Thursday, March 22, 2012

Potential: A Gift of Fire

The sages tell us that out of one thousand students who embark on the path of Torah study, only one emerges worthy of rendering halachic decisions [Vayikra Rabbah 2:1]. Hashem endows some people with more natural gifts - such as superior intelligence and less of a propensity towards being distracted - than others.

Natural abilities are like a fire: if they're misdirected they become destructive.

Yichus is also a gift of fire. Torah is the vessel that can safely handle the fire, but if someone doesn't have Torah, then all his inherited talents and energy become a fire than can consume him. If he doesn't use his fire for Torah, then it will be used for other things, or will ultimately consume the person himself.

Source: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
"Reb Mendel and His Wisdom" by Yisroel Greenwald

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hashgacha Pratis: Guidance from Above

by Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis

Loshen HaKodesh, the holy tongue, is different from all other languages. Every word is definitive. For example, when you say in English "it happened," the connotation is a random happening - a happenstance - but the same word in loshen hakodesh - "mikreh" - places a totally different twist on the concept. The deeper meaning behind the word mikreh is "kara mei Hashem"  - "It happened from G-d," meaning that the world is not run by random forces without rhyme or reason, but that G-d`s guiding Hand is constantly with us.

This is not only detected in world events, but in our own personal lives as well, hence the concept of Hashgocha Pratis. Even if we are not aware of it, even if we do not see Hashem’s guiding Hand, it is there. Every morning, when we acknowledge our blessings and thank the Almighty for His many bounties, we recite the brocha of “Hamaychin mitzadei gover– “We thank the Almighty who firms men’s footsteps...”  We need only allow ourselves to see and hear G-d`s messages. Most people have difficulty discerning His call since His messages are hidden behind many veils. On occasion however, Hoshgocha Pratis is so clear and obvious that even a blind man has to see it, even a deaf man has to hear it.  If we allow ourselves to see and hear that which befalls us in our daily lives, we will be able to detect this Divine plan in our own lives. Most of the time, these messages are hidden behind many veils, but once in a while, HaShem’s Hand is so obvious who hears it has to be awed by it. Allow me to share with you a spectacular story that illustrates the veracity of this Hashgocha pratis.

Meet Yedidya - an eight year old yeshiva boy. Yedidya is a bright, sweet, young boy. He carries his name proudly - Yedid-Ya, which literally translated, means “friend of the Almighty". From the day of his birth, his parents imbued him with the awesome responsibility of that title, but in certain situations, he prefers that his English name, Jed, be used, and such was the case when he made his first visit to the orthodontist. He was with his beautiful mom, Shannon, and as in all doctor’s offices, a form had to be filled out. As Shannon started to write, Yedidya whispered, “Mommy, write down my English name, Jed.” When Shannon questioned him, he explained that he wanted to avoid all of the fuss that his Jewish name evoked.  Following the session with the orthodontist, Shannon hailed a cab for their return home. As they settled in the taxi, Shannon looked at the little box that indicated the driver’s name. What she saw there left her non-plussed. She looked again, and then again.... perhaps she read it wrong. Was she making a mistake? But no - amazingly, there it was in big, bold letters Yedidya! “How did you get this name, Yedidya?” he asked the driver.

“My parents gave it to me,” he explained. “ I always loved it and I was always so proud of it, but in Russia, we were not permitted to use our Jewish names, so when I came to America, I made myself a promise that, in this country, where everyone can live by his faith, I would proudly proclaim that my name is “Yedidya” and that I am a Jew. “Shannon couldn’t believe her ears. What are the chances of her finding a Jewish taxi driver in Manhattan? And more, what are the chances of his being called Yedidya? If you think about it, you too would be left non-plussed. You too would realize that the probability of such a happening is almost nil, Shannon was awed as she absorbed this enormous hashgocha protis. But more importantly, her son, who just an hour ago was uncomfortable with the name, Yedidya, was given a lesson that no school, parent, or rabbi could have given, and from that moment on, he never again wanted to be called Jed.

Skeptics might put all this down to random happenings that no intelligent person could seriously consider, so I invite those skeptics to read chapter two of the story.

Yedidya has a twin brother, Yaakov, and the day after the story with Yedidya unfolded, Shannon once again found herself hailing a taxi and even as she did so, the story with Yedidya kept replaying in her mind. As she settled in the cab, she once again looked at the little box identifying the cabby, never expecting any message, any new wisdom from the Heavens above. Incidents like this cannot be repeated, but lo and behold the little box identifying the taxi driver once again blew her away. There it was in bold letters – the name of the driver was “Yaakov” – not Jacob , mind you, but Yaakov, Yedidya’s twin brother! This hasgocha pratis, occurring twice, one right after the other, could not simply be dismissed even by the most cynical.

I now invite you to read chapter three of the story.

Should you wonder how Shannon and her amazing husband, Andrew, were zoiche to merit such an awesome happening, it goes back to another taxi ride, one that happened some years ago in Prague, Czechoslovakia. The story started with Shannon when she came to Hineni for the very first time and discovered the majestic world of Torah. Her heart, mind and neshama quickly ignited and she asked to study more... Her thirst for Torah was unquenchable, so I put her in touch with my children who are the Hineni Rabbis and Rebbetzins - Torah teachers. Then one day, Andrew a young man with a winning smile and keen bright mind came along. For him too, this was his first Hineni experience, and something told me that they would make a perfect shidduch so I suggested that they date. On those dates Shannon inspired Andrew to join her in Torah study with our family.

That year we made a Jewish heritage trip to Eastern Europe and convinced Shannon and Andrew to join us. It was on that trip in Prague that Andrew started to wear a yarmulke regularly. It was his very first yarmulke and he held it dear. On one occasion, instead of boarding the tour bus, Shannon and Andrew decided to take a taxi. No sooner did the taxi drop them off at the hotel than Andrew realized that his yarmulke was not on his head. In a panic, Andrew chased after the taxi with the swiftness of a marathon runner, all the while calling out to the cabby to stop. The driver heard his cries and waited for Andrew to catch up. Out of breath, Andrew opened the door of the cab.. And there, on the seat, was his yarmulke..... and not just that, he also found his international phone, which in those days was very expensive item, but what is significant is that it was not after the phone that Andrew chased, but his Yarmulke.

Recently, while visiting Shannon and Andrew, I heard the incredible story of Yedidya and Yaakov. Immediately, the scene in Prague which happened so long ago flashed through my mind. I connected the dots, Yedidya and Yakov’s taxi miracle started in Prague when their father chased after the taxi for his yarmulke. ...From a taxi in Prague to a taxi in New York - it’s one straight line – And that is the story of Hineni.

