Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Global March to Jerusalem: Updated: with Torah Codes

What is the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ)?

GMJ, scheduled for March 30, 2012, is an anti-Israel publicity stunt that aims to have a million people marching on Israel’s borders from all the surrounding countries – Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt – with the aim of reaching Jerusalem. Concurrently, demonstrations are planned in the Palestinian-administrated territories and against Israel’s diplomatic missions in major cities throughout the world.

Who is organizing GMJ?

The organizers of GMJ are made up of members of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, far-left extremist groups and are backed by the Iranian government.

What are the objectives of GMJ?

Official statements of the organizers of GMJ attempt to portray the movement as a peaceful protest aimed at highlighting the so-called “Judaization of Jerusalem”.

More at: Algemeiner


  1. I am convinced we're in the days of mashiach:

    All the Arab countries plus the following and more will be 'marching' to Jerusalem:

    Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, Bahrain, Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Japan, Turkey, Australia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Holland, UK, Canada, USA and others

  2. "Behold, I will gather ALL the gentiles against Jerusalem to battle....."! (Zechariah 14)

  3. The thing I cannot help but to think is if it's spelled out for us so obviously, then why do the rabbi's not scream it form the roof tops, already?

  4. so the prediction from rosh hashana from rav shalom arush dream of rabbi yehuda zev leibowitz
    will be coming true also its 1 months time from amnon yitzchak

    more info read blog

  5. Leah: I don't know if you remember that story of the Baal Shem Tov, where it says that before Moshiach, rabbis will be Impeding the Redemption

  6. It's not just the rabbi's impeding it. Don't you feel the resistance? The yetzer is on the move right now. At Purim I felt such holiness and now I feel the oppressive hand of the yetzer on me, trying to equivocate and justify why I should put off reciting tehillim or running to do a mitzvah. You'd think we'd all be manic right now knowing what we do about what's on our horizen. It's not the case. I am struggling.

  7. Anonymous said...

    I am convinced we're in the days of mashiach:

    All the Arab countries plus the following and more will be 'marching' to Jerusalem:

    Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, Bahrain, Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Japan, Turkey, Australia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Holland, UK, Canada, USA and others

    It is wrong to lump everyone together like that. I am Canadian and I don't plan to march on Jerusalem -I belong to the majority. There are palestinian supporters in every nation -even among Jews !!

    It would be nice (not compulsory) to acknowledge those who have unconditional love for the Jewish people but if not they should not be lumped together with those who hate them.

  8. Dear anonymous: Nobody lumped you in. It was listed on the website just like that. What did you want me to do, say "some" people in Malaysia, "some" people in Indonesia, "some" people in Canada. Don't be so defensive, please. Your government until recently has not been a friend of Israel. It is well known nations are punished for the sins of their leaders because who but the citizens of a country elect their leaders and give them the power to lead?

  9. To anonymous: those of us from different countries who are quite and are not speaking up against our nations' attack on Israel are just not there. if we don't speak up, only the voice of those radicals is heard and they are the ones who have all the power to start wars and they will do so.
    I am wondering if people in Israel are considering to to put signs on the borders saying:
    Hands off Israel!
    Or Jihadist-Crusader war-mongers don't even dream about occupying Israel again!


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