I think it's possible that he is, the strength he is showing in the fact of adversity shows me he has Heavenly assistance - and I don't care how many people hate him, that only seems to make him more determined. Go Bibi !
Also remember Rabbi Palvanov confirmed that MBY is more than one person, and he could be the last in the chain. The Lubavitcher Rebbe was also an MBY in my opinion and he knew who Bibi would turn out to be. This is all assumption, I'm not saying I'm right, it's just what I think.
BH During a farbrengan in the early 1990’s The Rebbe said The Frideicher Rebbe was Moshiach Ben Yosef. The Rebbe also said we are the last generation of galut, and Moshiach was coming soon.
I’m so disturbed. A Rav I know and respect a lot is saying that we don’t have any signs of Moshiach and it’s all in people’s minds. For example, he said Yishmael’s uprising has been for 1500 years (meaning it’s not any different than the last 20-30 years) and that all the other signs of Moshiach in the Torah such as Eretz Yisrael being abundant with produce, and all other signs, etc are just a matter of interpretation. He said the incredible unexpected advancement of technology in the last 20-30 years could be primitive and laughable in 50-100 years and isn’t a sign of Moshiach. It’s very upsetting when anyone is so doubtful of the obvious signs of Moshiach. If Devorah and anyone else can give over chizuk so I don’t fall into that skeptical type of thinking, it would be greatly appreciated.
He just said it’s in their imagination since we can’t prove that these signs mean that Moshiach is very close. He said “the signs before Moshiach can mean 100 years before and that it doesn’t necessarily mean right before”. That’s one reason he feels it’s a matter of interpretation. My understanding is the Torah is very clear that these signs are “immediately before” Moshiach (not 50-100 years before).
Which timeline? You mean the Zohar’s definite word (the Zohar is never wrong) on techiyas hameisim starting before 5790 and the Leshem’s word that its starting before 5786?
He would probably say that the Zohar and Leshem are just predictions and don’t have to be right. Although, the Zohar was clearly not stating a prediction but what will be. The Zohar doesn’t give predictions.
That’s right. The Zohar isn’t giving his prediction. He’s the authority on Kabbalah and any positive prophecy of his will come true. Rabbi Mendel Kessin, Rabbi Shimon Kessin, Rabbi Pinchas Winston, Rabbi Hajioff, Rabbi Anava, and the many other Rabbanim who have learned extensively on inyanim on Moshiach have clearly stated that the Zohar’s deadline is a guarantee. The Leshem (techiyas hameisim before 5786) might be a guarantee too, but definitely the Zohar.
Ishmael has been warlike ever since the advent of Islam. This is necessary to fulfil Bereshit 16:12: "And he will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be upon all, and everyone's hand upon him, and before all his brothers he will dwell."
We can list some of this:
The wars of the Arabian peninsula under Muhammad The Crusades under Saladin Berke the Mongol Khan of the Golden Horde invading Thrace in 1263 The 1880's Mahdi War of the Sudanese vs the British and others.
But the Arizal said that in the end of days there will be a galut of Yishmael to add to those of (Egypt), Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome.
This is distinguished by it's attacks on Jews, as wel as on Edom.
1927 Hevron massacre 1941 Farhud in Iraq 1948 War of Independence 156 Suez War 1967 Six Day War 1973 Yom Kippur War 1960's and 1970's plane hijackings and terrorist attacks 1987 First Intifada 1990 First Gulf War scud attacks on Israel 2000 Second Intifada 2006 + Attacks from Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon 2023 Invasion on 7 October
Add to this the large scale 9/11 attacks at the very heart of Edom. Many train and bus bombings in the West after that. 2011 the ISIS Caliphate war in Iraq and Syria.
It is clear to me that since 1927 this has been on a greater scale than previous centuries.
How do we know it won’t get much worse (or continue as is)and will last another couple hundred years? That’s this Rabbi’s question . How do you know this is the final end of Yishmael?
Yisrael this rabbi has clearly disrupted your faith in Moshiach coming soon. Which is quite sad I think. Anyone listening to that guy would come away feeling confused and depressed.
He disrupted it but I’m here to be back to not being distrusted. And I am grateful to you and your blog readers who are making encouraging comments that make sense and prove without a doubt that Moshiach is very close.
Everyone is entitled to have an opinion, but if you're listening to something or reading something, and it doesn't feel right, then get up and walk out, turn it off, or stop reading it. Time is too short to waste it going backwards. Listening to depressing rabbis, reading blogs full of Lashon Hara, etc etc... this is detrimental to where we are headed.