I now ask you to multiply that miracle a thousand times and span it over 45 years of Hineni kiruv, and you will realize the awesomeness of the miracle of a nation that, in an instant can close the gap of centuries and make the journey from New York to Sinai. And that is the story of Hineni,.... Here we are, Am Yisrael, Our neshamas are forever bound to our Torah bequeathed to us at Sinai. HINENI, HERE WE ARE!

Source: Hineni

The Sacrifice of Yonatan - Toulouse Terror Attack - Torah Codes

Rabbi Jonathan Sandler HY"D, 30, and his two young sons, Gavriel, 3, and Aryeh, 6, were gunned down at the Ozar Hatorah School in the northeast of the city of Toulouse shortly after 8am local time. The fourth victim was Miriam Monsonego, 8, daughter of the school's head teacher.

The Poor Man's Offering

Art: Roxana Muchnik
And if a [poor] person brings a meal offering to the Lord, his offering shall be of fine flour. He shall pour oil over it and place frankincense upon it. Vayikra 2:1

Unlike a wealthy person, who is able to give voluntary offerings in the Temple from expensive animals and birds, the poor man is only able to offer flour. Nevertheless, the Torah attributes more significance to the poor man's offering, as Rashi writes "I consider it as if he has sacrificed his very soul!"

This is because the wealthy man's offering is inevitably connected with a certain amount of self-satisfaction, at the thought of bringing one of the most expensive and impressive sacrifices. The poor man, however, could not possibly be proud of his meagre offering, so his is the most genuine offering of all, dedicated to G-d amidst feelings of humility. Thus, to him, G-d says ''It is as if he has sacrificed his very soul!"

Source: Likutei Sichos Lubavitcher Rebbe

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Global March to Jerusalem: Updated: with Torah Codes

What is the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ)?

GMJ, scheduled for March 30, 2012, is an anti-Israel publicity stunt that aims to have a million people marching on Israel’s borders from all the surrounding countries – Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt – with the aim of reaching Jerusalem. Concurrently, demonstrations are planned in the Palestinian-administrated territories and against Israel’s diplomatic missions in major cities throughout the world.

Who is organizing GMJ?

The organizers of GMJ are made up of members of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, far-left extremist groups and are backed by the Iranian government.

What are the objectives of GMJ?

Official statements of the organizers of GMJ attempt to portray the movement as a peaceful protest aimed at highlighting the so-called “Judaization of Jerusalem”.

More at: Algemeiner

Mini Tornado Hits Townsville

PHOTO: Debris is strewn across Lillypilly Street in Townsville this morning. (Twitter) 
Houses collapsed and roofs were torn off buildings as a "mini-tornado" hit Townsville and heavy rain and strong winds caused chaos across north Queensland this morning.

The worst damage in Townsville is concentrated in an area of about one-kilometre radius, taking in parts of the suburbs of Vincent, Pimlico and Gulliver.


Shimon Peres: A Message for Iran

HT: Miguel

President Shimon Peres extended Iran warm greetings for the Persian new year – and a fateful choice.

Read more at: Israel National News

A Dream Message

The following was related to Rabbi Uri Silver [a rebbi at Rabbi Senter’s yeshiva] by Rebbitzin Wolbe on February 29th 2012.  [This story has been verified via Nava at Dreaming of Moshiach, who called Rebbetzin Wolbe to confirm details]

Three months earlier Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe [author of the Alei Shor and the leading Mashgiach of the last generation] appeared in a dream to his granddaughter. He was very excited and animated - which she mentioned was uncharacteristic for Rav Wolbe who always spoke in a very controlled and measured manner. He was speaking very quickly and was looking upwards [also uncharacteristic] and he said that "Mashiach is ready to come, if people would be “concerned for their friends like they are concerned for themselves” then Mashiach will come immediately."

Rebbetizin Wolbe mentioned that it is a mitzva to publicize this dream!

Terror in France: Torah Codes

from Rabbi Glazerson

In relation to the terror attack at a Toulouse school: see Toulouse: Rabbi Yonatan Sandler and his Children among the Dead

Also see: Terror in Toulouse for some amazing gematrias

Monday, March 19, 2012

Silence: The Language of Connection

by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Art: Luis Beltran

In Pirkei Avot a great rabbi taught:
"All my days I grew up among the sages and did not find anything better for the body than silence."

Jewish sources define the human being as "the speaker". The ability to communicate is central to human function. Speech allows us to express our feelings, develop our emotions, explain concepts, influence other people and strengthen relationships.

Why then would the sage suggest that silence is a value worth pursuing? Isn't silence the absence of speech?

The answer lies in the definition. There are two forms of silence. One is just absence of words and the other is a prerequisite and foundation of effective speech.

The first silence is a negative trait that stems from an inability or unwillingness to communicate effectively. This silence [unlike speech] causes division and separation, creating dysfunction in human relationships.

Some examples:
  • Getting upset and giving someone silent treatment. When we are offended or hurt, respectful conversation is the only tool to resolve issues and repair relationships. Remaining silent and refusing to talk is a form of aggression and totally ineffective.
  • A parent who is afraid of his/her children and cannot be assertive with appropriate guidance and direction. This is a silence that comes from weakness and leads to dysfunctional behavior.

The second is a good silence that creates the platform for effective and positive speech. It allows the goals of communication to be achieved. True communication can only occur when there is mutual understanding and deep respect for each other's position. For this to take place our words must be preceded and guided by appropriate silence. This means:

Waiting to respond so that we can think before we talk rather than speak impulsively.

To actively listen to someone else without interrupting them so that we can really understand their perspective and that they can feel heard.

Creating boundaries around our words so that we carefully choose words that will bring us closer together and remain silent when they create more distance.

It is this form of silence that the sage is referring too. Before we can be true to our identity as "speakers and communicators" we must learn the art of good silence.

Being quiet when we should talk creates dysfunction and disunity among us. But silence, when timed correctly, is the language of connection.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Iran's Banks Cut Off

This news is a couple of days old... but here's a video news report.

Iranian banks cut off from SWIFT system
Financial group vital for oil exports cuts business with banks blacklisted by EU to enforce sanctions.
Source: Aljazeera

Obama Preparing for .... ?

Whitehouse releases new Executive Order: National Defense Resources Preparedness - giving them the power to basically do anything they like, and take control of everything and everyone in case of war.

You can read it here: The Whitehouse

"And the king of the north shall again set forth a multitude, greater than the former; and he shall come on at the end of the times, even of years, with a great army and with much substance. And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south; also the children of the violent among thy people shall lift themselves up to establish the vision; but they shall stumble. And the king of the north shall come, and cast up a mound, and take a well-fortified city; and the arms of the south shall not withstand; and as for his chosen people, there shall be no strength in them to withstand. But he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand before him; and he shall stand in the beauteous land, and in his hand shall be extermination."

