Friday, November 13, 2015

Rabbi Rules on Moshiach

Rabbi Shlomo Amar, former Chief Rabbi of Israel who now serves as Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, made a ruling that Hashem must hasten the coming of Moshiach and the ultimate redemption. He did so at the request of Russia's Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar during a late night farbrengen gathering at the small shul of 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, NY, on Sunday night.


Also see:  Geula Update from Rav Berger


  1. To no avail mamash. As long as the Rabbinate and influential rabbis do not encourage the taking over of The Temple Mount, the heart of Am Yisrael, Mashiach won't be revealed.

    1. If that was true, I doubt if Rav Kanievsky would be telling Rav Shteinman not to leave Eretz Yisrael as Moshiach could come any minute. The trouble with writing things like that is that it causes people to lose hope, and that is not beneficial to anyone.

    2. 120n you unfortunately have a HUGE mistake. I'm sure that you mean good, but it is common knowledge amongst jews though all generations that must NOT take any drastic measures to hasten Moshiach's arrival. Moshiach WILL come when Hashem wills it so. Forcing yourself onto the Temple Mount will only make his arrival more troublesome!

      Look at ALL of the mainstream truly frum Gedolim, and you will get your answer.


    3. Anonymous - we need to do as much hishtadlut as possible including making aliyah and telling the world that the temple mount is ours and we control access. Many "frum jews"are sitting in Brooklyn waiting for Moshiach - this is false emunah. By the same token many "frum Jews" do not want anything to do with the Temple Mount because for 2000 years all we had was Torah. So now they want to implant the Torah of Galut into Eretz Yisrael again false emunah. If we truly longed for redemption we'd be going up to the Mount in the thousands. As a start lets eliminate the Torah of Galus from Eretz Yisrael

  2. Mashiach won't come if the abomination of desolation is stilll on The Temple Mount.

    1. everything can change in the blink of an eye.

  3. I think that people who call out for mashiach now are absolutly in denial about that actualy means. Do u mean to say u are 100 percent certain u can survive 100 percent strict judgement ... from plague famine and war the likes of which the world has never even imagined. It took the loss of 60 percent of jews to get israel . It would take 80 for a leader that can unite us

    1. Y: That is a very pessimistic view of things.

    2. The Rebbe cared for every Jew, and told us how the arrival of Moshiach would alleviate suffering, not only of Jews, but of all humanity.

      Unless you are a REALLY bad person, your fears are groundless.

  4. Rav Kanievsky has the perception of wonderings of Mashiach and the possibilities arising from that. He accurately predicted the coming of Mashiach at the end of Shemitah year 5775, when Mashiach has to go to the Golden Gate to start from there The Day of Judgment on Rosh Hashanah 5776. Now Mashiach isn't in Yisrael, he couldn't be somewhere where is violance to such extent that is in Yisrael at the present.

  5. Keep it in mind that Mashiach is a man of peace, he couldn't come until the birth-pangs of Mashiach are consumed. We can see that they just started on 13 September 2015.

  6. It has already been written that the Geulah will not affect the Yehudim that much; but the wars will be between Esav & Yishmael and they are warring in Syria (shetach Yisrael) where there are B'H no Yehudim at this time. But when the war of GogUmaGog takes place, we pray most Jews will have done teshuvah and no harm will come to any Yehudi. The good must come to pass, but the bad need not and that is up to us. Awaiting and anticipating Moshiach's coming is one of the basic principles for the Jew to believe in and pray for; it is the reason for the Creation where the world will at last know and accept that there is only H', Ein Od Milvado!

  7. Whether Moshiach is revealed now or later, we should still prepare and improve ourselves now, so we are ready

  8. @12on

    Chazal tell us that Masiach will come. and then after that the Muslims will repent and recognize Jewish sovereignty. So therefore it is likely that Masiach comes whilst the mosques exist, then after that the Temple is rebuilt.
    Chodesh Tov and Shabbat Shalom

  9. Id rather be a pessamist than delliusional. In egypt jew intermarried nor feared to give thier child a brit , they.had merit ... we have self.haterd and self.loathing. good luck being united and feeling unity with those jews that love thier enemies more than thier fellow jews.a stronger.furnace than required for.that type of unity building . Its called a neutron bomb over thier heads ..

  10. Mashiach will be a man of peace as much as King David was a man of peace. We're experiencing contractions. Everyone has his or her idea of how things should go. Trials are coming literally one after another. The nations are arrogant, emboldened including America. They are no longer embarrassed to appear to judge Israel by different standards, to appear antisemitic, to side with murderers. G-d is a G-d of justice. Have you seen what is happening in Europe? Divine Retribution! We have to be patient. Hashem is working for out benefit. Giving us time to do T'shuva. Let's do it!

  11. @joshwaxman

    Chazal tell us that the descendants of Yishmael will acknowledge the spiritual superiority fo Jews when Mashiach comes, as Yishmael did to Yaacov and Yitzhak's funeral.


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