"Also remember Rabbi Palvanov confirmed that MBY is more than one person"
I attended Rabbi Palvanov's shiur last night. It was part 3 of the MBY topic. As I understood it, the conclusion is - MBY and MBD is the same person in two phases of his mission. I'm sure it will be on Youtube within a couple of days so you'll hear all the details of how he arrives at that conclusion.
Would a male Jew that married a non-Jewish woman and had children with her be part of yemos hamoshiach? Will he go to eretz yisrael and leave behind his non-Jewish children depriving them of a father?
I'm amazed at the transition vis a vis Bibi Netanyahu. He is not only facing down Eisav but more and more he brings Hashem into the picture. Perhaps all of this was hidden all along. We have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. And let's remember, one of his closest advisors is Deri. I think he is the most trusted person in the room. (please don't start piling on about him, this and that previous thing) Another sign for me is that Eisav is working so feverishly to destroy Bibi, to bring him down and the erev rav, led by the likes of Lapid are part of the army to bring down Bibi. Hashem should give him continued strength, chochmah and emunah to navigate through these treacherous waters and bring us all safely to gelua shleimah!
Rabbi Chaim Vital in "Dalet Maot Shekel Kesef" - clearly states that Moshiach knows who he is and is only recognized by a few people initially. The big opposition to Moshiach is "Tofsai Torah" - the Rabbis who do not believe that the Ketz has arrived and he bases this on Yosef's brothers "Haim Lo Hikiruhu" = the brothers did not recognize Yosef, yet Yosef is referred to as "Yosef HaTzaddik". I am traveling for work so I do not have the direct quote in front of me.
Based on The Gra, MBY and MBD are the same person. MBY is revealed from This World i.e. born to parents in this world. [Ani V'Rochev Ul HaChamor - "Poor and Riding on a donkey" and MBY is revealed from Shamayim "Im Ananai Shamaya" - with the clouds of Heaven i.e. Miraculously. i.e. Reconciling The Gemarah Sanhedrin.
The Gra bases this on his own S'foro that all Prophesies for Tov [Good] must be fulfilled since all the Negative Prophesies were fulfilled and The Gra lived before The Holocaust.
Is this Aharon that commenting referring to the Rav Yisrael mentioned that said all the signs of Moshiach we have is in people’s imaginations and that we don’t have any?
Just read the comment by Yisrael @ 10:19 am. Disturbing that someone who calls himself a Rabbi, as Yisrael was referring to a rabbi who says the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu is just in our minds is probably one of today's biggest chilulei H'. As our Sages teach us that one of the first three questions asked after 120 years up in Heaven is 'Did you yearn for the coming of Moshiach'? It is one of the most important principles of faith according to the Rambam, along with others. Does this person believe in G-D? What a shanda! We have all the signs and at just the right time before the year 6000 and it's 'all in our minds' and when all the greatest Torah minds of today agree upon its timing. Unreal.
At keitz hayamim, we are told that 'many of the rabbis will be from the Erev Rav'. We know this for sure because they are just one part of those at the helm of leadership. The government of the State of Israel, the high echelons in the military and, of course, the notorious and infamous supreme court in Israel which is practically a demonic force in itself. When you have rabbis stating such foolishness and evil, you know they do not stem from Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov. As Chazal tell us that one of the main reasons, the Erev Rav came along to join the Jewish people was to halt the coming of Moshiach. Do not believe those who go up against the Torah. The world is now filled with many Erev Rav and Erev Rav Amaleikim. Beware! History is repeating itself in these end days and just as we had the breakoff at the time of the Tzidokim who did not accept the Oral Torah and just the Written Torah is how Xtianity began. You can be pretty sure those were 'Jews' who also stemmed from the Erev Rav. We were all at Sinai when we received our Holy Torah consisting of both the Written & Oral Laws. Yet, these apikorsim decided on their own interpretation. We await our Goel Tzedek b'mheirah b'yameinu, in a blink of an eye and may it be with much chesed and rachamim.
@anonymous- Yes, he awaits Moshiach every day. He only said he doesn’t believe that the signs in the Torah about what will be right before Moshiach are fulfilled. I would not go far to call him the Erev Rav. He wants Moshiach more than most Jews. Also, we are 214 years from the year 6000 and not sure why you mentioned the year 6000. 6,000 is the year when yemos hamoshiach is over and we enter into an even more elevated state of Olam Habah.
*Historic Photo:* Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the first time has published a photo of himself putting on tefillin.