......I heard from Rav Yehuda Sheinfeld Shlit"a and Rav David Hameyahel Shlit"a who explained these verses as referring to a war between Edom and Paras, which is the expected war between the U.S.A. and Iran. The King of the South is Iran, who is in the South, whereas the King of the North is the U.S.A. and Europe who are in the North. [Source: Geula Update: Rav Fish]

Cyclone Lua hits Western Australia

  • Cyclone Lua crosses WA coast as Category four
  • Devastating wind gusts of up to 250km/hr
  • "Every light fitting, the water had seeped in"

Read more:

Friday, March 16, 2012

Rabbi Elimelech's Dance

The Bobover Rebbe and his brother, the Pakshavitzer Rebbe, in the midst of Rebbe Elimelech's dance.

Thousands upon thousands of pages have already been filled with writings about the saintly tzaddik, Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk, zt"l whose yahrtzeit was on 21 Adar, yet mere pen and paper cannot do proper justice to the sublime holiness that characterized this human angel. In the following lines we do not attempt to add to the descriptions of this saintly personality, but rather to turn the spotlight on a phenomenon that is mystically accredited to the Rebbe Elimelech.

Throughout the ages, various original dances have been woven into the rich tapestry of Jewish tradition. There is the Techiyas Hameisim dance, the Sheidim (Devil) dance, the Brogez (Angry) dance, and others. One popular dance that has been widely incorporated in Chassidic circles and has become a classic at many weddings is known as "Rebbe Elimelech's dance".

Aside from the lofty significance attributed to the dance itself, the tune that it goes with also has deep-seated roots in tradition. The marching tune, which starts off slow and increases in tempo as the song progresses, is sung by some to the words of "Eliyahu Hanavi" on Motzoei Shabbos. In the dance, which is also called the Under-Over dance, partners weave through "bridges" formed by clasped hands, alternately going under a "bridge" and then allowing a different pair of partners to go under their "bridge." As the tempo of the song quickens, so does the dance, which adds a unique touch of merriment to the simchah.

I spent many hours searching for the reason this dance is called Rebbe Elimelech's dance, trying to discover what connection the dance has with the holy Rebbe. I have not been able to draw a definite conclusion. I have even spoken to one prominent individual, a descendant of Rebbe Elimelech, who told me that he had attempted to solve this riddle many years ago, but was unsuccessful. Perhaps as a result of sharing the riddle with our readers, we will ultimately be enlightened.

Some say that Rebbe Elimelech used to dance this dance with his brother, Rebbe Zushe, but there is no reliable source for this.

When I spoke to Harav Dovid Meisels, shlita, of Seagate, he told me that a recent publication quoted the Bobover Rebbe, Harav Shlomo, zy"a, as saying, "Not in Ropshitz, nor in Sanz or in Bobov, did they dance Rebbe Elimelech's dance. But I saw my father, the Kedushas Tzion, dancing this sort of dance."

The Bobover Rav said in the name of Reb Itzikel, the son of Reb Mottel Neiman, Hy"d, from the city of Bobov, that the meaning of the dance lies in the fact that the dancers must bend in order to go under the "bridge." This is done at weddings in order to teach the chassan and kallah that they must bend and compromise with each other. On a similar note, the Veitzener Rav used to say that before saying Oseh Shalom, we take three steps back to teach us that if we want peace, sometimes we need to concede and take three steps back.

The Kedushas Tzion once explained that the dance alludes to the ups and downs that we encounter in our lives. Every person experiences good times and bad times, and the dance is meant to teach us to pick ourselves up immediately after a low point and not, chas v'shalom, to get mired in depression.

At the weddings of his children and grandchildren, the Bobover Rebbe, Harav Shlomo, used to dance this dance with his close acquaintances, including his brother, the Pakshavitzer Rebbe, and his brother-in-law, the Veitzener Rav, zt"l.

Harav Dovid Meisels, a grandson of the Veitzener Rav, related, "My grandfather, the Veitzener Rav, zt"l, was a brother-in-law of the Bobover Rav; both were sons-in-law of the Limonver Rav, zt"l, before the war. Both of them lost their first wives during the war, and when they came to America, the two made a pact that when, with Hashem's help, they rebuilt their families, they would maintain close ties. Indeed, the two always accompanied each other's children under the chuppah, and at each wedding they danced Rebbe Elimelech's dance with extraordinary jubilance, as if to show the world that they were taking revenge on Hitler, yemach shemo."

Original article: Hamodia

The Hopi Blue and Red Kachinas

This video shows us the Hopi peoples' concept of Moshiach's time.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Silent Scream

from the writings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

You can shout and scream with a "still, small voice" without anybody hearing you. Everybody can do this. Imagine the sound of such a scream in your mind. Imagine the shout exactly as it would sound. Concentrate on hearing the scream in your mind until you are literally screaming with this soundless "still, small voice" - and nobody else will hear anything.

This is actually a scream and not mere imagination. Just as there are channels that bring the sound from your lungs to your lips, so there are nerves that bring the sound to the brain. You can draw the sound through these nerves, literally bringing it into your head. When you do this, you are actually shouting inside your brain.

When you imagine this scream in your mind, the sound actually rings inside your brain. You can stand in a crowd of people screaming this way and no- one hears you.

It could be that when you do this, a faint sound may escape your mouth. This is because the sound traveling through the nerves to the brain can also activate the vocal organs, and they may then produce some sound. But it will be very faint.

It is much easier to shout in this way without words. When you wish to express yourself in words, it is harder to hold the voice in the mind without letting a sound escape your lips. Without words, it is much easier.

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov: Sichot Haran #16

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sydney's Sun Halo

The effect, known as the 22-degree halo, occurs when the sun's rays pass through a particular type of ice crystal in the upper atmosphere.

Read more: SMH

Spiritual Bonds

On Death and Mourning
from a letter of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Erev Rosh Chodesh Kislev, 5738 [1977] 

It is surely unnecessary to remind you that the soul is eternal, and, moreover, its survival after the death of the body is not something that has to be believed, but is plain common sense. For, obviously, physical illness that affects the body cannot affect the soul which is spiritual; it can only affect and terminate the union of body and soul, but not the soul itself.

The above would be superfluous to mention to you, except that it has a direct consequence and bearing on what should be your attitude and conduct. For, inasmuch as the soul is eternal and, indeed, is now in a state where it is not limited by the body's limitations, it is fully aware of what is happening in the family. When it sees that it is the cause of grief over and beyond the bounds of mourning set by the Torah, Toras Chaim [the Torah of Life] - it is obviously distressed by it, and this is no way of contributing to the soul's peace and blissfulness.

