Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Dream Message

The following was related to Rabbi Uri Silver [a rebbi at Rabbi Senter’s yeshiva] by Rebbitzin Wolbe on February 29th 2012.  [This story has been verified via Nava at Dreaming of Moshiach, who called Rebbetzin Wolbe to confirm details]

Three months earlier Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe [author of the Alei Shor and the leading Mashgiach of the last generation] appeared in a dream to his granddaughter. He was very excited and animated - which she mentioned was uncharacteristic for Rav Wolbe who always spoke in a very controlled and measured manner. He was speaking very quickly and was looking upwards [also uncharacteristic] and he said that "Mashiach is ready to come, if people would be “concerned for their friends like they are concerned for themselves” then Mashiach will come immediately."

Rebbetizin Wolbe mentioned that it is a mitzva to publicize this dream!


  1. Awesome!

    I was zoche to see Rav Wolbe ZT"L once and I own both volumes of Alei Shur.

    A daunting but doable task. May we have the will to accomplish it.

  2. The two common rules to live by to guard against idolatry and adultery: Live and let live, don't do to others what you don't want others do to you.

  3. Please continue to daven for Chaim Yosef Meir ben Miriam Henya!!

  4. Wish Chaim Yosef Meir a speedy and full recovery.

  5. Tzvi Bar-Rashbi: I think that anytime we blog a date, it is guaranteed that Moshiach will not come on that date.

    Tomorrow is March 21, exactly 9 months before Dec 21, when the world is supposed to change.

    There is also a line-up of planets, and predictions of a major earthquake, which may or may not happen.

    Geula will happen when we least expect it. Probably when the internet is down due to some kind of world collapse, and there are no blogs to read.

  6. blogs like this is what reaches out to many in countries where there are no jews or jewish teaching. things that are happening around us can get so depressing that we may even forget about mosiach. its these discussions that keep reminding us that the mosiach will come and solve all our problems. it may be late but definitely not later than the 6000 years given. and according to r winston, the resurrection of the dead must happen some years before 6000 . so whatever said even though we dont know the exact time, we do know its soon, either on merit or otherwise. even if late we dont give up hope. because we are reminded by these writings which are quoted from the holy tzaddiks. its reading this that strengtens our emuna.

  7. if not this pesach, the next and the next. we dont give up or stop waiting. what we feel may the most difficult time in civilisation and when he is needed most may not be so actually. only Hashem KNows the most critica l time we need him. and he will come.
    in His Mercy Hashem has given a time frame. so we know whether we deserve it or not, it will be within that time fram e and that is not too long to wait either.

  8. Wonderful blog Devorah. It renews my hope after being away from it.

  9. Unfortunatelly todays dreams is not coming from prohecies at all, but comes from thinking of certain things, news, etc. A person might think of Moshiah for example 6 month before he dreams of it.

  10. That's a very general outlook Moshe. Some people do have prophetic dreams. If you ever have one, you will see that such a dream is totally different from the general random dreams we all have. It will occur in the early hours of the morning, just before you wake up, and you will never forget it.

  11. I never saw dreams :o), I don't know is it good or not? But I heard this statement for Pele Yoets

  12. thats talking about a regular dream. not when you dream with a true tzadik ,or the beis hamikdosh,etc

  13. yes, you are right. may this dream of tsaddik become true and bring Moshiah ASP


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