"And all the peoples of the earth shall see that the name of God is called upon you and they shall fear you (28:10 דברים). These tefilin were the only things to survive the inferno in which IDF soldier Moshiko Danino perished. His mother brought them to me, still smelling of gunpowder, and I promised I would wear them in the memory of the fallen."
For Yisrael, every generation has the potential for Moshiach. Rabein Bachaya wrote that even if everything is ready, and we merit it, there is no geula without tefilla. You can see this in black and white, explained in Haadam Bemaagal Hashana, by Rav Zamir Cohen. Rav Meir Eliyahu, also a huge talmid chacham, has a shiur about tefilla and geula. This includes geula be'ita, achisheina betoch be'ita. We are active partners in the geula. No-one can say exactly when Moshiah will come. However, that the geula can come today and actually wanting it to, is one of the most basic tenets of Yahadut. Hayom im tishme'oo. Even if someone claims that something has to happen for the geula to occur, that can also happen in the blink of an eye. At the moment, the issue of the netsotsot in Rafiah has been raised, and someone saw a news article saying it would take six weeks, thus concluding that it will be by xx date. Future dating, and dampening the ratzon. This is nonsense. Hashem can resolve the issue of netsotsot miraculously, as in Mitzrayim.
With or without signs, we have to anticipate and want the geula today. The current situation should only serve to strengthen us in that. We all of us need to get out of our heads, and into our hearts.
Yes, I mentioned the year 6000 because I wanted to show as best I can, in writing, that this is the time because of techiyat hameisim being 210-214 years before 6000 & with all the other signs right in your face. Just think, if the world gets lower and descends further into the abyss, it will not be able to exist. After 5000 years where all of the world's societies accepted the basic laws of Noach, it is now being changed dramatically back to the time before the great Flood where H' had no choice but to destroy the world. Even your average Jew, non-Jew and athiest see the insanities which we are now living in. Why does this rabbi see the opposite of what the great majority of big rabbis & kabbalists see the obvious? Even as I just stated, the average person sees the world has changed dramatically. I don't understand what this Rabbi's thinking is, but it just doesn't sound right. The G-D fearing Jews wants Moshiach right now, immediately and here we have all the signs and he doesn't seem to accept it. We don't know H's timetable, but we are now allowed, at this point, to figure it out. Praying for Moshiach Tzdkeinu's immediate arrival, b'rachamim.
I've been following Rav Avraham for well over a year. He spoke about what was likely to happen, well before it did.
If we want the geula, and not calculations and signs, but the actual geula, the only thing that matters is Torah umitzvot of course, achdut, and zaaka. If the untold misery of Am Yisrael is not enough to move hearts, what will?
Of course, Israel is not alone, as Hashem is always present there.
Hashem is present everywhere, ALL over the world, with all his creations.
With Jews, and also non Jews.
Remember He put everyone where they are.
Also there are good and bad in every nation.
Among Jews, and among non Jews.
Lots of non - Jews suffering all over the world, especially among the poor who just want to live and live a peaceful life, but evil follows them too as evil follows Jews too.
Complaints from people living in the East because they are being woken up every night by the helicopters flying very low doing surveillance....
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
I was wondering lately if , despite his numerous shortcomings, Netanyahu might be the Mashiach Ben Yosef?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you all think about this hypothesis?
I think it's possible that he is, the strength he is showing in the fact of adversity shows me he has Heavenly assistance - and I don't care how many people hate him, that only seems to make him more determined. Go Bibi !
ReplyDeleteVery proud of Bibi, for mentioning HaShem in his speech.
DeleteAlso remember Rabbi Palvanov confirmed that MBY is more than one person, and he could be the last in the chain. The Lubavitcher Rebbe was also an MBY in my opinion and he knew who Bibi would turn out to be. This is all assumption, I'm not saying I'm right, it's just what I think.
DeleteDuring a farbrengan in the early 1990’s The Rebbe said The Frideicher Rebbe was Moshiach Ben Yosef. The Rebbe also said we are the last generation of galut, and Moshiach was coming soon.
I agree.
I’m so disturbed. A Rav I know and respect a lot is saying that we don’t have any signs of Moshiach and it’s all in people’s minds. For example, he said Yishmael’s uprising has been for 1500 years (meaning it’s not any different than the last 20-30 years) and that all the other signs of Moshiach in the Torah such as Eretz Yisrael being abundant with produce, and all other signs, etc are just a matter of interpretation. He said the incredible unexpected advancement of technology in the last 20-30 years could be primitive and laughable in 50-100 years and isn’t a sign of Moshiach. It’s very upsetting when anyone is so doubtful of the obvious signs of Moshiach. If Devorah and anyone else can give over chizuk so I don’t fall into that skeptical type of thinking, it would be greatly appreciated.