I have also had occasion to mention that even during the soul's sojourn in this life when clothed in a physical body, the real bond between people and members of a family is not a physical one but a spiritual one, for what makes the real person is not his flesh and bones, but his character and spiritual qualities. Hence, this bond remains, and all those who loved the person dearly should try all the more to bring gratification to his eternal soul and continuous spiritual elevation [aliyas haneshomoh] through greater adherence to the Torah, Toras Emes [the Torah of Truth], in general, and particularly in the realm directly related to the soul's passing - to observe what is prescribed for the period of Shiva [the seven days of mourning], but not extend it, and similarly in regard to the period of Shloshim [30 days of lessened mourning], but not beyond, and then, and always, serve G-d through the fulfillment of His Mitzvos [commandments] as such service should be - with joy and gladness of heart.

21 Adar: The Rebbe of Rebbes: Elimelech of Lizensk

"Today, in our bitter exile, there are people who receive ruach hakodesh more easily than in the time of the prophets." [Noam Elimelech]

Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk was the student of Dov Ber of Mezerich, the brother of Meshulam Zushia of Anipoli. He was born in 1717, and died on 21 Adar in 1786  [Thursday 15 March 2012]

During the lifetime of Dov Ber of Mezerich he traveled widely with his brother all over Poland to spread Hassidism. After Dov Ber's death, Rebbe Elimelech settled in Lizhensk and attained great fame, thanks to his lofty life. During his lifetime, Lizhensk was turned into a center of Polish-Galician Hassidism. There, many famous Tzadikim and Hassidic activists of Galicia were educated and obtained their inspiration during the 18th century.

Rebbe Elimelech is the author of “Noam Elimelech” [Lvov 1798], a book of commentaries on the Pentateuch. In that book, the role of a Tzadik is set out and explained, and the doctrine of Hassidism is explained in greater detail. This book was subject to an intense investigation by the opponents of Hassidism. Many of his expositions are published in his work “Darche Tzedek”, and other works.

The Melitzer Rebbe shlit'a, a direct descendant of the "Noam Elimelech", stated that Rebbe Yisroel of Ruzhin said that 500 years before Rebbe Elimelech was born, the world received abundance in his merit. Now, after his death, even more so!

It is said that Rabbi Elimelech promised anyone who would visit his grave that they would not leave this world without teshuva.

Kever of Rabbi Elimelech in Lizensk, Poland [Photo: יהונתן וואקסמאן]
Ohel of Rebbe Elimelech, Lizensk Poland [Photo: יהונתן וואקסמאן]

After Rebbe Elimelech passed away, Rebbe Reb Zisha of Hanipoli was approached by his brother’s students to be their new leader. Rabbi Zisha declined and explained his reason with a parable. “The possuk in Bereshis 2:10 states “And a river went forth from Eden to water the garden and from there it split into four paths.”

The Torah is eternal and alludes to all events above and below for all generations. Eden alludes to our holy master the Baal Shem Tov. The river was his student the holy Mezitcher Maggid. The garden refers to my brother the Rebbe Elimelech.

This then is the meaning: a river flows from Eden to water the garden, the Torah flows as water from the Baal Shem Tov by way of the Mezritcher Maggid to the Rebbe Elimelech. From there it separates into four paths: they are :

1.The Holy Rebbe the Chozeh or Seer of Lublin;
2.The Holy Rebbe Avodas Yisrael the Koznitzer Maggid;
3. The Holy Rebbe Mendel Rimanover; and
4.The Holy Ohev Yisrael the Apta Rav.

Stories of Noam Elimelech

The Light of The Rebbe’s Prayer Sash
related by the Rabbi of Madin, grandson of the Ropshitzer
Rebbe Elimelech had a custom that after the afternoon Mincha service he would converse with his close followers. He would then proceed to a special private room to pray the evening Maariv service alone in seclusion, purity and sanctity.

Rabbi Naftali Ropshitzer, a student of the Rebbe always yearned to also be in that room. He constantly wished to see the deeds of his Rebbe and how he prayed at that time. Once he stole into the room unnoticed and hid beneath the bed. The holy Rebbe entered and closed the door behind him. He took his “gartel,” the traditional sash or belt used by Hassidim for prayer and preceded to fasten it about himself.

The first time he wound the sash about his waist the whole house was filled with an awesome unbelievable light. The second time he tied the gartel winding it around, the light grew in intensity until the Ropshitzer could no longer endure it. He grew weak and found himself fainting. He called out in a loud voice.

Rebbe Elimelech heard the cries of distress coming from his student and recognized their source. “Naftali my son are you here?” the Rebbe asked. “Fortunately, you did not remain here for the third and final time I wound the gartel. If you had remained your soul would have surely left your body from the intensity of the great light. Therefore leave now.”

An unusual guest for Tea
related in the name of The Shinover Rebbe

The author of the Hasidic work Maor va’Shemesh was a student of the Rebbe Elimelech. Once he asked the Rebbe Elimelech to be allowed to serve him, thereby learning directly from his Rebbe. Rebbe Elimelech conceded and asked him for a cup of tea. After preparing the tea, the student entered the room to give it to the Rebbe. Inside he saw the awesome figure of an old man sitting beside Rebbe Elimelech. He was overcome by fear, trembling and shaking so much so that he dropped the cup spilling the tea on the floor and ran out.

Later Rebbe Elimelech saw his student and asked him why he hadn’t given him the tea he requested. He answered that he had brought it but when he saw the figure of the old man he was so frightened he spilled the tea. The Rebbe then said to him in Yiddish “Oy vey iz das kind voos ken nisht kiken dem taten in poonim arayn: Woe is to the child who cannot look his own father in the face.” That old man you saw was none other than our forefather Avraham peace be upon him!

More information can be found at : JewishGen

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Terror in Ashdod

Six rockets from Gaza strike Ashdod [video]  -   [HT Moriah for video]

Fourth Day of Rocket Fire on Southern Israel
Terrorists continued to fire rockets at southern Israel for the fourth day in a row. More than 200 rockets fired since Friday.

Gaza-based terrorists continued to fire rockets at southern Israel’s communities on Monday. The IDF said that more than 200 rockets have been fired at Israel since the current escalation began on Friday, adding that the escalation marks a “dramatic development” in terms of the quantity and rate of the fire.

Continued rocket fire on Israel's south will keep many schools in the area closed on Tuesday, for the third day in a row.

Source and photos

The Miracle that is Israel

A special 19min presentation that highlights the true miracle that is and will eternally be Israel.
Please share this video around to encourage, remind and inspire others that Israel truly is not only a gift to all of us, but a living miracle.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Are Jews Still Expecting The Messiah?

