely go there and listen and learn.

  16. Ron I saw a few warnings about Iran earlier today, and it made me feel physically sick. Hashem should protect everyone in Israel.

  17. Devorah, He will ! Hashem prepares the remedy before the malady . We're in Nissan now. Expect nissim. Only revealed good


  18. No fear needed there. The true melech paras has incarnated in the Jewish priesthood. He has already destroyed the world so to speak as the talmud discusses would happen to bring geulah. The three kings spoken of Persia, Edom Rome and Arabia are angelic sarim also known as folk souls of nations. The peshat interpretation thst they are the nations rulers now is a surface level kind of knowledge. It is whispered teachings how this all works. Thst is why the Muslims in hadith say their Mahdi redeemer will have a Jewish body and wear tallit. He would have multiple folk souls being the very root of Adam rishon. The sarim are in kahoots with a new eternal temple and temple age hashleishi.

  19. I think we had to have that solar eclipse, which was the second or third warning to the nations. Now that the warnings have taken place, and the signs given, whatever Hashem has planned to protect Israel when the entire world has turned against them, will take place.

  20. These are all interwoven signs the sword of the kerubim is also a scepter. The eclipse is a part of a mass global soul awakening. In the 5-D shape of the olam according to the Sefer Yetzirah all phenomena in the physical interfaces the soul dimension. We are in a great renewal of civilization so many sychronicities explain this. A new astrological age or buddha age or tekufah of the Earth wheel. Traditional Ptolomeiac astrology has the effect of an eclipse such as that one to cover a period of months equal to about the length of totality. So 4 minutes means at least 4 months of vast changes. Since the rare green mother of dragons comet is also visible and moving by at significant dates perihelion passover close passage 41st of the omer expect the year of the precious green jade dragon to help bring us into the age of Peace. Time to make peace and love thy neighbor. The magog mania of false supremacisms will end as the ohr of the temple is felt by more awakening folks. The entire Earth is kadosh.

  21. So what happened to the "hidden" nibiru planets? they should have been visible during the eclipse, right? when the sun was totally blotted out? Anyway, I did see the eclipse and the the only planet I saw was Venus. It was amazing

  22. Some were visible. I saw dozens of videos on Tik Tok today showing two suns not one, depending on where you saw the eclipse it became visible, the second sun was definitely there. There were UFO's shooting across the sun, there were weird lights in the sky. There are countless videos up showing different things. And people don't seem convinced that it was the moon that blocked the sun.
    Planets are also still here.

  23. Rabbi Mizrachi is saying that the earth is circling the sun. at the start of this video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-1dU0wtqTA
    so does the earth circle the sun or the sun circle the earth???

  24. time: and anyone else.... if you want to see videos of the eclipse showing things you did not see, I uploaded a few and made a Page for it: go here:



  25. Anonymous @ April 11, 2024 at 6:34 AM

    Here... check this out...


    Noah follower

  26. Torah says sun circles earth. TC


  27. https://www.chabad.org/therebbe/letters/default_cdo/aid/2046989/jewish/Does-the-Sun-Really-Revolve-Around-the-Earth.htm


  28. I wish I remembered sources better! Could be the Zohar. Rebbe Nachman also says this. I also remember hearing that Einstein said you can't prove it either way scientifically. Unfortunately it's crept into the Jewish world to the point that my kids had teachers teaching it the wrong way in Chareidi schools. After all these years of Golus we have been affected, subtly and not-so-subtly, by non-Jewish "wisdoms." Best to be very careful to learn Torah only from impeccable sources, and stay far away from non-Jewish "wisdoms." TC

  29. My problem is, that if the Torah states it then why wouldn't the Rebbe just quote the Torah?
    so I don't think it's in the Torah.
    I'm happy for you to prove me wrong, but right now I'm believing that the earth revolves around the sun, along with all the other planets.
    Which is what Rabbi Mizrachi said in the video linked by Anonymous above.

  30. A quick look around the internet brought up two gemaras and a Zohar, but since I am not a talmud chacham I am not commenting. There is so much contained in the Holy Torah. The only thing to do is ask a bonafide talmud chacham/yirei Shamayim. It's up to you to decide who to trust, just be careful. TC

  31. I'm saying, to be more clear, don't rely on your own interpretation of an English translation of Torah sources, or an interpretation found on the internet unless you are very sure of it's source. Jews spend lifetimes in learning, someone like that is a person to ask, someone with a clear Torah hashkafa, not someone steeped in non-Jewish "wisdom." TC

  32. TC I know all about real and fake Torah teachers, that's why I blog. I was led astray on the internet in 2004, and since then I have learnt a lot.

    I'm basing my opinion on what the Lubavitcher Rebbe said.

    I don't think the Torah speaks about the actual solar system and the way it works. I was told by a Rabbi I respect that the Torah doesn't say anything about a "second sun" and a binary system, but from what I can gather, the Torah doesn't mention this kind of stuff. Someone please tell me if I'm wrong here. I would really like to know. It would clear up a lot of mis-understandings.

  33. Thank you to Anonymous for this: from a Rav - "sources are in Pesachim and also the Zohar, in addition to other places. He said, don’t try to read it and understand it yourself, and that there are different opinions even among rabbis. This is something that needs years of Torah learning and a clear, Torah hashkafa to understand."


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