I guess he thinks he knows better than all the other Rabbis who think otherwise.
ReplyDeleteHe just said it’s in their imagination since we can’t prove that these signs mean that Moshiach is very close. He said “the signs before Moshiach can mean 100 years before and that it doesn’t necessarily mean right before”. That’s one reason he feels it’s a matter of interpretation. My understanding is the Torah is very clear that these signs are “immediately before” Moshiach (not 50-100 years before).
Don't bother listening to him, he's deluded. No way it's 100 years. Ridiculous and doesn't fit the timeline anyway.
ReplyDeleteWhich timeline? You mean the Zohar’s definite word (the Zohar is never wrong) on techiyas hameisim starting before 5790 and the Leshem’s word that its starting before 5786?
Even a fool can see the world is close to something huge. i am really not understanding your rabbi Yisrael.
Either one of them, yes.
ReplyDeleteHe would probably say that the Zohar and Leshem are just predictions and don’t have to be right. Although, the Zohar was clearly not stating a prediction but what will be. The Zohar doesn’t give predictions.
That’s right. The Zohar isn’t giving his prediction. He’s the authority on Kabbalah and any positive prophecy of his will come true. Rabbi Mendel Kessin, Rabbi Shimon Kessin, Rabbi Pinchas Winston, Rabbi Hajioff, Rabbi Anava, and the many other Rabbanim who have learned extensively on inyanim on Moshiach have clearly stated that the Zohar’s deadline is a guarantee. The Leshem (techiyas hameisim before 5786) might be a guarantee too, but definitely the Zohar.
@Yisrael May 10, 2024 at 10:19 AM
ReplyDeleteIshmael has been warlike ever since the advent of Islam.
This is necessary to fulfil Bereshit 16:12:
"And he will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be upon all, and everyone's hand upon him, and before all his brothers he will dwell."
We can list some of this:
The wars of the Arabian peninsula under Muhammad
The Crusades under Saladin
Berke the Mongol Khan of the Golden Horde invading Thrace in 1263
The 1880's Mahdi War of the Sudanese vs the British and others.
But the Arizal said that in the end of days there will be a galut of Yishmael to add to those of (Egypt), Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome.
This is distinguished by it's attacks on Jews, as wel as on Edom.
1927 Hevron massacre
1941 Farhud in Iraq
1948 War of Independence
156 Suez War
1967 Six Day War
1973 Yom Kippur War
1960's and 1970's plane hijackings and terrorist attacks
1987 First Intifada
1990 First Gulf War scud attacks on Israel
2000 Second Intifada
2006 + Attacks from Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon
2023 Invasion on 7 October
Add to this the large scale 9/11 attacks at the very heart of Edom.
Many train and bus bombings in the West after that.
2011 the ISIS Caliphate war in Iraq and Syria.
It is clear to me that since 1927 this has been on a greater scale than previous centuries.
How do we know it won’t get much worse (or continue as is)and will last another couple hundred years? That’s this Rabbi’s question . How do you know this is the final end of Yishmael?
Yisrael this rabbi has clearly disrupted your faith in Moshiach coming soon.
ReplyDeleteWhich is quite sad I think.
Anyone listening to that guy would come away feeling confused and depressed.
He disrupted it but I’m here to be back to not being distrusted. And I am grateful to you and your blog readers who are making encouraging comments that make sense and prove without a doubt that Moshiach is very close.
Everyone is entitled to have an opinion, but if you're listening to something or reading something, and it doesn't feel right, then get up and walk out, turn it off, or stop reading it.
ReplyDeleteTime is too short to waste it going backwards.
Listening to depressing rabbis, reading blogs full of Lashon Hara, etc etc... this is detrimental to where we are headed.
That's what I'm saying. We're heading for Geula, why waste time listening to people denying it.
ReplyDelete"Also remember Rabbi Palvanov confirmed that MBY is more than one person"
ReplyDeleteI attended Rabbi Palvanov's shiur last night. It was part 3 of the MBY topic. As I understood it, the conclusion is - MBY and MBD is the same person in two phases of his mission. I'm sure it will be on Youtube within a couple of days so you'll hear all the details of how he arrives at that conclusion.
Would a male Jew that married a non-Jewish woman and had children with her be part of yemos hamoshiach? Will he go to eretz yisrael and leave behind his non-Jewish children depriving them of a father?