The March/April issue of the Moment Magazine is titled "The Messiah Issue" with many articles discussing Moshiach from every possible angle ● One of the articles is titled "Are Jews Still Expecting The Messiah" and it contains responses from Rabbis of all streams of Judaism, such as Rabbi Abraham J. Twersky, Rabbi Tzvi Freeman and others ● We present you what some of these Rabbis have to say ● 

Maimonides, codifier of Torah law, lists 13 principles of faith that are incumbent on a Jew. The 12th of these is “I believe with complete faith in the coming of the Messiah, and even though he may delay, nevertheless I anticipate every day that he will come.”

Torah literature contains many references to the Messiah. We are told that the Messiah may come at any time, if Jews deserve it by following the teachings of the Torah. However, there is a fixed point in time at which the Messiah will come even if Jews are not meritorious.

It was predicted that prior to the coming of the Messiah, Jews will experience great anguish and suffering. Prayers are rendered that we be spared this agony, but many see the Holocaust as this pre-Messiah ordeal. At the end of the Talmudic volume of Sotah, there is a frightening description of the degeneration of morals and ethics in the world prior to the coming of the Messiah, with flagrant rejection of all authority, parental or otherwise. Some of the esoteric writings predict that prior to the coming of the Messiah, the people of Ishmael (Muslims) will dominate the earth.

These harbingers have unfortunately occurred, and we anticipate the imminent coming of the Messiah.

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski
Founder, Gateway Rehabilitation Center
Teaneck, NJ

As much as a Jew may wrestle to rip away from his G-d and his people, the undercurrent of indignation remains endemic to his Jewish psyche, a gnawing conviction that the world is not the way it should be. The Jew aches with expectation and blatantly demands that the world act according to the beauty it inherently contains.

Do we await a human Messiah? The last century left us deeply scarred with a wariness of demagogues, of glorifying any individual beyond the humanness of all others. So we yearn yet more for a truly Jewish Messiah—less about power and more about empathy, education and insight into life. A leader like an orchestral conductor, directing musicians from their fragmented discordance into a magnificent symphony. After all, by now all the instruments are in place—instruments to plunge the fathomless depths of our universe, to know its oneness and the oneness of its Creator, to make hunger both for food and for knowledge obsolete. What’s missing is a singular voice of wisdom, universally respected, a voice for the human soul. A very human, modern-day Moses.
No, we don’t expect a Messiah. We want, need, pray in every prayer: Mashiach now!

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman
Thornhill, Ontario

It is impossible to accept the notion that God would create a deeply flawed world, filled to the brim with injustice, corruption and immorality, for all eternity. We must therefore proceed with the conviction that one day, humankind will achieve true enlightenment and will abandon the endless pursuits of power, wealth and selfish pleasure that have dominated its consciousness since the dawn of time and are responsible for the disharmony and conflict that prevail on earth. Like all social and political movements, this transformation will take place under the guidance of a wise teacher, a brave pioneer with the courage to stand up and to fight for principles of eternal value and enduring truth. Like all revolutionaries, this leader will initially be ignored, later reviled and finally resisted until the sheer power of his message can no longer be denied. At that moment, our civilization will attain its greatest spiritual breakthrough; the search for wisdom and justice will supplant hankerings after material wealth and instantaneous gratification; and human beings will live in peace and harmony, united in the service of the Almighty. The architect of this cultural upheaval is the person we call the Messiah. And our faith in his arrival is a necessary corollary of our belief in God: that a perfect and omnipotent Creator would not allow His handiwork to wallow in imperfection forever.

Rabbi Joshua Maroof
Magen David Sephardic Congregation
Rockville, MD

Modern Orthodox:
By continuing to live as Jews, all Jews are stating that the Messiah has not yet arrived. Jewry pledged at Mount Sinai and elsewhere that as long as the world is not totally redeemed, we will go on with our testimony as Jews. As long as there is poverty, hunger, oppression and war, the world is still not perfected. We maintain this against the Christian claim that the Messiah has arrived and against secular messianic redemptive movements (Nazism, communism, socialism) that claim they have brought the true, final perfection. This continuing testimony of “not yet” is why would-be world redeemers have hated and persecuted Jews.

After great catastrophes, many Jews lifted their level of expectation because of the need to rebalance the world toward the victory of the good... It would appear that secular Jews have renounced belief in the Messiah. But I believe that the choice to continue living as a Jew is the statement “I still believe the world will be perfected” and, by implication, “I will work to bring the Messiah.”

Rabbi Yitz Greenberg
Riverdale, NY


Hidden and Revealed Tzadikim

by A. H. Glitzenstein

It is a tradition that in every generation there are hidden tzaddikim ["righteous ones"] who conceal their greatness from the eyes of men and live amongst us disguised as simple, ignorant folk.

Rabbi Gershon Kitover once asked his famous brother-in-law, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem, to show him one of the hidden righteous. At first, the Baal Shem Tov refused. But Rabbi Gershon persisted in his request until the Chassidic master finally relented. "This Friday night in shul, look among the crowd of beggars waiting near the door to be invited for the Shabbat meal. One of them will be a hidden tzaddik," said the Baal Shem Tov to Rabbi Gershon, and described the righteous pauper. "But you must promise not to let on in any way that you are aware of his true identity."

Rabbi Gershon readily identified the tzaddik-in-disguise and invited him to share his Shabbat meals. But though he carefully scrutinized his guest's every word and deed, he was unable to discern anything beyond the ordinary behavior of a wandering pauper. Finally, he could not resist the temptation to ask his guest to grace the table with some words of Torah.

"Me?! Speak words of Torah? A beggar the child of beggars, who has scarcely seen the inside of a cheder? Whatever gave you such an idea, anyway?" asked the guest, a note of suspicion in his voice.

Rabbi Gershon quickly let the matter drop.

The next day, however, at the noontime meal, Rabbi Gershon could not resist another attempt. Finally, he thought, I have one of the greatest people of the generation at my table--should I indeed learn nothing from him? Again he pressed his guest to reveal something of his well-concealed greatness. This time, the hidden tzaddik seemed to hesitate somewhat, as if tempted to accede to his host's request, but only for a fleeting moment; he immediately resumed his ignorant-beggar pose of the night before, protesting that the very request was ridiculous.

But at the seudah shelishit, the third Shabbat meal, Rabbi Gershon seemed to have finally made some headway. When he again asked his guest to enlighten him with words of Torah, the holy beggar's face was transformed. His eyes began to glow with a Divine light, and his coarse features assumed a sublime grace. He opened his mouth to speak; but before a single word emerged from his lips, he suddenly closed them, and with obvious effort, wrenched himself from his seat and bolted from the room. By the time Rabbi Gershon had collected his wits and run after him out to the street, he was gone.

The next day, when Rabbi Gershon came to see the Baal Shem Tov, he was shocked to learn that his brother-in-law had been ill all Shabbat. At the Friday night meal, the Baal Shem Tov's disciples had noticed that something was amiss; the next day the situation had worsened, and at one point, toward the close of Shabbat, it had seemed that his very life was in jeopardy. But the crisis had passed, thanks to G-d, and he was steadily regaining his strength.

When Rabbi Gershon entered his brother-in-law's room, the Chassidic master said to him: "What have you done? Because of you, I almost departed from this world."You see, every righteous soul has two faces - one hidden and the other revealed. The tzaddik who ate at your table this Shabbat is my cosmic "twin", whose greatness must remain hidden for as long as I openly serve as a teacher and guide in the service of the Almighty."

"But the temptation for a hidden tzaddik to reveal himself is very great, since every person desires to manifestly influence his surroundings. Had he done so, my soul would have had to be concealed from the world; since I am already widely known, this meant that I would have had to pass on from my present life. Luckily, he stopped himself just in time."

Parshas Vayakhel: The Ascent of Sin

"He forgives sins.... " [Ex. 34:7]

The word for "forgive" here literally means "carry" or "lift". Based on this, the Baal Shem Tov taught that G-d elevates the sparks of holiness in the sin, for nothing - not even a sin - could exist unless it contained a spark of holiness. G-d returns them to their source. This is the essence of forgiveness.

Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi explained this idea as follows: It is indeed impossible to elevate a sinful act; such an act is evil, and the only proper treatment for it is to denounce it. 

In contrast, the power of desire vested in the act is not evil, for it is possible to utilize this power to desire good as well as evil. When we repent properly, we divest our power of desire of its veneer of evil and restore it to its holy source.

from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Adapted by Moshe-Yaakov Wisnefsky

Sunday, March 11, 2012

100 Rockets fired from Gaza

Southern Israel continues to be under constant rocket fire, while Israeli aircraft strike targets in the Gaza Strip. A total of three Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) operatives were killed in airstrikes Saturday afternoon, while en-route to a rocket launcher.

The strikes raised the death toll in two days of violence to 15, while some 100 rockets fired from Gaza into Israel injured at least four people. Twenty seven out of 30 rockets fired at Beersheba, Ashdod and Ashkelon were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system. Other rockets exploded in open fields in southern Israel.

Story: YNet News

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Mayan Calendar, December 21 and Judaism

Extracts from The Mayan Culture and Judaism by Rabbi M. Glazerson and Professor R. Haralick

click here
Reprinted with permission. I have extracted only a small portion of the information in the book.....I strongly recommend you purchase it  to fully understand all the concepts.

The Mayan calendar counts time until the year 2012, after which we encounter a situation of no more time from their point of view; a time when there will be complete knowledge.  We will have the power to heal, to create and to change everything.

According to Mayan astronomy, our galaxy orbits the Pleiades every 26,000 years*.   In 2012 there will be a completion of the cycle.... and there will be a new dawn for mankind.  In space there will be a situation in which the planets are directly aligned [an occurrence which happens once every 26,000 years], including the earth, the sun, the Milky Way, the Pleiades, Sirius and others. This will happen at exactly 11am on December 21, 2012,  and at 11:11 there will be a stream of new light of pure awareness that will shine without interference from the planets.

*It is important to point out that even though the calculations of the number of years in the Mayan tradition comes to numbers higher than the maximum 6,000 years of Jewish tradition, there is no inherent contradiction to the Torah of Israel. As the Ramban says in his commentary on the Torah [Genesis, 2], the world is supposed to continue for 6,000 years that mirror the six days of creation.  This refers to the physical world created within the system of time.... according to the teachings of relativity in science, the passage of time exists only in the physical world.... the greater the central mass the slower time moves, when the universe began to expand, the meter of time increased its rate. [Similar to the concept mentioned here] 

The Gemara in Nedarim [8:2] states:
Reish Lakish states: ''In the World to Come, there will be no Gehinnom [hell]. Rather, Hashem will remove the sun from its sheath, and the righteous will be healed by it, while the wicked will be punished by it, as it says [Malachi 3:19] ''A sun will come which will burn like a furnace; all the wicked and all the evildoers will be like straw, and the sun will incinerate them... But a sun of kindness will shine for those who fear Me, with healing in its rays.''

The Abarbanel explains this verse:
''The sun performs opposite actions and, depending on the circumstances, it will burn or heal. It whitens laundry and browns the ski, it melts wax and freezes salt, and therefore, whereas the evildoers who are empty and dry like straw will be burnt, the righteous ones who are damp and moist, will be healed.''

 וְעֵת-צָרָה הִיא לְיַעֲקֹב, וּמִמֶּנָּה יִוָּשֵׁעַ
''...and it is a time of trouble unto Jacob, but out of it shall he be saved'' 

It is interesting to note that the gematria of the words ''and a time of trouble'' is 772, which equals the value of the words ''time of clarity''.  This reinforces the idea that at that time it will be a time of tzara [trouble] for the wicked, and it will conversely be a time of tzohar [clarity] for the righteous.

According to the Mayan calendar, the year 1992 is the first year of the last phase [period 20] of the final stage [13th stage] of the great cycle. It is striking to note that the year 1992 was the year תשׁנ''ב  -
5752 years from the creation of the world, which was the beginning of the time after midday Friday, [on the cosmic clock] when the special Shabbat atmosphere began to descend on the world [according to the holy Arizal]. The Mayans refer to these 20 years as the purification of the earth.  During this period, the earth will become completely purified, including the hearts of the people. Evil will be uprooted and goodness will prevail.  The cycle will culminate on the 21st of December 2012, effectively ending the characteristics of civilization as we know it.  After this, humanity will advance into a new type of civilization.

Rav Kushilevsky comments that when discussing the year 2012, one must take into consideration the wellknown fact that the Vilna Gaon considers the birth pangs of Moshiach to be of 70 years' duration.  In the same vein, there are 70 words in Psalms chapter 20 which include ''May Hashem answer you on the day of trouble''.  In the year 5702, the Holocaust began in full force and, as the Aish Kodesh wrote:  ''The terrible tragedies and horrible, unnatural deaths that the cruel Nazi beasts inflicted upon the House of Israel in the year 5702, in my scope of knowledge of the words of the sages and the Book of Chronicles, there has never before been such suffering...''