I'm amazed at the transition vis a vis Bibi Netanyahu. He is not only facing down Eisav but more and more he brings Hashem into the picture. Perhaps all of this was hidden all along. We have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. And let's remember, one of his closest advisors is Deri. I think he is the most trusted person in the room. (please don't start piling on about him, this and that previous thing) Another sign for me is that Eisav is working so feverishly to destroy Bibi, to bring him down and the erev rav, led by the likes of Lapid are part of the army to bring down Bibi. Hashem should give him continued strength, chochmah and emunah to navigate through these treacherous waters and bring us all safely to gelua shleimah!
ReplyDeleteAmen Amen Amen
ReplyDeleteRabbi Chaim Vital in "Dalet Maot Shekel Kesef" - clearly states that Moshiach knows who he is and is only recognized by a few people initially. The big opposition to Moshiach is "Tofsai Torah" - the Rabbis who do not believe that the Ketz has arrived and he bases this on Yosef's brothers "Haim Lo Hikiruhu" = the brothers did not recognize Yosef, yet Yosef is referred to as "Yosef HaTzaddik". I am traveling for work so I do not have the direct quote in front of me.
ReplyDeleteBased on The Gra, MBY and MBD are the same person. MBY is revealed from This World i.e. born to parents in this world. [Ani V'Rochev Ul HaChamor - "Poor and Riding on a donkey" and MBY is revealed from Shamayim "Im Ananai Shamaya" - with the clouds of Heaven i.e. Miraculously. i.e. Reconciling The Gemarah Sanhedrin.
ReplyDeleteThe Gra bases this on his own S'foro that all Prophesies for Tov [Good] must be fulfilled since all the Negative Prophesies were fulfilled and The Gra lived before The Holocaust.
If MBY and MBD are the same person - then MBY is also descended from Dovid HaMelech and NOT a descendant from Yosef as many people explain.
ReplyDeleteMBY's Neshomo is a spark of Yosef HaTzadik and he is also a 1st born however He is a descendant of Dovid HaMelech
Aharon that's fascinating, thank you.
ReplyDeleteל.ל I did not publish your comment because it's wrong and misleading.
Listen to it again, you'll hear him mention G-d if you listen properly.
Aharon: you wrote "The big opposition to Moshiach is "Tofsai Torah" - the Rabbis who do not believe that the Ketz has arrived"
ReplyDeleteWould these be the rabbis that the Baal Shem Tov was talking about when he had a vision of the end of days and saw rabbis impeding the redemption?
Is this Aharon that commenting referring to the Rav Yisrael mentioned that said all the signs of Moshiach we have is in people’s imaginations and that we don’t have any?
Yes Barry
ReplyDeleteJust read the comment by Yisrael @ 10:19 am. Disturbing that someone who calls himself a Rabbi, as Yisrael was referring to a rabbi who says the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu is just in our minds is probably one of today's biggest chilulei H'. As our Sages teach us that one of the first three questions asked after 120 years up in Heaven is 'Did you yearn for the coming of Moshiach'?
ReplyDeleteIt is one of the most important principles of faith according to the Rambam, along with others. Does this person believe in G-D? What a shanda!
We have all the signs and at just the right time before the year 6000 and it's 'all in our minds' and when all the greatest Torah minds of today agree upon its timing. Unreal.
At keitz hayamim, we are told that 'many of the rabbis will be from the Erev Rav'. We know this for sure because they are just one part of those at the helm of leadership. The government of the State of Israel, the high echelons in the military and, of course, the notorious and infamous supreme court in Israel which is practically a demonic force in itself. When you have rabbis
ReplyDeletestating such foolishness and evil, you know they do not stem from Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov. As Chazal tell us that one of the main reasons, the Erev Rav came along to join the Jewish people was to halt the coming of Moshiach.
Do not believe those who go up against the Torah. The world is now filled with many Erev Rav and Erev Rav Amaleikim. Beware!
History is repeating itself in these end days and just as we had the breakoff
at the time of the Tzidokim who did not accept the Oral Torah and just the Written Torah is how Xtianity began. You can be pretty sure those were 'Jews' who also stemmed from the Erev Rav. We were all at Sinai when we received our Holy Torah consisting of both the Written & Oral Laws. Yet, these apikorsim decided on their own interpretation.
We await our Goel Tzedek b'mheirah b'yameinu, in a blink of an eye and may it be with much chesed and rachamim.