From this we infer that the year 5702 began the birth pangs of Moshaich. If we add another 70 years from 5702 in order to get to the date of the actual ''birth'', we get the year 5772 - 2012.

In this time of the ''footsteps of Moshiach'' the aspect of the mixed multitudes [Erev Rav] will be strengthened and the leaders of Israel will emerge from the Erev Rav, as it says in the holy Zohar in various places. This has proven itself true when, in recent years, the government of the State of Israel has consisted of parties and ministers who are committed to fighting against the Torah values of Israel. The Rabbis in the Talmudic tractate, Sanhedrin [98:1] discussed this: ''the kings will turn into heretics'', and as it is said in the commentary, this is also referring to the kingdom of Israel.

The sages tell us in the Talmud that this state of affairs will bring Israel to recognize that ''We have no one to lean on except our Father in Heaven'', as is evident in our days when Israel is having such difficulty fighting off our enemies. This will result in the complete return [teshuvah] of the Jewish nation to their heritage, which is the foundation of the final Redemption, ''Because Israel will only be redeemed if they return''. [Sanhedrin 97: 2]

Please note: the date of December 21, 2012 is thought to be significant by many people and religions.  But Redemption can come at any time, and we hope for Moshiach every day.  The information contained in this blog post is not a prophecy or a prediction, merely a distribution of knowledge that is currently available to us.  Things can change in the blink of an eye. [More to come on this topic, stay tuned]

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How Do We Prove that Judaism Is Not Racist?

Art: Raphael Nouril
Why Did Esther Not Refute Haman's accusations against the Jews?

by Rabbi Y. Y. Jacobson

"I wouldn't belong to a club that would have me as a member."
-- Groucho Marx

"The modern Jewish maxim is Incognito, ergo sum, 'I am invisible, therefore I am.''
-- Sidney Morganbesser.

The Case for Genocide
In the biblical book of Esther, Haman, the viceroy and second in command in the large and powerful Persian Empire, and whose defeat we celebrate on the holiday of Purim [this year Thursday, March 8th], makes a short but powerful presentation to the Persian king, Ahasuerus, attempting to persuade him to embrace his plan of Jewish genocide.

"There is a certain people," Haman says to Ahasuerus (1), "scattered abroad and dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your realm. Their laws are different from all the other nations, and they do not observe the King's laws. Therefore it is not befitting the King to tolerate them. If it pleases the King, let it be recorded that they be destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand silver talents … for deposit in the King's treasuries."

Haman's argument is straightforward and clear: Jews are different. They are alien, outsiders, an obstruction to normal society. They don't fit into the rest of the human family. They have their own faith and their own laws, which they feel are superior to the king's laws. They are a nuisance, a threat, a growth in an otherwise harmonious and integrated society. They ought to be disposed of.

The Talmud (2) records an oral tradition describing Haman's presentation in some more detail. "They don't eat from our food," Haman lamented to Ahasuerus; “they do not marry our women, and they do not marry their women to us [ironically, at this point they were both unaware that the King's wife was Jewish]. They waste the whole year, avoiding the King's work, with the excuse: Today is the Sabbath, or today is Passover."

Haman also discusses bad Jewish habits: "They eat, they drink and they mock the throne. Even if a fly falls in a glass of wine of one of them, he casts away the fly and drinks the wine. But if my master, the King, touches a glass of wine of one of them, that person throws it to the ground and does not drink it (3)."

The Jews, Haman argues, see themselves as superior to us; they will forever stand out. Who needs them?

Repeating Haman's Words
Some six centuries after Haman, these same words are repeated by Philostratus, a third-century teacher and resident of Athens and Rome, who summarizes the pagan world's perception of the Jews.

"The Jews," Philostratus wrote, "have long been in revolt not only against the Romans, but against humanity; and a race that has made its own life apart and irreconcilable, that cannot share with the rest of mankind in the pleasures of the table, nor join in their libations or prayers or sacrifices, are separated from ourselves by a greater gulf than divides us from Sura or Bactra of the more distant Indies (4)."

The same argument, in one form or another, would be repeated thousands of times throughout history. The greatest Roman historian, Tacitus, living in the first century CE, had this to say about the Jews:

"The Jews regard as profane all that we hold sacred; on the other hand, they permit all that which we abhor… toward every other people they feel only hate and enmity, they sit apart at meals and they sleep apart, and although as a race they are prone to lust, they abstain from intercourse with foreign women."

One example he mentions to describe the moral conflicts between the Romans and the Jews is worthy of note. "The Jews," Tacitus writes, "regard it as a crime to kill any newborn infant." The Romans, as the Greeks before them, killed mentally and physically handicapped infants. In their minds, keeping such children alive was pointless and unaesthetic (5).

First Lady Intervenes
Back to the Haman story of Purim. The viceroy's arguments persuade the King. A decree is issued from the Persian throne. Every Jewish man, woman and child living under Persian dominance would be exterminated on a particular date.

Then, in a delightful turn of events, the First Lady, the Jewish queen Esther, invites her husband and Haman to a drinking feast. As we recall, Esther, from all the thousands of young women who were brought from across the Empire as potential candidates for the role of queen, succeeded in gaining the affection and grace of the King. "The King loved Esther more than all the women, and she won more of his favor and grace than all other women; he set the royal crown upon her head (6)." Years later, during this wine feast, the King makes a pledge to Esther that he would fulfill every request and petition. She utilizes the opportunity to make the fateful pitch.

"If I have won Your Majesty's favor and if it pleases the King," Esther tells Ahasuerus (7), "let my life be granted to me as my request and my people as my petition. For we — I and my people — have been sold to be destroyed, slain and exterminated. Had we been sold as slaves and servant-girls, I would have kept quiet. The compensation our adversary [Haman] offers cannot be compared with the loss the king would suffer [by exterminating us, rather than selling us as slaves]."

Clearly, Esther is attempting to approach the issue from two sides, a personal one and an economical one. First, she exposes her Jewish identity. The queen is a member of the people condemned to death. Esther knows, however, that this alone may not do the trick, so she continues to discuss dollars and cents [Haman too, as recorded above, used a two-point approach in persuading the King: logic and money]. By selling the Jews as slaves, Esther argued, Ahasuerus would be profiting far more than by exterminating them. The money Haman offered him is miniscule vs. the potential profit from their sale into slavery.

The King, who never realized that Esther was Jewish, is outraged at Haman. He has his minister executed and his decree subverted. In subsequent conversations with Esther, Ahasuerus grants the Jews the right to self-defense against anybody who would dare to harm them. The entire climate in the Persian Empire toward the Jew is radically transformed. Esther's first cousin, a Jewish sage, Mordechai, is appointed viceroy, replacing Haman.

Yet, one question remains. Haman did not argue the case for Jewish extermination on the basis of senseless venomous passion. He presented what was to the King a sound and persuasive argument. The Jews, Haman argued, were an alien growth, a bizarre people, a separatist nation that would not accept the King's ultimate authority and even considered their law superior to the King's. A leader could not tolerate such a "superior group" in his empire.

This is a strong accusation. The King accepts it and as a result issues a decree demanding his subjects dispose of all the Jews — men, women and children. Yet nowhere in her entire dialogue with the King does Esther refute this argument. Why did Ahasuerus consent to the abolishment of his original plan if he believed Haman's outcry to be valid?

One might argue that Esther's charm and grace were the exclusive factors for the King's change of heart. Yet, as proved above, it is clear that Esther does not rely on this alone. That is why she presents a logical argument for slavery vs. genocide. She refutes the economic offer made by Haman by demonstrating that the king would lose money. How, then, could she ignore the powerful and persuasive argument of Haman advocating a "Judenrein" society?

What is more, Haman's accusation had some truth to it: The Jews indeed have their own set of laws which they will not break even if it contradicts the law of the King. The Jews are indeed a people who remain distinct from other nations! Esther needed to address these major issues.

When False Notions Face Reality
Some questions are canceled out via answers; some arguments refuted by counter-arguments. But there are those beliefs or notions that require neither debate nor dialogue to disprove them. Reality does the job. When reality is exposed, they dissolve into nothingness.

Haman's argument fell into this category. Esther responded to Haman's argument for Jewish genocide not by dialogue, but by her sheer presence. The moment she identified herself as a member of the Jewish people and as a product of the Jewish faith, Haman's previously attractive "thesis" vanished.

Ahasuerus knew Esther intimately. She was his wife. He sensed her soul, he touched her grace, he cherished her personality. He adored her body, her glow, her charm, and would do almost anything for her [as he explicitly told her]. He knew that Esther's character and values were noble, dignified and pure. He chose her from thousands upon thousands of young women, all of them not Jewish. Yet the king never realized that she was Jewish—a daughter of the Jewish people and a product of the Jewish faith.

When Ahasuerus suddenly discovered that she was a proud member of the Jewish people, an adherent of the Jewish faith, he immediately realized the falsehood of Haman’s arguments—not through dialogue and debate, but through Esther’s very living presence. Esther’s day-to-day life demonstrated, louder than any argument could achieve, the absurdity of Haman’s arguments that the Jews threatened society. Looking at Esther, seeing her refinement and inner beauty, and learning that this was a "product" of the Jewish people and the Jewish way of life, the King understood that this alien Nation who lived by another code, ought not to be loathed, but respected. They may be very different, but it is an otherness that elevates other nations rather than threatens them. [Leo Tolstoy wrote: "The Jew is that sacred being who has brought down from heaven the everlasting fire, and has illuminated with it the entire world (8)."] The Jew may be very different, but it is this "otherness" that has the power to inspire all of the nations of the world to live and love deeper, to encounter their individual path to G-d.

When the Persian King learnt that the royalty of Esther was a symptom of her Jewishness, he did not need to hear anything else. He got it. The last thing he needed to worry about was the Jewish people and their faith. If anything, they would prove to become the greatest blessing for his Empire. The decree was annulled.

Should We Hide?
The lesson for our times is clear. Sometimes Jews think that by hiding the “otherness” of Judaism and the Jewish people they will gain the approval of the world. Yet the facts prove otherwise: Assimilation, eclipsing the otherness of the Jewish people, has never assuaged anti-Semitism. Tradition tells us (9) that the Jews of Shushan [the capital of the Persian Empire at the time of the Purim story] were quite assimilated. Yet, this did not deter the Persian viceroy and king from believing that despite all of the Jews' compromises and attempts not to be "too Jewish," they were still strange, distinct and different.

This pattern has repeated itself in every milieu since. Never in history has assimilation solved the problem of Jew hatred. Jews in Germany were the most assimilated and integrated in mainstream society, yet it was in that very country where the worst Jew hatred in history sprouted.

Scores of great non-Jewish thinkers, sympathetic to Jews as well as to anti-Semites, saw in Jews and Judaism something different, bizarre and extraordinary. In Tolstoy's letter above he continues: "The Jew is the religious source, spring and fountain out of which all the rest of the peoples have drawn their beliefs and their religions." John Adams wrote that "the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation (8)." Friedrich Nietzsche, on the other hand, believed that the Jews introduced to the world the "slave virtues" like "pity the kind and helping hand, the warm heart, patience, industriousness, humility, friendliness," designated "for the weak and envious (10)." Hitler blamed the Jews for inventing the life-denying reality called conscience. Today, many academics and laymen believe that the Jews are responsible for the great conflict in today’s world.

As much as we attempt to run from our identity as Jews, the non-Jewish world reminds us of who we are and where we came from. The non-Jew senses that since the day the Jew stood at Sinai, he or she has been different.

The solution for the Jewish people is therefore not to deny its otherness. That will never work. Rather, the Jew ought to embrace his or her Jewishness, and just like Esther, be proud with the lifestyle and moral ethic of Torah. When we learn how to embrace our otherness with love and grace, rather than with shame and guilt, it will become a source of admiration and inspiration for all of humanity.

Just like Esther, the presence of a Jew who is permeated by the love and dignity of Torah and Mitzvos—speaks for itself. The grace of a true Torah Jew, the integrity, the innocence, the discipline, the modesty, the moral code, the sensitivity to all that is noble and dignified in life, the love for man and G-d which Torah inculcates in the Jew, the majesty of a Shabbat table and the depth of Torah wisdom—all these refute the arguments of Haman more than debate can ever hope to achieve.

Reb Chaim of Volozhin once remarked: "If a Jew doesn't make Kiddush [to sanctify himself by maintaining a distinctly Jewish lifestyle], then the non-Jew will make Havdalah for him [by making the Jew realize he is truly different]."

Israel, for example, will never succeed portraying itself to the world as “a regular country.” Its choice is either to run from its destiny or to embrace it, and thus become a source of pride for the entire world.

[This essay is based on a talk delivered by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Purim 5729; March 4, 1969 (11)]

To view the footnotes click here

Australia East Coast: Rains, Floods and Evacuations

The Murrumbidgee River is rising and threatening to breech levy banks and flood the city. A view of North Wagga
showing houses under more than a metre of water. Picture: Brad Newman Source Daily Telegraph
The flood crisis gripping huge swaths of the eastern states was likely to last for weeks, emergency services warned yesterday as evacuations continued for thousands of residents and consumers were told to brace for fruit and vegetable price hikes.

Read more: Wave of Destruction Hits