@anonymous- Yes, he awaits Moshiach every day. He only said he doesn’t believe that the signs in the Torah about what will be right before Moshiach are fulfilled. I would not go far to call him the Erev Rav. He wants Moshiach more than most Jews. Also, we are 214 years from the year 6000 and not sure why you mentioned the year 6000. 6,000 is the year when yemos hamoshiach is over and we enter into an even more elevated state of Olam Habah.
*Historic Photo:* Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the first time has published a photo of himself putting on tefillin.
ReplyDelete"And all the peoples of the earth shall see that the name of God is called upon you and they shall fear you (28:10 דברים). These tefilin were the only things to survive the inferno in which IDF soldier Moshiko Danino perished. His mother brought them to me, still smelling of gunpowder, and I promised I would wear them in the memory of the fallen."
For Yisrael, every generation has the potential for Moshiach. Rabein Bachaya wrote that even if everything is ready, and we merit it, there is no geula without tefilla. You can see this in black and white, explained in Haadam Bemaagal Hashana, by Rav Zamir Cohen. Rav Meir Eliyahu, also a huge talmid chacham, has a shiur about tefilla and geula. This includes geula be'ita, achisheina betoch be'ita. We are active partners in the geula. No-one can say exactly when Moshiah will come. However, that the geula can come today and actually wanting it to, is one of the most basic tenets of Yahadut. Hayom im tishme'oo. Even if someone claims that something has to happen for the geula to occur, that can also happen in the blink of an eye. At the moment, the issue of the netsotsot in Rafiah has been raised, and someone saw a news article saying it would take six weeks, thus concluding that it will be by xx date. Future dating, and dampening the ratzon. This is nonsense. Hashem can resolve the issue of netsotsot miraculously, as in Mitzrayim.
ReplyDeleteWith or without signs, we have to anticipate and want the geula today. The current situation should only serve to strengthen us in that. We all of us need to get out of our heads, and into our hearts.
Yes, I mentioned the year 6000 because I wanted to show as best I can, in writing, that this is the time because of techiyat hameisim being 210-214 years before 6000 & with all the other signs right in your face. Just think, if the world gets lower and descends further into the abyss, it will not be able to exist. After 5000 years where all of the world's societies accepted the basic laws of Noach, it is now being changed dramatically back to the time before the great Flood where H' had no choice but to destroy the world. Even your average Jew, non-Jew and athiest see the insanities which we are now living in. Why does this rabbi see the opposite of what the great majority of big rabbis & kabbalists see the obvious?
ReplyDeleteEven as I just stated, the average person sees the world has changed dramatically. I don't understand what this Rabbi's thinking is, but it just doesn't sound right. The G-D fearing Jews wants Moshiach right now, immediately and here we have all the signs and he doesn't seem to accept it. We don't know H's timetable, but we are now allowed, at this point, to figure it out. Praying for Moshiach Tzdkeinu's immediate arrival, b'rachamim.
There's a photo here
הרי עם ישראל לא יגאל בלי זעקה
ReplyDeleteAm Yisrael will not be redeemed without zaaka.
Rav Avraham Baruch
I've been following Rav Avraham for well over a year. He spoke about what was likely to happen, well before it did.
If we want the geula, and not calculations and signs, but the actual geula, the only thing that matters is Torah umitzvot of course, achdut, and zaaka. If the untold misery of Am Yisrael is not enough to move hearts, what will?
bs"D Israel is never alone. Hashem is with us every moment..
ReplyDeleteOf course, Israel is not alone, as Hashem is always present there.
ReplyDeleteHashem is present everywhere, ALL over the world, with all his creations.
With Jews, and also non Jews.
Remember He put everyone where they are.
Also there are good and bad in every nation.
Among Jews, and among non Jews.
Lots of non - Jews suffering all over the world, especially among the poor who just want to live and live a peaceful life, but evil follows them too as evil follows Jews too.
A Gentile follower of Hashem, the Only God.
ReplyDeleteWhat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meant, by saying:
"Israel will stand alone" was, that this world, the nations of the world will not speak up in truth of or for Israel.
Most will be against it, and wish in their evil thinking to wipe it off the face of the earth.
So when the PM of Israel said that they stand alone, is true.. in the worldly sense that is,... alone.
Nations as predicted in Torah, are going against it.
So Israel does stand alone, and they have to fight for their own existence in this world.
PM, Netanyahu, knows that Hashem leads them...
Its just that He spoke in this manner, for the enemies that want to erase, Gd's Chosen.
Try as they might, they will never succeed.
Am Israel Chai!!!